Protection of data
Déclaration de confidentialité
Table des matières
- Introduction et aperçu
- Champ d'application
- Bases juridiques
- Coordonnées du responsable
- Durée de stockage
- Rights under the RGPD
- Transfer of data to third countries
- Sécurité du traitement des données
- Communication
- Cookies
- Hébergement web
- Politique de confidentialité du pixel Facebook
- Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Analytics
- Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Tag Manager
- Marketing par e-mail
- Marketing en ligne
- Google Ads (Google AdWords) Déclaration de confidentialité Conversion-Tracking
- Plate-forme de gestion du consentement des cookies
- Supplier de paiement
- Klarna Checkout Déclaration de confidentialité
- Déclaration de confidentialité Stripe
- Déclaration de confidentialité de Sofortüberweisung
- Médias sociaux
- Déclaration de confidentialité Facebook
- Déclaration de confidentialité Instagram
- Déclaration de confidentialité LinkedIn
- Déclaration de confidentialité SoundCloud
- Déclaration de confidentialité YouTube
- Déclaration de confidentialité de Google reCAPTCHA
Introduction et aperçu
Nous avons rédigé la présente déclaration de protection des données (version 06.09.2021-111824947) afin de vous fournir, conformément aux dispositions de la Règlement général sur la protection des données (UE) 2016/679 et des lois nationales applicables pour expliquer quelles données à caractère personnel (en abrégé données) nous traitons en tant que responsables - et les sous-traitants que nous avons mandatés (par ex. access providers) - what data will be processed in the future and what are the legitimate options available to you. The terms used must be understood in a neutral manner in terms of gender.
In short, we will inform you in detail about the data we process on your behalf.
Data protection declarations are generally very technical and use legal terms. The purpose of this data protection declaration is to describe the most important things to you as simply and transparently as possible. To the extent that this favors transparency, technical information is used, including easy-to-read terms, links to additional information and graphics. We also inform you, in clear and simple language, that we do not process personal data in the context of our commercial activities unless there is a legal basis for doing so. This is certainly not possible by providing explanations that are as succinct, obscure and technico-legal as possible, as is often the case on the Internet when it comes to data protection. I hope that you will find the following explanations interesting and informative and that you may find some information that you do not yet know.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact the responsible service mentioned below or in the legal notices, to read the existing links and to consult additional information on third-party sites. You will find our terms and conditions in the legal notices.
Champ d'application
This data protection declaration applies to all personal data that we process within the company and to all personal data that we process through companies mandated by us (subcontractors). By personal data, we mean information within the meaning of article 4, point 1, of the RGPD, such as the name, electronic address and postal address of a person. The processing of personal data allows us to offer and invoice our services and products, whether on-line or off-line. The scope of application of the present declaration of confidentiality comprises
- toutes les présences en ligne (sites web, boutiques en ligne) que nous exploitons
- the social media sites and communication by e-mail
- applications mobiles pour smartphones et autres appareils
In brief: The data protection declaration applies to all areas in which personal data is processed in a structured manner within the company by means of the channels mentioned. If we enter into a legal relationship with you in connection with these channels, we will inform you separately, if necessary.
Bases juridiques
In the following data protection declaration, we provide you with transparent information on the principles and legal provisions, i.e. the legal bases of the RGPD, which allow us to process personal data.
With regard to EU law, we refer to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE CONSTITUTION of 27 April 2016. You are welcome to consult this fundamental EU regulation on the protection of data in ligne on EUR-Lex, access to EU law, at à lire.
Nous ne traitons vos données que si au moins une des conditions suivantes est remplie:
- Consent (article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the RGPD) : Vous nous avez donné votre consentement pour traiter des données dans un but précis. An example would be the registration of the data you have stored in a contact form.
- Contrat (article 6, paragraphe 1, point b) du RGPD) : Afin d'exécuter un contrat ou des obligations précontractuelles avec vous, nous traitons vos données. For example, if we conclude a contract of sale with you, we need your personal data in advance.
- Obligation légale (article 6, paragraphe 1, point c) du RGPD) : Lorsque nous sommes soumis à une obligation légale, nous traitons vos données. For example, we are required by law to keep accounting records. These generally contain personal data.
- Legitimate interests (article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the RGPD): In the case of legitimate interests that do not affect your fundamental rights, we reserve the right to process personal data. For example, we must process certain data in order to be able to use our website in a secure and economically efficient manner. This processing therefore constitutes a legitimate interest.
Generally speaking, we do not comply with other conditions such as the taking of photographs in the public interest and the exercise of public authority, as well as the protection of vital interests. If such a legal basis should nevertheless be relevant, it is indicated in the appropriate place.
In addition to EU regulations, national laws also apply:
- In Switzerland, it is a matter of the Federal Law on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data(Data Protection Law), or LPD for short.
- In Germany, the Federal Data Protection Act, or BDSG for short, applies.
If other regional or national laws apply, we will inform you in the following paragraphs.
Coordonnées du responsable
Si vous avez des questions concernant la protection des données, vous trouverez ci-dessous les coordonnées de la personne ou du service responsable :
Walgaustrasse 33
A - 6833 Klaus
Représentant légal de la société : Felix Loacker
Mentions légales :
Durée de stockage
The fact that we do not store personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products is a general criterion for us. This means that we suppress personal data as soon as the reason for processing the data no longer exists. In some cases, we are legally obliged to retain certain data even after the initial finalization has been deleted, for example for accounting purposes.
If you wish your data to be deleted or if you revoke your consent to the processing of the data, the data will be deleted as quickly as possible and to the extent that there is no obligation to retain them.
We will inform you more extensively about the duration of each data processing operation, as long as we have more information on this subject.
Rights under the RGPD
Conformément à l'article 13 du RGPD, vous disposz des droits suivants afin de garantir un traitement équitable et transparent des données :
- In accordance with article 15 of the RGPD, you have a right of access to know whether we are processing the data concerning you. If this is the case, you have the right to receive a copy of the data and to access the following information:
- la finalité du traitement ;
- les catégories, c'est-à-dire les types de données traitées ;
- qui reçoit ces données et, si les données sont transmises à des pays tiers, comment la sécurité peut être garantie ;
- la durée de conservation des données ;
- l'existence d'un droit de rectification, d'effacement ou de limitation du traitement et d'un droit d'opposition au traitement ;
- que vous pouvez déposer une plainte auprès d'une autorité de contrôle (vous trouverez des liens vers ces autorités ci-dessous) ;
- l'origine des données si nous ne les avons pas collectées auprès de vous ;
- si le profilage est effectué, c'est-à-dire si les données sont analysées automatiquement pour aboutir à un profil personnel de vous.
- In accordance with article 16 of the RGPD, you have the right to have your data rectified, which means that we must rectify the data if you find any errors.
- In accordance with article 17 of the RGPD, you have a right to deletion ("right of omission"), which means in concrete terms that you can request the suppression of your data.
- In accordance with article 18 of the RGPD, you have the right to limit the processing, which means that we can only conserve the data, but that we can no longer use them.
- In accordance with article 19 of the RGPD, you have the right to the portability of data, which means that we will provide you with your data in a format on demand.
- Conformément à l'article 21 du RGPD, vous disposz d'un droit d'opposition qui, une fois appliqué, entraîne une modification du traitement.
- If the processing of your data is based on article 6, paragraph 1, point e) (public interest, exercise of public authority) or on article 6, paragraph 1, point f) (legitimate interest), you may oppose the processing. We will then examine as quickly as possible whether we can legally accept this opposition.
- If your data is used for direct marketing purposes, you may object to this type of processing at any time. Nous ne pourrons alors plus utiliser vos données à des fins de marketing direct.
- If the data is used for profiling purposes, you can oppose this type of processing at any time. As a result, we can no longer use your data for profiling purposes.
- In accordance with article 22 of the RGPD, you have the right, in certain circumstances, not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing (e.g. profiling).
In short: You have your rights - do not hesitate to contact the service responsible listed below!
If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection legislation or that your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria, it is the data protection authority, whose website is accessible at the following address: https: // vuverez. In Germany, there is a data protection delegate for each country. For more information, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI). The following local data protection authority is competent for our company:
Autriche Autorité de protection des données
Responsable : Andrea Jelinek, docteur en droit
Address : Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienne
Numéro de téléphone +43 1 52 152-0
Adresse électronique : [email protected]
Site web :
Transfer of data to third countries
Nous ne transférons ou ne traitons des données en dehors de l'UE (pays tiers) que si vous consentez à ce traitement, si la loi l'exige ou si cela est nécessaire sur le plan contractuel et, dans tous les cas, uniquement dans la mesure où cela est généralement autorisé. In the majority of cases, your consent is the main reason why we process data in third countries. The processing of personal data in third countries such as the United States, where many software publishers provide services and where their service providers are located, may mean that personal data is processed and stored in an inappropriate manner.
