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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 150,000+ satisfied clients 💪 Équipement premium depuis 1993 💚

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The gourdes in stainless steel are part of the basic equipment for hiking, mountaineering and all activities in the open air. They give you maximum independence and freedom - after all, you never know if and when you'll be able to get off the trail.

Gourdes en acier inoxydable de Alpin Loacker are the ideal companions and give you more flexibility for your trail. Thanks to their low weight, they slip easily into any bag à dos. Sac à dos de randonnée.

Chez nous, tu trouveras différents modèles : Qu'elles be soient isolées, grandes ou petites, nos bouteilles en acier inoxydable sont légères, adaptées au contact alimentaire, neutres au goût et 100 % sans substances nocives .

À quoi dois-je faire attention lorsque j'achète une gourde en acier inoxydable ?

In order for you to benefit from your gift for a long time, you must pay attention to the following factors during the purchase:

1. qualité du matériau

There are stainless steel dishes like the sable à la mer. But only a good gourd will meet your needs and accompany you reliably on your hikes. The high quality stainless steel ECO Robust cookware is not only extremely light and waterproof, but it is also adapted for contact with food and does not contain any toxic substances.

You can therefore enjoy your food in good conscience, without any unpleasant surprises. The long service life of the high-quality metal models is also an argument in their favor.

2ème poids

You can recognize a good gourde in stainless steel by its low weight. This is extremely important for your hikes, because every gram counts. Nos gourdes en acier inoxydable 304 robuste te garantissent une longévité maximale pour un poids minimal.

  • Our gourde en acier inoxydable ne pèse que 190 grammes.
  • Les gourdes isothermes sont un peu plus lourdes (397 g), mais elles sont en outre isolées et donc idéales pour les boissons froides en été et les boissons chaudes en hiver.

3. l'isolation

There are different models of stainless steel gas flues: with or without additional insulation. The insulated hotplates are also known as isothermal hotplates. They are intended to be used all year round.

  • In été, they will serve you free of charge for up to 24 hours.
  • In the winter, an isothermal stainless steel bottle guarantees a hot meal for 12 hours.

If you want your food to always be at the right temperature, our isothermal bouquets are exactly what you need. On the other hand, if the weight of your cookware is more important, we recommend that you use our "normal" cookware in stainless steel, as it is lighter than its double-walled counterparts.

4. sécurité anti-fuite

During a hike, the stability is irrefutable. This also applies to a good stainless steel handle. That's why absolute safety against fires is an absolute priority. Our cookers are equipped with a silicone safety joint and a durable bamboo cover. Everything stays in place.

5. taille et capacité

In our range, you will find stainless steel jugs in different sizes: 500 ml, 750 ml and 1 liter. The smaller isothermal bottle has a capacity of 350 ml and is particularly suitable for children thanks to its integrated bowl. So you'll always have the right drink to hand, whatever your diet.

6. design

The design of a good stainless steel gourd must be primarily: intemporel, practical and yet elegant. Tous ces composants sont réunis dans nos modèles.

What are the advantages of stainless steel gourdes for open-air activities?

The longevity and resistance to rupture are extremely important, especially in the open air. In fact, it gets messy en route. Traditional bottles can then reach their limits.

  • The plastic and glass models are easy to handle and do not guarantee food at the right temperature.
  • The durability and sanitary aspect of plastic bottles are also rather questionable.

Les gourdes en acier inoxydable sont garanties sans BPA, plastifiants et autres substances nocives pour la santé.

Nous aimerions te présenter ici nos Boîte à lunch en acier inoxydable Elle permet te permet non seulement d'emballer ta boisson en toute sécurité, mais aussi d'emporter quelque chose à manger.

Une gourde en acier inoxydable est-elle adaptée aux boissons gazeuses ?

You should not use a stainless steel gourd for hot drinks, as the joint cannot withstand long-term pressure. As time goes by, the bottle will lose its resistance to the pressure.

Quelle est la meilleure façon de nettoyer les gourdes en acier inoxydable ?

Nos bouteilles en acier inoxydable peuvent être nettoyées au lave-vaisselle.

  • You can clean them without any problems in the washing machine.
  • You can also nettoyer ta bouteille sous l'eau courante à l'aide d'une brosse à bouteille grâce à sa grande ouverture.
  • ou le rincer à l'eau chaude.

Le bouchon en bois de bambou durable doit être nettoyé exclusivement à la main.

Can you use the dishes for chaud or frosty bites?

Une bouteille isotherme est isolée par une double paroi et convient aux boissons chaudes et froides. It keeps your choice of food for up to 24 hours cold and 12 hours cold. It is particularly ideal for long hikes in winter and winter.

Les gourdes en acier inoxydable sont-elles neutres au niveau du goût ?

As we use 100% ECO stainless steel of the highest quality for our stainless steel dishes, each Alpin Loacker dish is suitable for food and is therefore absolutely neutral in terms of taste.