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Whether you're trekking, hiking or mountaineering, you'll always look good in our great outdoor clothing for men. To guarantee you a fit adapted to every adventure, we prioritize functionality, quality and precision of fit. This is the only way for you to be perfectly equipped at all times.

Qu'est-ce qui fait vraiment un bon vêtement de plein air ? 

To be able to enjoy all sports activities in the open air, it is essential to choose the best outdoor clothing. The range of outdoor clothing for men is almost unlimited. But apart from the visual aspect, other criteria play an important role:

  • La fonctionnalité,
  • La précision de la coupe,
  • un maximum de respirabilité
  • et la protection contre l'humidité,

if your hike will be a success or a failure. The ethical components also play a crucial role.

So that you can enjoy your adventures in the air with full awareness of the cause, we focus on 100% sustainable and equitable production for our collections. The result is the best: for you, for others and for the environment.

De quels vêtements de plein air a-t-on besoin ?

The cold, the frost, the humidity and the wind require different types of clothing in the open air. The oignon technique has always made its mark.

  1. Le site couche inférieure forme une couche respirante Sous-vêtements en mérinosquiévacue l'humidité de manière fiable et te procure une sensation agréable. Ce produit naturel qui sèche rapidement assure un confort maximal, régule la température et est antibactérien.

  2. The second layer of outdoor clothing for men must be made of breathable materials to ensure good regulation of humidity and temperature. In particular, these are our softshell pants and hauts in high quality canvas.

  3. A veste de pluie hardshell, des chaussettes de randonnée Des chaussures de randonnée devraient également faire faire partie de l'équipement de base. également guêtres pour la randonnée ne devraient pas manquer dans tes bagages. 

Des vêtements de plein air pour toutes les saisons

If you have confidence in ALPIN LOACKER's functional and high-quality full-air jackets, you are equipped for all situations.

Our range of Mérinos high quality linen is designed to be used all year round. Thanks to its thermo-regulating properties and its exceptional durability, you are equipped to cope with all kinds of weather.

The garments do not absorb odors, absorb quickly and are therefore perfect for multi-day hikes. This makes it possible to save bags and important resources. In terms of durability, too, this certified natural product clearly has a long service life.

Notre site Articles de randonnée pour hommes sont produits de manière écologique et 100 % sans substances nocives. The well-being of animals is also at the center of our concerns. We firmly reject mulesing. Instead of this, we rely exclusively on the use of 100% indolent mineral linseed. 

Quels sont les vêtements de plein air les plus appropriés en hiver ? 

  1. In winter, a long coat as a base layer has made its mark. It protects you effectively from the cold and gives you unparalleled comfort.
  2. Underneath, you can wear our durable softshell pants that protect you effectively from the wind and humidity.
  3. Depending on the temperature outside and the rhythm you choose, you can wear a shirt with sleeves or a long-sleeved shirt under the shirt.
  4. La veste isolante pour hommes te procure une chaleur agréable et un confort optimal sous la veste hardshell imperméable.
  5. Les gants thermiques ultralégers et confortables offrent une protection parfaite pour tes mains.
  6. In case of extreme temperatures, you must also keep an eye on your feet so that the frost on the ground cannot get to you. Extra-high ski boots are particularly well adapted to this effect, as they not only save you heat, but also provide additional amortization.

You'll be perfectly equipped in the winter - without getting cold and without getting sweaty. 

What are the garments adapted to the weather?

In summer too, the weather can throw up a few surprises. Traditional men's trekking clothing can therefore very quickly reach its limits. After all, no-one will want to be out in the rain.

Notre site Pantalons de randonnée Softshell et vestes de pluie Hardshell possèdent, tout comme nos textiles fonctionnels en laine mérinos, des propriétés de régulation de la température et une excellente protection contre l'humidité.

L'ensemble de la collection t'offre un excellent climat corporel pour toutes les facettes de l'été. 

Comment trouver la bonne taille ? 

Nos vêtements outdoor pour hommes se distinguent par un maximum de confort et de précision. To find the right fit, you can simply base your choice on your waist size. Celle-ci corresponds to our indications.

Quelle est la meilleure façon de laver mes vêtements de randonnée ? 

The good news to start with: all men's hiking clothing made from premium quality linen does not really absorb odors thanks to its antibacterial properties. You should therefore wash them less often than other materials.

  • If your tenue is in need of lavage, it is preferable to choose a delicate or neutral lavage cycle and to use a lessive pour laine au pH neutre.
  • Ensuite, il suffit de secouer la laine et de la suspendre.

Thanks to their quick-change properties, our outer garments for men made of linen are ready to be repaired in no time at all (without repassage).

The functional garments in other materials are washed preferably with the outdoor program. You can also choose the delicate wash cycle. If possible, only use the corresponding outdoor lessive.

Où puis-je acheter des vêtements d'extérieur pour hommes ? 

You trouveras des vêtements d'extérieur de qualité et à la mode pour hommes dans notre boutique en ligne et sur Amazon. N'hésite pas à consulter notre Outdoor Outlet dans notre boutique en ligne. Nous y avons toujours des offres intéressantes à te proposer.