We expressly draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. The processing of data by American services (such as Google Analytics) may result in the data not being processed and registered anonymously. In addition, the American governmental authorities may possibly have access to certain data. In addition, the data collected may be associated with data from other services of the same provider, provided that you have a corresponding user account. As far as possible, we aim to use the services located in the EU, if this is proposed.
We will inform you in more detail about the transfer of data to third countries, if applicable, in accordance with the terms of this data protection declaration.
Sécurité du traitement des données
In order to protect personal data, we have implemented technical and organizational measures. Where possible, we encrypt or pseudonymize personal data. Thus, within the limits of our possibilities, it is as difficult as possible for third parties to extract personal information from our data.
Article 25 of the RGPD refers to the "protection of data by technical design and by parameters by default respecting private life" and means that we always pay attention to security and that we take the necessary measures, both for the logic (e.g. the forms) and for the material (e.g. access to the service room). If necessary, we will go further into the specific measures.
Cryptage TLS avec https
TLS, cryptage and https are very technical and they really are. We use HTTPS (the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure means "secure hypertext transfer protocol") to transmit data over the Internet without the risk of interception.
This means that the complete transmission of all data from your browser to our web server is secure - no one can "scout" it.
We have thus introduced an additional layer of security and have satisfied data protection requirements thanks to the technical design. Article 25, paragraphe 1 du RGPD). The use of TLS (Transport Layer Security), a cryptographic protocol for the secure transmission of data over the Internet, allows us to guarantee the protection of confidential data.
Vous reconnaissez l'utilisation de cette sécurization de la transmission de données au petit symbole de cadenas en haut à gauche du navigateur, à gauche de l'adresse Internet (p. ex. et l'utilisation du schéma https (au lieu de http) comme partie de notre adresse Internet.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le cryptage, nous vous recommandons d'utiliser la recherche Google "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure wiki" pour obtenir de bons liens vers des informations complémentaires.
Résumé de la communication 👥 Personnes concernées : toutes les personnes qui communiquent avec nous par téléphone, par e-mail ou par formulaire en ligne. 📓 Données traitées : par ex. numéro de téléphone, nom, adresse e-mail, données de formulaire saisies. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans le type de contact utilisé. 🤝 Finalité : traitement de la communication avec les clients, les partenaires commerciaux, etc. 📅 Durée de conservation : durée de la transaction commerciale et des prescriptions légales. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. b RGPD (contrat), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
If you contact us and communicate by telephone, e-mail or online form, personal data may be processed.
Les données sont traitées pour la gestion et le traitement de votre question et de la transaction commerciale correspondante. Les données sont conservées pendant la même durée ou aussi longtemps que la loi l'exige.
Personnes concernées
All persons wishing to contact us through the means of communication that we make available to them are concerned by the processes mentioned.
When you call us, the call data is registered pseudonymously on the terminal concerned and with the telecommunications operator used. In addition, data such as the name and telephone number can then be sent by e-mail and registered in order to respond to the request. The data will be deleted as soon as the transaction is completed and the legal provisions permit.
When you communicate with us by e-mail, the data may be registered on the terminal concerned (device, portable device, smartphone, etc.) and there is a stockpile of data on the messaging service provider. The data will be deleted as soon as the transaction is completed and the legal requirements allow it.
Formulaires en ligne
If you communicate with us by means of an online form, the data will be registered on our web server and, if necessary, sent to an e-mail address on our part. The data will be deleted as soon as the transaction is completed and if the legal provisions allow it.
Bases légales
The processing of data is based on the following legal principles:
- Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consent) : Vous nous autorizez à enregistrer vos données et à les utiliser à des fins commerciales ;
- Art. 6, paragraph 1, point b) of the RGPD (contract) : Il est nécessaire d'exécuter un contrat avec vous ou avec un sous-traitant, tel que l'opérateur téléphonique, ou nous devons traiter les données pour des activités précontractuelles, telles que la préparation d'un devis ;
- Article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD (legitimate interests): We want to handle client demands and commercial communication within a professional framework. In order to do this, certain technical equipment, such as electronic messaging programs, exchange servers and mobile telephone operators, are necessary for the efficient management of communication.
Cookies Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : dépend du cookie en question. Vous trouverez plus de détails ci-dessous ou auprès du fabricant du logiciel qui place le cookie. 📓 Données traitées : En fonction du cookie utilisé. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet ci-dessous ou chez le fabricant du logiciel qui place le cookie. 📅 Duration of storage: depending on the cookie used, it can vary from a few hours to several hours. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consent), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Que sont les cookies ?
Our website uses HTTP cookies to register specific data for the user.
We explain below what cookies are and why they are used, so that you can better understand the following declaration of confidentiality.
Each time you navigate on the Internet, you use a navigator. The most common navigators are Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Most websites register small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.
Il y a une chose que l'on ne peut pas nier : Cookies are really useful tools. Almost all websites use cookies. More precisely, it's about HTTP cookies, because there are also other cookies for other application domains. HTTP cookies are small files that are registered on your computer through our website. These cookies are automatically placed in the cookies file, which is essentially the "cache" of your browser. Un cookie se compose d'un nom et d'une valeur. When defining a cookie, it is also necessary to specify one or more attributes.
The cookies register certain of your user data, such as the language or the personal parameters of the page. When you visit our site again, your browser returns the information "relatives à l'utilisateur" to our site. Thanks to cookies, our site knows who you are and offers you the parameters you are used to. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file, while in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.
The graphic below shows a possible interaction between a web browser such as Chrome and the web server. In this case, the web browser requests a web page and receives a cookie from the server in return, which the browser deletes as soon as another page is requested.
There are first-party cookies and third-party cookies. Les cookies de premier fournisseur sont créés directement par notre site, les cookies de tiers sont créés par des sites partenaires (par ex. Google Analytics). Each cookie must be evaluated individually, because each cookie stores different data. De même, la durée d'expiration d'un cookie varie de quelques minutes à quelques années. Cookies are not program logic and do not contain viruses, trojan horses or other "parasites". Cookies can no longer access your PC's information.
Here is an example of how cookie data can be measured:
Nom : _ga
Valeur : GA1.2.1326744211.152111824947-9
Utilization prévue : Distinguer les visiteurs du site
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Ces tailles minimales doivent être supportées par un navigateur :
- Au moins 4096 octets par cookie
- Au moins 50 cookies par domaine
- Au moins 3000 cookies au total
Quels sont les différents types de cookies ?
The question of knowing which cookies we use in particular depends on the services used and will be clarified in the following sections of the data protection declaration. At this stage, we would like to clarify the different types of HTTP cookies.
On peut distinguer 4 types de cookies :
Les cookies indispensables
These cookies are necessary to ensure the basic functions of the website. For example, these cookies are necessary when a user places a product in the browser, continues to navigate on other pages and passes to the checkout later. Thanks to these cookies, the panier is not suppressed, even if the user closes the navigation window.
Cookies utiles
These cookies collect information about the user's behavior and whether the user receives any error messages. These cookies also make it possible to measure the loading time and the performance of the website with different navigators.
Cookies ciblés
These cookies allow you to improve the user-friendliness of the site. For example, they register your locations, the taille des caractères ou les données des formulaires.
Cookies publicitaires
These cookies are also known as cookies de ciblage. They are used to deliver customized advertisements to the user. This can be very practical, but also very annoying.
Generally, during your first visit to a website, you will be asked which of these types of cookies you wish to authorize. And of course, this decision is also registered in a cookie.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les cookies et ne craignez pas la documentation technique, nous vous recommandons européenne a publié un document intitulé "HTTP State Management Mechanism" (Mécanisme de gestion de l'état HTTP), une demande de commentaires de l'Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Finalité du traitement via les cookies
The final decision depends on the cookie concerned. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet ci-dessous ou auprès du fabricant du logiciel qui place le cookie.
Quelles données sont traitées ?
Cookies are small tools for a multitude of different tasks. Unfortunately, it is not possible to generalize the data stored in the cookies, but we will inform you of the data processed or stored in the context of the following declaration of confidentiality.
Durée de conservation des cookies
The duration of storage depends on the cookie in question and is specified in more detail. Certains cookies sont supprimés après moins d'une heure, d'autres peuvent rester stockés sur un ordinateur pendant plusieurs années.
Vous avez également une influence sur la durée de stockage. You can manually delete all cookies at any time via your browser (see also "Right to object" below). In addition, cookies that are based on a consent will be deleted at the latest after the revocation of your consent, but the legality of the storage will not be affected until then.
Droit d'opposition - comment puis-je supprimer les cookies ?
It's up to you to decide how and if you want to use cookies. Regardless of the service or the website from which the cookies originate, you always have the option of suppressing, deactivating or only partially authorizing them. For example, you can block third-party cookies, but authorize all other cookies.
Si vous souhaitez savoir quels cookies ont été enregistrés dans votre navigateur, si vous souhaitez modifier ou supprimer des paramètres de cookies, vous pouvez le faire en consultant les paramètres de votre navigateur :
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données du site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can configure your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie needs to be installed. You can also decide for each cookie individually whether or not you authorize the cookie. The procedure varies depending on your browser. The best way is to look up the instructions on Google using the search term "Supprimer les cookies Chrome" or "Désactiver les cookies Chrome" in the case of a Chrome browser.
