Alpin Loacker Outdoor Online Shop from Austria. Everything for your mountain friends

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 150,000+ satisfied clients 💪 Équipement premium depuis 1993 💚

We are a sponsor of Golden Goal Biking | Alpin Loacker

At ALPIN LOACKER, we are not only passionate outdoor enthusiasts, but also proud supporters of inspiring projects. Today we want to tell you about our exciting partnership with Golden Goal Biking. These two brave guys, Felix Michalski from...

    Entretenir et nettoyer les chaussures de randonnée comme un professionnel

    Nettoyer les chaussures de randonnée n'est pas forcément votre activité préférée ? Compréhensible! But thanks to the following tips and tricks, you can clean your hiking boots in cuir quickly and effortlessly. Vous pouvez...

      Douleur au genou après une randonnée : causes et conseils

      A hike must first and foremost do one thing: challenge your body, your spirit and your soul. In the midst of an intact nature, we find peace and can isolate ourselves from the turbulent world that...

        Ascension du Grossglockner : 6 superbes itinéraires vers le sommet

        The ascent of the Grossglockner is without a doubt one of the most spectacular adventures and the dream of all alpinists. At an altitude of 3,798 m, it offers a considerable size and plenty of space for climbing and...

          Crossing the Alps: routes & tips for transalpine hiking

          Crossing the Alps on foot is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular hiking experiences. Those who master this adventure return home with a completely different view of the world. No wonder! After all, you are on the move for days or even weeks and completely...

            Imprégner une veste de pluie, c'est facile : instructions incluses

            Whether it's early or late, every air conditioning enthusiast asks: "How do you make a new waterproof jacket? " A little later, when the underwear is muffled, a solution...

              Faire de la randonnée avec des enfants : Liste de colisage, itinéraires et conseils ✓

              Hiking with children can be a great time for everyone. But for this, you need good preparation and, of course, an adapted itinerary. So that you can make the most of the time spent...

                Randonnée avec un chien : préparation, équipement & itinéraire ✓

                When you share your life with a dog, you have a completely different vision of nature. This mutual trust and this unique bond are equally evident when walking with a dog. In...

                  Nettoyer sa gourde en toute simplicité : instructions incluses

                  You want to clean your gourd but you don't know how? Thanks to these trucs et astuces, you can give a new sparkle to your bottle in no time at all. Nous vous expliquons...