Legal base
Since 2009, there has been what is known as the "directives relating to cookies". It is stipulated that the registration of cookies constitutes a consent (article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the RGPD) on your part. The reactions to these directives in the EU countries are still very different. However, in Austria, this directive has been transposed into Article 96, paragraph 3 of the Telecommunications Act (TKG). In Germany, the directives on cookies have not been transposed into national law. Instead, the transposition of this directive has largely taken place in § 15 alinéa 3 of the Telecommunications Act (TMG).
For cookies that are strictly necessary, even if there is no consent, there are provisions relating to the protection of data. legitimate interests (article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the GDPR), which in most cases are of an economic nature. We wish to offer visitors to the site a pleasant user experience and, in order to do so, certain cookies are often absolutely necessary.
If non-essential cookies are used, they are only used with your consent. The legal basis is therefore article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the RGPD.
In the following paragraphs, you will find more detailed information on the use of cookies, to the extent that the logiciel utilisé uses cookies.
Hébergement web
Résumé de l'hébergement web 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : hébergement professionnel du site web et sécurisation de son fonctionnement 📓 Données traitées : Adresse IP, heure de la visite du site, navigateur utilisé et autres données. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet ci-dessous ou chez le fournisseur d'hébergement web utilisé. 📅 Duration of storage: depends on the accommodation provider, but generally 2 semaines. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que l'hébergement web ?
Nowadays, when you visit websites, certain information - including personal data - is automatically created and registered, including on this website. These data must be treated with the utmost confidentiality and only if they are justified. By site web, we also mean the entirety of the web pages of a domain, i.e. everything from the welcome page (homepage) to the last sub-page (like this one). By domain, we mean, for example, or
If you want to consult a website on a screen, you can use a program called a web navigator. You probably know a few web navigators by name: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.
This web navigator must be connected to another device where the web site code is stored: the web server. The operation of a web server is a complicated and expensive task, which is why it is generally entrusted to professional service providers. They offer web hosting and thus ensure reliable and error-free storage of data on the website.
During the connection of the navigator to your device (office, portable, smartphone) and during the transmission of data to and from the web server, there may be personal data processing. On the one hand, your device registers the data, on the other hand, the web server must also register the data for a certain period of time in order to guarantee correct operation.
A titre d'illustration :
Why do we process personal data?
The final results of the data processing are
- l'hébergement professionnel du site web et la sécurization de son fonctionnement
- pour maintenir la sécurité opérationnelle et informatique
- Anonymous evaluation of access behavior to improve our offer and, if necessary, for the purposes of criminal prosecution or the enforcement of claims
Quelles données sont traitées ?
Even if you are about to visit our website, our web server, i.e. the computer on which this website is registered, generally automatically registers data such as
- l'adresse Internet complète (URL) du site web consulté (par ex.
- le navigateur et la version du navigateur (p. ex. Chrome 87)
- le système d'exploitation utilisé (p. ex. Windows 10)
- l'adresse (URL) de la page visitée précédemment (Referrer URL) (p. ex.
- le nom d'hôte et l'adresse IP de l'appareil à partir duquel l'accès a eu lieu (p. ex. COMPUTERNAME et
- la date et l'heure
- dans des fichiers, appelés fichiers journaux du serveur web
How long have the data been stored?
As a general rule, the data collected are stored for two weeks, after which they are automatically deleted. We do not transmit these data, but we cannot exclude that they will be consulted by the authorities in the event of misconduct.
En bref Votre visite est enregistrée par notre fournisseur d'accès (entreprise qui fonctionner notre site web sur des ordinateurs spéciaux (serveurs)), mais nous ne transmettons pas vos données sans votre accord !
Legal base
The legitimacy of the processing of personal data in the context of online accommodation is governed by article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the RGPD (protection of legitimate interests), because the use of a professional accommodation with a supplier is necessary to present the company on the Internet in a safe and pleasant manner and to be able, if necessary, to pursue the attacks and complaints that may arise.
Déclaration de protection des données Checkdomain
Nous utilisons pour notre site web Checkdomain, entre autres un fournisseur d'hébergement web. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise allemande checkdomain GmbH, Große Burgstraße 27/29, 23552 Lübeck, Allemagne. Pour en savoir plus sur les données traitées par l'utilisation de Checkdomain, consultez la déclaration de protection des données sur .
Déclaration de confidentialité du pixel Facebook
Nous utilisons sur notre site web le pixel Facebook de Facebook. For this, we have implemented a code on our website. Le pixel Facebook est un extrait de code JavaScript qui charge un ensemble de fonctions permettant à Facebook de suivre vos actions en tant qu'utilisateur, dans la mesure où vêtes arrivé sur notre site web via des Facebook Ads. For example, when you purchase a product on our website, the Facebook pixel is deactivated and registers your actions on our website using one or more cookies. These cookies allow Facebook to compare your user data (client data such as IP address, user ID) with the data in your Facebook account. Ensuite, Facebook supprime ces données. The data collected is anonymous and not visible to us and can only be used in the context of the distribution of publicity advertisements. If you are a Facebook user and you are connected, your visit to our website is automatically assigned to your Facebook user account.
We want to present our services and products only to people who are really interested in them. The Facebook pixels allow us to better adapt our publicity measures to your wishes and interests. In this way, Facebook users (insofar as they have authorized personalized publicity) receive adapted publicity. In addition, Facebook uses the data collected for analysis purposes and for its own publicity.
Below, we show you the cookies that have been placed on a test page by integrating Facebook pixels. Please note that these are only examples of cookies. Different cookies are placed depending on the interaction on our website.
Nom : _fbp
valeur : fb.1.1568287647279.257405483-6111824947-7
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est utilisé par Facebook pour afficher des produits publicitaires.
Date d'expiration : après 3 mois
Nom : fr
Valeur : 0aPf312HOS5Pboo2r..Bdeiuf...1.0.Bdeiuf.
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est utilisé pour que le pixel Facebook fonctionne correctement.
Date d'expiration : après 3 mois
Nom : comment_author_50ae8267e2bdf1253ec1a5769f48e062111824947-3
Valeur : Nom de l'auteur
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre le texte et le nom d'un utilisateur qui laisse un commentaire, par exemple.
Date d'expiration : after 12 months
Nom : comment_author_url_50ae8267e2bdf1253ec1a5769f48e062
Valeur : https%3A%2F%2Fwww.testseite...%2F (URL de l'auteur)
Utilisation prévue : Ce cookie enregistre l'URL du site web que l'utilisateur saisit dans un champ de texte sur notre site web.
Date d'expiration : après 12 mois
Nom : comment_author_email_50ae8267e2bdf1253ec1a5769f48e062
Valeur : Address électronique de l'auteur
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre l'adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur, dans la mesure où il l'a communiquée sur le site.
Date d'expiration : après 12 mois
Remarque : Les cookies susmentionnés se rapportent à un comportement individuel de l'utilisateur. Especially during the use of cookies, modifications are never excluded by Facebook.
If you are connected to Facebook, you can modify your parameters for the publicity ads at modifier vous-même. If you are not a Facebook user, you can click on to manage your online publicity based on its use. Vous avez la possibilité de désactiver ou d'activer des fournisseurs.
We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. The processing of data is essentially carried out by Facebook pixels. This may have the consequence that, in this case, the data are not processed and registered anonymously. In addition, the American governmental authorities may possibly have access to certain data. Il peut également arriver que ces données soient associées à des données provenant d'autres services de Facebook pour lesquels vous avez un compte d'utilisateur.
If you would like to know more about data protection on Facebook, we recommend that you consult the company's privacy policy at
Déclaration de confidentialité de la comparaison avancée automatique de Facebook
We have also activated the advanced matching function (Automatic Advanced Matching) as part of the Facebook pixel function. This function of the pixel allows us to send you e-mails containing your name, sex, city, state, postal code, date of birth or telephone number as additional information if you have provided us with this data. This activation allows us to adapt more precisely the publicity campaigns on Facebook to people who are interested in our services or products.
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Analytics
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Analytics Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : évaluer les informations sur les visiteurs afin d'optimiser l'offre web. 📓 Data collected: Access statistics containing data such as access location, device data, duration and time of access, navigation behavior, click behavior and IP addresses. You will find more details on this subject further on in this data protection declaration. 📅 Duration of storage: depending on the properties used. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que Google Analytics ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site Internet l'outil d'analyse et de suivi Google Analytics (GA) de l'entreprise américaine Google Inc. Pour l'espace européen, l'entreprise Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irlande) est responsable de tous les services Google. Google Analytics collects data on your actions on our website. For example, when you click on a link, this action is recorded in a cookie and sent to Google Analytics. The reports we receive from Google Analytics allow us to better adapt our website and our services to your wishes. We will explain the tracking tool in more detail below and will also inform you about the data that is recorded and how you can prevent it.
Google Analytics is an analytics tool that is used to analyze the traffic on our website. In order for Google Analytics to work, a tracking code is integrated into the code of our website. When you visit our website, this code registers various actions that you perform on our website. As soon as you leave our site, these data are sent to Google Analytics service providers and are registered there.
Google processes the data and we receive reports on your user behavior. These reports may include the following:
- Reports on the groupes cibles : the reports on the groupes cibles allow us to better understand our users and to know more precisely who is interested in our service.
- Reports on the advertisements: the reports on the advertisements allow us to analyze and improve our publicity on the web more easily.
- Acquisition reports: the acquisition reports provide us with useful information on how we can attract more people to our service.
- Reports comportementaux : nous permettent de savoir comment vous interagissez avec notre site web. Nous pouvons comprendre le chemin que vous empruntez sur notre site et les liens sur lesquels vous cliquez.
- Rapports de conversion : one calls conversion a process by lequel vous effectuez une action desirable suite à un message marketing. For example, when you change from being a simple visitor to a buyer or subscriber to a newsletter. These reports allow us to learn more about the impact of our marketing measures on you. This is why we want to increase our conversion rate.
- Rapports en temps réel : they allow us to know immediately what is happening on our site. For example, we can see how many users are currently reading this text.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous Google Analytics sur notre site web ?
Our objective with this website is clear: we want to offer you the best service possible. The statistics and data from Google Analytics help us to achieve this goal.
The data analyzed statistically gives us a clear picture of the strong and weak points of our website. On the one hand, we can optimize our site so that interested parties can find it more easily on Google. On the other hand, the data helps us to better understand you as a visitor. We also know very precisely what we want to improve on our site in order to offer you the best service possible. The data also helps us to carry out our publicity and marketing activities in a more personalized and profitable way. After all, this has no other purpose than to present our products and services to people who are interested in them.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par Google Analytics ?
Google Analytics creates, with the help of a tracking code, a unique and anonymous identifier linked to the cookie of your browser. In this way, Google Analytics recognizes you as a new user. The next time you visit our site, you will be recognized as a "recurrent" user. All the data collected will be registered with this user ID. It is therefore possible to evaluate the profiles of pseudonymous users.
Pour pouvoir analyzer notre site web avec Google Analytics, il faut insérer un Property-ID dans le code de suivi. Les données sont ensuite enregistrées dans la propriété correspondante. Pour chaque nouvelle Property créée, la Google Analytics 4-Property est standard. Mais il est également possible de créer une Universal Analytics Property. Depending on the property used, the data is stored for a different duration.
Identifiers such as cookies and application instance IDs allow us to measure your interactions on our website. The interactions are all the types of actions that you perform on our website. Si vous utilisez également d'autres systèmes Google (comme un compte Google), les données générées par Google Analytics peuvent être associées à des cookies tiers. Google does not share Google Analytics data unless we, as the site operator, authorize it. Exceptions may be made if required by law.
Les cookies suivants sont utilisés par Google Analytics :
Nom : _ga
Valeur : 2.1326744211.152111824947-5
Motif de l'utilisation : Par défaut, analytics.js utilise le cookie _ga pour enregistrer l'identifiant de l'utilisateur. In principle, it is used to distinguish visitors to the website.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Nom : _gid
Valeur : 2.1687193234.152111824947-1
Utilization prévue : Le cookie sert également à distinguer les visiteurs du site web.
Date d'expiration : after 24 hours
Nom : _gat_gtag_UA_
Valeur : 1
Motif de l'utilisation : Utilisé pour réduire le taux de demandes. Si Google Analytics est fourni via le Google Tag Manager, ce cookie est nommé _dc_gtm_
Date d'expiration : après 1 minute
Valeur : pas de données
Utilization prévue : Le cookie a un jeton qui permet de récupérer un ID utilisateur du service AMP-Client-ID. D'autres valeurs possibles indiquent une déconnexion, une demande ou une erreur.
Date d'expiration : after 30 seconds up to one year
Nom __utma
valeur : 1564498958.1564498958.1564498958.1
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie permet de suivre votre comportement sur le site web et d'en mesurer les performances. The cookie is set each time information is sent to Google Analytics.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Nom : __utmt
Valeur : 1
Utilization prévue : Le cookie est utilisé comme _gat_gtag_UA_
Date d'expiration : après 10 minutes
Nom __utmb
Valeur : 3.10.1564498958
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est utilisé pour déterminer les nouvelles sessions. It is set each time new data or information is sent to Google Analytics.
Date d'expiration : after 30 minutes
Nom __utmc
Valeur : 167421564
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est utilisé pour définir de nouvelles sessions pour les visiteurs récurrents. Il s'agit d'un cookie de session qui n'est conservé que jusqu'à ce que vous fermiez votre navigateur.
Date d'expiration : Après la fermeture du navigateur
Nom : __utmz
Valeur : m|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/
Utilization prévue : Le cookie est utilisé pour identifier la source de l'affluence sur notre site web. In other words, the cookie registers the location from which you arrived on our site. It may be another page or a publicity.
Date d'expiration : after 6 months
Nom : __utmv
Valeur : pas d'indication
Utilization prévue : Le cookie est utilisé pour enregistrer des données utilisateur personalisées. It is always set when information is sent to Google Analytics.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Remarque : Cette liste ne peut pas être exhaustive, car Google modifie régulièrement le choix de ses cookies.
Nous vous présentons ici un aperçu des principales données collectées par Google Analytics :
Cartes de chaleur : Google crée ce qu'on appelle des heatmaps. Thanks to heatmaps, you can see exactly the zones you are clicking on. We also get information about the places you "visit" on our site.
Duration of the session: The duration of the session is the time you spend on our site without leaving it. If you remain inactive for 20 minutes, the session will end automatically.
Taux de rebond (en anglais : bouncerate) : On parle de rebond lorsque vous ne consultez qu'une seule page sur notre site web et que vous le quittez ensuite.
Création de compte : Lorsque vous créez un compte ou passez une commande sur notre site, Google Analytics collecte ces données.
IP address: The IP address is only represented in a limited form so that no clear attribution is possible.
Emplacement : The IP address allows you to determine the country and your approximate position. This process is also called IP localization.
Information techniques : Les informations techniques comprennent entre autres votre type de navigateur, votre fournisseur d'accès Internet ou la résolution de votre écran.
Source d'origine : Google Analytics ou nous nous intéressons bien sûr aussi au site web ou à la publicité par lesquels vous êtes arrivés sur notre site.
Other data include contact details, possible evaluations, media readings (for example, if you watch a video on our site), content sharing via social media or the addition of your favorites. This list does not claim to be exhaustive and is only intended to provide a general guide to the registration of data by Google Analytics.
Where and for how long are the data stored?
Google has split its service providers across the world. Most of the service providers are located in America and your data is therefore generally stored on American providers. Vous pouvez lire ici où se trouvent les centers de données de Google :
Your data is separated on different physical data supports. The advantage is that the data is accessible more quickly and is better protected against manipulation. In each Google data center, there are appropriate security programs for your data. If, for example, Google's IT equipment breaks down or natural disasters paralyze its services, the risk of service interruption at Google is still low.
The data retention period depends on the properties used. Si vous utilisez les nouvelles propriétés Google Analytics 4, la durée de conservation de vos données utilisateur est fixée à 14 mois. For the other data used in the event, we have the option of choosing a retention period of 2 months or 14 months.
Pour les propriétés Universal Analytics, la durée de conservation de vos données utilisateur est fixée par défaut à 26 mois. Ensuite, vos données utilisateur sont supprimées. However, we have the option of choosing the duration of the storage of your user data ourselves. For this purpose, we have five variants:
- Suppression après 14 mois
- Suppression après 26 mois
- Suppression après 38 mois
- Suppression après 50 mois
- Pas d'effacement automatique
There is also an option that allows you to delete the data only if you no longer consult our website during the period we have chosen. In this case, the retention period will be reinitialized each time you consult our website again during the defined period.
Once the defined period has elapsed, the data is deleted once a month. This retention period applies to your data associated with cookies, user identification and advertising identifiers (e.g. cookies from the DoubleClick domain). The results of the reports are based on aggregated data and are stored independently of the user's data. The aggregated data is a fusion of individual data into one larger unit.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
In accordance with the European Union's data protection legislation, you have the right to access, update, remove or delete your data. À l'aide du module complémentaire de navigateur pour la désactivation de Google Analytics-JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), vous empêchez Google Analytics d'utiliser vos données. Vous pouvez télécharger le module complémentaire de navigateur sous et l'installer. Please note that this additional module does not disable the collection of data by Google Analytics.
Si vous souhaitez désactiver, supprimer ou gérer les cookies (indépendamment de Google Analytics), il existe des instructions spécifiques pour chaque navigateur :
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
Legal base
L'utilisation de Google Analytics présuppose votre consentement, que nous avons obtenu avec notre popup de cookie. This consent constitutes, according to Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consent), the basis juridique pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel, comme cela peut se produire lors de la collecte par des tools d'analyse web.
Apart from consent, we have a legitimate interest in analyzing the behavior of visitors to our website and thus improving our technical and economic offer. Google Analytics allows us to detect errors on the website, identify attacks and improve profitability. The legal basis is the following Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre f RGPD (légitimes intérêts). Nous n'utilisons toutefois Google Analytics que dans la mesure où vous avez donné votre consentement.
Google processes the data in the United States, among others. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Google uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Google to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
Nous espérons avoir pu vous fournir les informations les plus importantes concernant le traitement des données par Google Analytics. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le service de tracking, nous vous recommandons ces deux liens : et
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Tag Manager
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Tag Manager Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : organiser les différents outils de suivi 📓 Données traitées : Le Google Tag Manager n'enregistre lui-même aucune donnée. Ce sont les balises des outils d'analyse web utilisés qui collectent les données. 📅 Duration of storage: depends on the web analysis tool used. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que le Google Tag Manager ?
Pour notre site web, nous utilisons le Google Tag Manager de l'entreprise Google Inc. Pour l'espace européen, l'entreprise Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irlande) est responsable de tous les services Google. Ce gestionnaire de balises est l'un des nombreux produits marketing utiles de Google. Le Google Tag Manager permet d'intégrer et de gérer de manière centralisée des sections de code de divers outils de suivi que nous utilisons sur notre site web.
In this declaration of confidentiality, we would like to explain to you in more detail what Google Tag Manager does, why we use it and in what form the data is processed.
The Google Tag Manager is an organizational tool that allows us to integrate and manage web site tags in a centralized way and via a user interface. The balises are small sections of code that register (follow) your activities on our website, for example. To do this, the JavaScript code sections are inserted in the source text of our site. The tags often come from internal Google products such as Google Ads or Google Analytics, but tags from other companies can also be integrated and managed via the browser. These balises perform different tasks. They can collect navigation data, feed marketing tools, integrate banners, place cookies and even track users across multiple sites.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous le gestionnaire de balises Google pour notre site web ?
As they say so well: organization does half the work! And this also applies to the management of our website. To ensure that our website performs as well as possible for you and all the people who are interested in our products and services, we need various monitoring tools, such as Google Analytics. The data collected by these tools tells us what you are most interested in, where we can improve our services and to whom we should continue to present our offers. And for this tracking to work, we need to integrate the corresponding JavaScript codes into our website. In principle, we can integrate each code section of the different tracking tools separately into our code source. But this takes a lot of time and it is easy to lose sight of the whole. That's why we use Google Tag Manager. We can easily integrate the necessary scripts and manage them from a single location. In addition, Google Tag Manager offers a user interface that is easy to use and does not require any programming knowledge. We thus help to maintain order in our jungle of tags.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par le Google Tag Manager ?
Le Tag Manager lui-même est un domaine qui ne place pas de cookies et ne stocke pas de données. It acts as a simple "manager" of the embedded balises. The data is stored by the various balances of the different web analysis tools. Les données sont en quelque sorte transmises aux différents outils de suivi par le Google Tag Manager et ne sont pas enregistrées.
However, there are also the balances integrated into the various web analysis tools, such as Google Analytics. Depending on the analysis tool, various data about your behavior on the web is generally collected, registered and processed using cookies. For this, please read our texts on data protection concerning the various analysis and monitoring tools that we use on our website.
We have authorized Google to receive anonymized data from us in the parameters of the balance manager's account. However, this only concerns the use and exploitation of our website and not your data registered via the code sections. We allow Google and others to receive the selected data in an anonymous form. Nous acceptons therefore de partager les données de notre site web de manière anonyme. Despite lengthy research, we have not been able to find out exactly what anonymous data is being transmitted. In any case, Google deletes all information that could identify our website. Google regroups the data with hundreds of other anonymous data from websites and establishes usage trends within the framework of benchmarking measures. The benchmarking consists of comparing its own results with those of its competitors. The processes can be optimized on the basis of the information collected.
For how long and where are the data stored?
When Google registers data, it is stored on its own servers. These service providers are distributed throughout the world. The majority of them are located in the Americas. On vous pouvez lire exactement où se trouvent les serveurs de Google.
To find out how long your data is protected by the various monitoring tools, please consult our individual texts on data protection for each tool.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
Google Tag Manager itself does not place cookies, but it does store the tags of various tracking sites. In our texts on data protection for the various tracking tools, you will find detailed information on how to delete or manage your data.
Please note that when you use this tool, your data may be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the United States) are not considered safe according to current European data protection legislation. Data destined for non-safe countries can therefore not simply be transferred, stored and processed in these countries, unless appropriate guarantees (such as EU contractual clauses) are in place between us and the non-European service provider.
Legal base
L'utilisation de Google Tag Manager présuppose votre consentement, que nous avons obtenu avec notre popup de cookie. This consent constitutes, according to Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consent), the basis juridique pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel, comme cela peut se produire lors de la collecte par des tools d'analyse web.
In addition to consent, we have a legitimate interest in analyzing the behavior of visitors to the website and thus improving our offer in technical and economic terms. With the help of Google Tag Manager, we can improve our profitability. The legal basis for this is Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre f du RGPD (légitimes intérêts). Nous n'utilisons toutefois le Google Tag Manager que si vous avez donné votre consentement.
Google processes the data in the United States, among others. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Google uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Google to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le Google Tag Manager, nous vous recommandons de consulter la FAQ à l'adresse suivante
Marketing par e-mail
Résumé de l'e-mail marketing 👥 Personnes concernées : abonnés à la newsletter 🤝 Objectif : publicité directe par e-mail, notification d'événements importants pour le système 📓 Données traitées : Données saisies lors de l'inscription, mais au minimis l'adresse e-mail. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans l'outil de marketing par e-mail utilisé. 📅 Durée de conservation : durée de l'abonnement. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que le marketing par e-mail ?
In order to keep you permanently informed, we also use the possibility of marketing by e-mail. In this context, if you have accepted to receive our e-mails or our newsletter, the data concerning you will also be processed and registered. Marketing by e-mail is a part of online marketing. It consists of sending news or general information about a company, its products or services by e-mail to a defined group of interested parties.
If you wish to participate in our marketing by e-mail (generally by means of a newsletter), it is normally sufficient to register with your e-mail address. To do this, please fill in a form in ligne and send it to us. However, it may also be necessary for us to ask you for your title and name so that we can write to you personally.
In principle, subscription to newsletters is based on the "double opt-in" procedure. Once you have subscribed to our newsletter on our website, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription to the newsletter. This allows us to ensure that the e-mail address belongs to you and that no one is registered with a foreign e-mail address. We, or a notification tool that we use, register each individual registration. This is necessary for us to be able to verify that the registration process is legally correct. Generally speaking, the moment of registration, the moment of confirmation of registration and your IP address are registered. In addition, the modifications made to your registered data are also registered.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous le marketing par courriel ?
We would like to stay in touch with you and keep you informed about the main news concerning our company. To do this, we also use e-mail marketing - often referred to simply as "newsletters" - as an essential element of our online marketing. If you accept it or if the law allows it, we will send you newsletters, e-mails or other notifications by e-mail. When we use the term "newsletter" in the text below, we mainly mean e-mails sent on a regular basis. Bien entendu, nous ne voulons en aucun cas vous importuner avec nos newsletters. That's why we always try to offer only relevant and interesting content. You will learn more about our company, our services and our products. As we are constantly improving our offers, our newsletter always informs you about new developments or special and lucrative actions that we propose. If we call on a service provider offering a professional delivery tool for our e-mail marketing, we will do so in order to be able to offer you quick and reliable newsletters. The purpose of our e-mail marketing is basically to inform you about our new offers and to inform you about our business objectives.
What are the data being processed?
If you subscribe to our newsletter via our website, you confirm your subscription to a distribution list by e-mail. In addition to your IP address and your e-mail address, your title, your name, your address and your telephone number can be registered. However, only if you accept these data registrations. The data marked as such are necessary for you to be able to participate in the service offered. They are optional, but if you do not provide them, you will not be able to use the service. In addition, information about your device or your preferred content can be registered on our website. To find out more about the registration of data when you visit a website, please consult the section "Automatic data registration". We will register your declaration of consent so that we can always check that it complies with our regulations.
Duration of data processing
If you unsubscribe from our e-mail/newsletter distribution list, we will keep your address for a maximum of three years on the basis of our legitimate interests in order to be able to verify your consent at that time. We will only process this data if we have to defend ourselves against possible complaints.
However, if you confirm that you have given us your consent to subscribe to the newsletter, you may at any time make an individual request to unsubscribe. If you permanently oppose your consent, we reserve the right to register your e-mail address on a blocking list. Tant que vous vous êtes abonné volontairement à notre newsletter, nous conservons bien entendu votre adresse e-mail.
Droit d'opposition
You have the possibility to cancel your subscription to the newsletter at any time. For this, it is sufficient for you to revoke your consent to the subscription to the newsletter. This generally only takes a few seconds or one or two clicks. Most of the time, you will find a link at the end of each e-mail allowing you to cancel your subscription to the newsletter. If the link is not actually in the newsletter, please contact us by e-mail and we will cancel your subscription to the newsletter immediately.
Legal base
The sending of our newsletter is based on your consent (article 6, paragraph 1, point a of the RGPD). This means that we can only send you a newsletter if you have been pre-registered in advance. In this case, we may also send you publicity messages on the basis of article 7, paragraph 3, of the Unfair Competition Act (UWG), provided that you have become our client and that you are not opposed to the use of your electronic address for direct publicity purposes.
You will find information on the special e-mail marketing services and the way in which they process personal data in the following sections.
Marketing en ligne
Marketing en ligne Déclaration de confidentialité Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : évaluer les informations sur les visiteurs afin d'optimiser l'offre web. 📓 Data processed: Access statistics containing data such as access locations, device data, duration and time of access, navigation behavior, click behavior and IP addresses. Personal data such as your name or e-mail address can also be processed. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans l'outil de marketing en ligne utilisé. 📅 Duration of stockage : depends on the online marketing tool used. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que le marketing en ligne ?
Marketing on the web refers to all the measures taken on the web to achieve marketing objectives such as increasing a brand's notoriety or closing a deal. In addition, our online marketing measures aim to attract people's attention on our website. In order to be able to present our offer to a large number of interested parties, we therefore carry out online marketing. This often involves online publicity, content marketing or the optimization of search engines. In order to be able to use online marketing efficiently and accurately, we also register and process personal data. This data helps us, on the one hand, to present our content only to people who are genuinely interested in it and, on the other hand, to measure the publicity success of our online marketing measures.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous des outils de marketing en ligne ?
Nous voulons montrer notre site à toute personne intéressée par notre offre. We are aware that this will not be possible without certain measures. That's why we do our marketing en ligne. There are various tools that facilitate our work on our online marketing measures and that also provide us with suggestions for improvement via data. We can thus calibrate our campaigns more precisely on our group cible. The final objective of these online marketing tools is therefore to optimize our offer.
Quelles données sont traitées ?
In order for our online marketing to work and to be able to measure the success of the measures, user profiles are created and data is registered, for example in cookies (small text files). These data allow us not only to distribute our publicity in the traditional way, but also to present our content directly on our website in the way that suits you best. For this purpose, there are various third-party tools that offer these functions and that collect and register the data concerning you. In the cookies mentioned, we register, for example, the pages you have visited on our website, how long you have viewed these pages, which links or buttons you have clicked on or from which website you have arrived at our site. Technical information can also be registered. For example, your IP address, the browser you are using, the terminal from which you are visiting our website or the time at which you accessed our website and when you left it. If you have given us your consent so that we can also determine your geographical location, we can also register and process it.
Your IP address is registered under a pseudonymized (i.e. abbreviated) form. The unique data that identifies you directly as a person, such as your name, address or e-mail address, are also only registered in a pseudonymized form as part of the publicity and marketing processes on the Internet. We can therefore not identify you as a person, but we have only registered the pseudonymized information stored in the user profiles.
In certain circumstances, cookies may also be used, analyzed and used for advertising purposes on other websites that use the same advertising tools. The data can then also be stored on the service providers of the suppliers of publicity tools.
In exceptional cases, unique data (name, e-mail address, etc.) may also be registered in the user profiles. This type of registration is produced, for example, if you are a member of a social media channel that we use for our online marketing activities and if the network associates the data previously received with the user profile.
For all the publicity tools that we use and that register data concerning you on their servers, we only ever receive global information and never data that identifies you as an individual. The data only shows the extent to which the publicity measures put in place have worked well. For example, we can see which measures have encouraged you or other users to visit our website and purchase a service or product. Thanks to these analyses, we will be able to improve our publicity offer in the future and adapt it even more precisely to the needs and wishes of interested parties.
Duration of data processing
We will provide you with more basic information on the duration of the processing of the data, insofar as we have more detailed information on this subject. Generally speaking, we do not process personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for the provision of our services and products. The data stored in the cookies are retained for a variable period of time. Some cookies are deleted when you leave the site, others may be stored in your browser for a few years. In the data protection declarations of the various providers, you will generally find precise information on the different cookies used by the provider.
Droit d'opposition
You also have the right and the possibility to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This is done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent the collection of data by cookies by enabling, disabling or disabling cookies in your browser. The legality of the processing up to the revocation remains unaffected.
As online marketing tools can generally use cookies, we also recommend that you read our general privacy policy on cookies. In order to know exactly which data concerning you are registered and processed, you should read the data protection declarations of the devices concerned.
Legal base
Si vous avez consenti à ce que des fournisseurs tiers soient utilisés, la base juridique du traitement de données correspondant est ce consentement. This consent constitutes, according to Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consentement) constitue la base juridique pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel, comme cela peut se produire lors de la collecte par des outils de marketing en ligne.
From our side, there is also a legitimate interest in measuring our online marketing measures in an anonymous form in order to optimize our offer and our measures with the help of the data obtained. The corresponding legal basis is Article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD (legitimate interests). Nous n'utilisons toutefois les outils que dans la mesure où vous avez donné votre consentement.
Vous trouverez des informations sur les outils de marketing en ligne spécifiques - si disponibles - dans les sections suivantes.
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Ads (Google AdWords) Conversion Tracking
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Ads (Google AdWords) Conversion-Tracking Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : succès économique et optimisation de notre prestation de service. 📓 Data processed: Access statistics containing data such as access locations, device data, access time and duration, navigation behavior, click behavior and IP addresses. Personal data such as your name or e-mail address can also be processed. 📅 Duration of storage: conversion cookies generally expire after 30 hours and do not transmit any personal data. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a du RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let.f du RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que le suivi des conversions de Google Ads ?
We use Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) as an online marketing tool to promote our products and services. We also want to attract the attention of more people to the high quality of our online offers. As part of our publicity measures via Google Ads, we use the Google Inc. conversion tracking service on our website. In Europe, however, it is Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) which is responsible for all Google services. Thanks to this free tracking tool, we can better adapt our advertising offer to your interests and needs. In the following article, we will explain in more detail why we use conversion tracking, what data is registered and how you can prevent this registration of data.
Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the system de publicité en ligne maison de la société Google Inc. Dans le domaine en ligne, Google Ads offre la meilleure plateforme pour cela. Having said that, we also want to have a precise overview of the cost/profit factor of our advertising campaigns. That's why we use the Google Ads conversion tracking tool.
Mais qu'est-ce qu'une conversion ? A conversion takes place when you change your status from interested visitor to active visitor. This always happens when you click on our advertisement and then take another action, such as visiting our website. Thanks to Google's conversion tracking tool, we record what happens after a user clicks on our Google Ads ad. For example, we can see if products have been purchased, if services have been used or if users have subscribed to our newsletter.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous le suivi des conversions de Google Ads sur notre site web ?
Nous utilisons Google Ads pour attirer l'attention sur notre offre sur d'autres sites web également. The aim is to ensure that our advertising campaigns only reach people who are interested in our offers. Thanks to the conversion tracking tool, we can see which mots-clés, advertisements, groups of advertisements and campaigns lead to the actions desired by our clients. We see how many clients interact with our ads on a device and then realize a conversion. Thanks to this data, we can calculate our cost/income factor, measure the success of various publicity measures and optimize our marketing measures in the field. We can also use the data obtained to make our website more interesting for you and to adapt our publicity offer to your needs.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées dans le cadre du suivi des conversions de Google Ads ?
Nous avons intégré une balise de suivi des conversions ou un extrait de code sur notre site web afin de pouvoir mieux analyser certaines actions des utilisateurs. If you click on one of our Google Ads ads, the "Conversion" cookie from a Google domain will be registered on your computer (generally in the browser) or mobile device. The cookies are small text files that register information about your device.
Voici les données des principaux cookies pour le suivi des conversions de Google :
Nom : Conversion
Valeur : EhMI_aySuoyv4gIVled3Ch0llweVGAEgt-mr6aXd7dYlSAGQ111824947-3
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre chaque conversion que vous effectuez sur notre site après être arrivé chez nous via une annonce Google.
Date d'expiration : after 3 months
Nom : _gac
Valeur : 1.1558695989.EAIaIQobChMIiOmEgYO04gIVj5AYCh2CBAPrEAYASAAEgIYQfD_BwE
Objet du paiement : Il s'agit d'un cookie Google Analytics classique qui sert à enregistrer différentes actions sur notre site web.
Date d'expiration : après 3 mois
Remarque : Le cookie _gac n'apparaît qu'en relation avec Google Analytics. The list below is not exhaustive, as Google regularly uses other cookies for analytical evaluation.
As soon as you finish an action on our site, Google recognizes the cookie and registers your action as a "conversion". As long as you are surfing on our website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we ourselves recognize that you have found our site via our Google Ads ad. The cookie is lu et renvoyé à Google Ads avec les données de conversion. It is also possible that other cookies are used to measure conversions. The tracking of Google Ads conversions can be further enhanced and improved with the help of Google Analytics. For the ads that Google displays at various locations on the web, cookies called "__gads" or "_gac" can be placed under our domain. Since septembre 2017, various information on the campsites are registered by analytics.js with the cookie _gac. Le cookie enregistre ces données dès que vous consultez l'une de nos pages pour laquelle l'identification automatique des tags de Google Ads a été mise en place. Contrary to the cookies placed on Google domains, Google cannot read these conversion cookies unless you are on our site. Nous ne collectons et ne recevons aucune donnée personnelle. Nous recevons de Google un rapport avec des évaluations statistiques. For example, we learn the total number of users who clicked on our ad and we see which publicity measures were well received.
For how long and where are the data stored?
Nous tenons à préciser ici que n'avons aucune influence sur la manière dont Google utilise les données collectées. According to Google, the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. In most cases, the conversion cookies expire after 30 hours and do not transmit any personal data. The cookies called "Conversion" and "_gac" (which is used in relation to Google Analytics) have an expiration date of 3 months.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
Vous avez la possibilité de ne pas participer au suivi des conversions de Google Ads. If you deactivate the Google conversion tracking cookie via your browser, you will block the tracking of conversions. In this case, you will not be included in the statistics of the tracking tool. You can modify the cookie parameters in your browser at any time. This works a little differently for each browser. Vous trouverez ici les instructions pour gérer les cookies dans votre navigateur :
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données du site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can configure your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie needs to be installed. You can also decide for each cookie individually whether or not you authorize the cookie. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in on, you can also disable all publicity cookies. Do not forget that by deactivating these cookies, you do not prevent publicity ads, but only personalized publicity.
Legal base
Si vous avez consenti à ce que le suivi des conversions de Google Ads soit utilisé, la base juridique du traitement des données correspondant est ce consentement. Ce consentement constitue, selon Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consentement) constitue la base juridique du traitement des données à caractère personnel, tel qu'il peut se produire lors de la collecte par Google Ads Conversion Tracking.
Nous avons également un intérêt légitime à utiliser le suivi des conversions de Google Ads afin d'optimiser notre service en ligne et nos mesures de marketing. The corresponding legal basis is Article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD (legitimate interests). Nous n'utilisons toutefois le suivi des conversions de Google Ads que si vous avez donné votre consentement.
Google also processes the data in the United States. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Google uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Google to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
If you would like to know more about the protection of data by Google, we recommend that you consult the general confidentiality declaration of Google: https: //
Cookie Consent Management Platform
Résumé de Cookie Consent Management Platform 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : obtenir et gérer le consentement à certains cookies et thc à l'utilisation de certains outils. 📓 Données traitées : Données relatives à la gestion des paramètres de cookies définis, telles que l'adresse IP, le moment du consentement, le type de consentement, les consentements individuels. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans l'outil utilisé. 📅 Duration of conservation : depending on the tool used, it must be prepared for periods of several years. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce qu'une plateforme de gestion du consentement aux cookies ?
We use a consent management program (CMP) on our website that makes it easier for us and for you to use scripts and cookies correctly and securely. The logiciel creates automatically a popup de cookie, scans and controls all scripts and cookies, offers you a consent to the cookie necessary in terms of data protection and helps us, as well as you, to keep an overview of all cookies. In most of the cookie consent management tools, all existing cookies are identified and classified by category. As a visitor to the site, you then decide for yourself whether or not to authorize the scripts and cookies, and if so, which ones. The graphic below represents the relationship between the navigator, the web server and the CMP.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous un outil de gestion des cookies ?
Our aim is to offer you the best possible transparency in terms of data protection. In addition, we are also bound by the law. We want to inform you as well as possible about all the tools and cookies that can store and process the data concerning you. It is also your right to decide which cookies you accept and which you refuse. In order to grant you this right, we first need to know exactly which cookies have been placed on our site. Thanks to a cookie management tool that regularly scans the website to check for all existing cookies, we are aware of all cookies and can provide you with information that complies with the GDPR. You can then accept or reject cookies via the consent system.
Quelles données sont traitées ?
Within the framework of our cookie management tool, you can manage each cookie yourself and have total control over the storage and processing of your data. The declaration of your consent is registered so that we do not have to ask for your consent each time you visit our website and so that we can also verify your consent if required by law. It is registered either in a cookie opt-in or on a server. The duration of the storage of your cookie authorization varies depending on the provider of the cookie management tool. For most of the time, these data (e.g. the pseudonymized ID of the user, the date of consent, detailed information on the categories of cookies or tools, the browser, information on the device) are stored for up to two years.
Duration of data processing
We will provide you with more basic information on the duration of the processing of the data, insofar as we have more detailed information on this subject. Generally speaking, we do not process personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for the provision of our services and products. The data stored in the cookies are retained for a variable period of time. Some cookies are deleted when you leave the site, others may be stored in your browser for a few years. The actual duration of data processing depends on the tool used, but for most of the time, you should prepare for a storage duration of several years. You will generally find precise information on the duration of data processing in the data protection declarations of the various providers.
Droit d'opposition
You also have the right and the possibility to revoke your consent to the use of cookies at any time. This is done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent the collection of data by cookies by enabling, disabling or disabling cookies in your browser.
For more information on specific cookie management tools, please consult the sections below, if they exist.
Legal base
If you accept the cookies, the personal data concerning you will be processed and stored via these cookies. If your consent allows us to give consent (article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the GDPR), this consent also constitutes the legal basis for the use of cookies or the processing of your data. In order to be able to manage the consent to cookies and allow you to give your consent, we use a cookie management platform logic. The use of this logic allows us to exploit the website efficiently and in compliance with the law, which is an advantage for users. legitimate interest (article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD).
Supplier de paiement
Fournisseurs de paiement Déclaration de confidentialité Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : permettre et optimiser le processus de paiement sur notre site web 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que nom, adresse, données bancaires (numéro de compte, numéro de carte de crédit, mots de passe, TAN, etc.), adresse IP et données bancaires.), IP address and contractual data. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans l'outil du prestataire de paiement utilisé. 📅 Duration of conservation: depends on the payment service provider used ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. b RGPD (exécution d'un contrat) |
Qu'est-ce qu'un prestataire de paiement ?
We use online payment systems on our website that allow us, as well as you, to carry out a secure and problem-free payment process. In this context, personal data may be sent, registered and processed by the payment service provider concerned. Les fournisseurs de paiement sont des systèmes de paiement en ligne qui vous permettent d'effectuer une commande par le biais de la banque en ligne. In this case, the processing of the payment is carried out by the payment service provider you have chosen. We will then send you information about the payment made. Cette méthode peut être utilisée par tout utilisateur disposant d'un compte bancaire en ligne actif avec PIN et TAN. There are no longer any banks that do not offer or do not accept these payment methods.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous des fournisseurs de paiement sur notre site web ?
Nous voulons bien sûr offrir le meilleur service possible avec notre site web et notre boutique en ligne intégrée, afin que vous vous sentiez à l'aise sur notre site et que vous profitiez de nos offres. We know that your time is precious and that the payment process must run quickly and without problems. That's why we offer you different payment service providers. You can choose your preferred payment provider and pay in the usual way.
What are the data being processed?
The data that are processed depend, of course, on the payment provider concerned. However, in principle, data such as the name, address, bank details (account number, credit card number, password, TAN, etc.) are required to make the payment. These are the data required to carry out a transaction. In addition, any contractual and user data, such as the date of your visit to our website, the content that interests you or the sub-pages on which you click, may also be registered. Your IP address and the information about the device you are using are also registered by most payment service providers.
These data are generally stored and processed by the service providers of the payment service providers. As the site operator, we do not receive this data. We are only informed if the payment was successful or not. For the identity and solvency checks, it may happen that the payment service provider transmits the data to the organization concerned. For all payment operations, it is always the commercial and data protection bases of the payee that apply. You should therefore always consult the general terms and conditions and the data protection declaration of the payment service provider. You also have the right to delete or correct your data at any time. Veuillez contact le fournisseur de services concerné pour connaître vos droits (droit de révocation, droit d'accès et droit d'être concerné).
Duration of data processing
We inform you below of the duration of the processing of the data to the extent that we have more information available on this subject. As a general rule, we do not process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products. If required by law, for example in the case of accounting, this conservation period may be extended. For example, we retain accounting documents relating to a contract (facts, contractual documents, relevant accounts, etc.) for 10 years (§ 147 AO) and other relevant commercial documents for 6 years (§ 247 HGB) after their production.
Droit d'opposition
You always have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. If you have any questions, you can also contact the responsible persons at the payment service provider at any time. You will find the information either in our specific declaration of confidentiality or on the website of the payment service provider concerned.
Vous pouvez supprimer, désactiver ou gérer les cookies utilisés par les prestataires de paiement pour leurs fonctions dans votre navigateur. Depending on the browser you are using, this works in different ways. However, please note that the payment process may no longer work.
Legal base
Nous proposons donc, pour l'exécution de relations contractuelles ou juridiques (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre b du RGPD) proposons, outre les institutions bancaires/de crédit traditionnelles, d'autres prestataires de services de paiement. In the data protection declarations of the various payment service providers (such as Amazon Payments, Apple Pay or Discover), you will be given a detailed overview of the processing and storage of data. In addition, you can always contact the responsible persons for any question relating to data protection.
Vous trouverez des informations sur les prestataires de paiement spécifiques - si disponibles - dans les sections suivantes.
Déclaration de confidentialité Amazon Payments
Nous utilisons sur notre site Internet Amazon Payments, un service de procédures de paiement en ligne. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise américaine Inc. Pour l'espace européen, c'est l'entreprise Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. (38 Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg) qui est responsable.
Amazon also trades data, among others, to the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
As a basis for the processing of data from recipients domiciled in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries, Amazon uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= Art. 46. al. 2 et 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige Amazon to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
To find out more about the data processed through the use of Amazon Payments, please consult the Privacy Policy at
Politique de confidentialité d'eps-Virement
On notre site web, nous utilisons eps-Virement, un service de procédures de paiement en ligne. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise autrichienne Stuzza GmbH, Frankgasse 10/8, 1090 Vienne, Autriche. To find out more about the data processed through the use of eps-Virement, please consult the data protection declaration at the following address: https: //
Déclaration de confidentialité giropay
Nous utilisons sur notre site web le prestataire de paiement en ligne giropay. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise allemande paydirekt GmbH, Stephanstraße 14-16, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Allemagne. Pour en savoir plus sur les données traitées par l'utilisation de giropay, veuillez consulter la déclaration de confidentialité sur
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google Pay
Nous utilisons sur notre site Internet le fournisseur de paiement en ligne Google Pay. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise américaine Google Inc. Pour l'espace européen, l'entreprise Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irlande) est responsable de tous les services Google.
Google also processes the data in the United States. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Google uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Google to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
To find out more about the data processed through the use of Google Pay, please consult the privacy policy at
Politique de confidentialité de Mastercard
Nous utilisons sur notre site Internet le prestataire de services de paiement Mastercard. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise américaine Mastercard Inc. Pour l'espace européen, c'est l'entreprise Mastercard Europe SA (Chaussée de Tervuren 198A, B-1410 Waterloo, Belgique) qui est responsable.
Mastercard also processes data in the United States, among other countries. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Mastercard uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from data subjects domiciled in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Mastercard to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing the relevant data, even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
To find out more about the data processed through the use of Mastercard, please consult the privacy policy at
Politique de confidentialité PayPal
Nous utilisons sur notre site Internet le service de paiement en ligne PayPal. Le fournisseur de services est l'entreprise américaine PayPal Inc. Pour l'espace européen, c'est l'entreprise PayPal Europe (S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg) qui est responsable.
PayPal also processes data, among others, in the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
As a basis for the processing of data from recipients domiciled in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries, PayPal uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= Art. 46. al. 2 et 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige PayPal to respect the level of data protection in the EU during the processing of relevant data, even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You can find the decision and the clauses among others here: https: //
To find out more about the data processed through the use of PayPal, please consult the privacy policy at
Déclaration de confidentialité Klarna Checkout
Klarna Checkout Déclaration de confidentialité Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : optimiser le processus de paiement sur notre site web 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que nom, adresse, données bancaires (numéro de compte, numéro de carte de crédit, mots de passe, TAN, etc.), adresse IP et données contractuelles.), IP address and contractual data. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet plus loin dans la présente déclaration de confidentialité. 📅 Durée de conservation : les données sont conservées tant que Klarna en a besoin pour la finalité du traitement. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. c, RGPD (obligation légale), art. 6, al. 1, let. f, RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que Klarna Checkout ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site web le système de paiement en ligne Klarna Checkout de l'entreprise suédoise Klarna Bank AB. Le siège social de Klarna Bank est situé à Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Suède. Si vous optez pour ce service, des données à caractère personnel seront notamment envoyées à Klarna, enregistrées et traitées. In this declaration of confidentiality, we would like to give you an overview of how Klarna processes the data.
Klarna Checkout is a payment system for orders in a boutique en ligne. Within this framework, the user chooses the payment mode and Klarna Checkout is responsible for the entire payment process. Once a user has made a payment via the Checkout system and provided the corresponding data, future online purchases can be made even more quickly and easily. The Klarna system now recognizes the existing customer as soon as the e-mail address and postal code have been entered.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous Klarna Checkout pour notre site web ?
Our aim with our website and our integrated online boutique is to offer you the best service possible. In addition to our global experience on the website and our offers, this also means that the payment of your orders will be processed quickly, reliably and without any problems. To guarantee this, we use the Klarna Checkout payment system.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par Klarna Checkout ?
Dès que vous optez pour le service de paiement Klarna et que vous payez via la méthode de paiement Klarna Checkout, vous transmettez également des données personnelles à l'entreprise. On the Klarna Checkout page, technical data such as the type of browser, the operating system, our Internet address, the date and time, the language parameters, the time of day parameters and the IP address are collected from you and transmitted to Klarna's service providers where they are registered. These data are registered even if you have not yet placed an order.
Lorsque vous commandez un produit ou un service via notre boutique, vous devez saisir des données vous concernant dans les champs prévus à cet effet. These data are processed by Klarna for the processing of payments. In this context, the following personal data (as well as general information about the products) may be specially registered and processed by Klarna for the purposes of verifying solvency and identity:
- Information de contact : Nom, date de naissance, numéro de carte d'identité nationale, titre, adresse de facturation et de livraison, adresse e-mail, numéro de téléphone, nationalité ou salaire.
- Information de paiement telles que les données de votre carte de crédit ou votre numéro de compte.
- Informations sur le produit telles que le numéro d'envoi, le type d'article et le prix du produit
In addition, certain data may be collected on a voluntary basis if you decide to do so in full awareness of the cause. These are, for example, political, religious or philosophical convictions or various data relating to health.
Klarna may also collect by itself or through third party intermediaries (e.g. through our intermediary or through public data bases), in addition to the data provided, data relating to goods or services that you purchase or order. This may include, for example, the delivery number or the type of item ordered, but also information about your solvency, your income or the granting of loans. Klarna may also transmit your personal data to service providers such as logic providers, data storage providers or ourselves as merchants.
When data is automatically stored in a form, cookies are always included. If you do not wish to use this function, you can deactivate these cookies at any time. Further on in the text, you will find instructions on how to remove, disable or manage cookies in your browser. Nos tests ont montré qu'aucun cookie n'est installé directement par Klarna. Si vous choisissez le mode de paiement "Klarna Sofort" et cliquez sur "Commander", vous serez redirigé vers le site Internet de Sofort. Once the payment has been successfully made, you will be redirected to our thank you page. Là, le cookie suivant est placé par :
Valeur : e8cipp378mdscn9e17kajlfhv7111824947-4
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre votre ID de session.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session de navigation
How much time and where are the data stored?
Klarna s'efforce d'enregistrer vos données uniquement au sein de l'UE ou de l'Espace économique européen (EEE). However, it may happen that data is transferred outside the EU/EEE. If this happens, Klarna will ensure that the protection of the data complies with the RGPD and that the third country is the subject of an adequacy decision by the European Union. The data will always be preserved as long as Klarna needs them for the finalization of the processing.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
Vous pouvez à tout moment révoquer votre accord pour que Klarna traite vos données personnelles. You also always have the right to access, correct and delete your personal data. For this, it is sufficient for you to contact the company or the company's data protection team by e-mail at [email protected] to contact them. Via the Klarna website "Ma demande de protection des données" you can also contact Klarna directly.
Les cookies que Klarna peut utiliser pour ses fonctions peuvent être supprimés, désactivés ou gérés dans votre navigateur. Depending on the navigator you are using, this works in different ways. The instructions below show you how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
Legal base
Nous proposons donc, pour l'exécution de relations contractuelles ou juridiques (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre b du RGPD) proposons, outre les institutions bancaires/de crédit traditionnelles, le prestataire de services de paiement Klarna Checkout.
Nous espérons vous avoir donné un bon aperçu du traitement des données par Klarna. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le traitement de vos données, nous vous recommandons de consulter la déclaration de protection des données de Klarna à l'adresse suivante
Déclaration de confidentialité de Stripe
Résumé de la déclaration de confidentialité de Stripe 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimiser le processus de paiement sur notre site web 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que nom, adresse, données bancaires (numéro de compte, numéro de carte de crédit, mots de passe, TAN, etc.), adresse IP et données contractuelles.), IP address and contractual data. You will find more details on this subject in this data protection declaration. 📅 Durée de conservation : les données sont conservées jusqu'à la fin de la collaboration avec Stripe. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : article 6, paragraphe 1, point b du RGPD (exécution du contrat), article 6, paragraphe 1, point a du RGPD (consentement) |
Qu'est-ce que Stripe ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site web un outil de paiement de l'entreprise technologique américaine et service de paiement en ligne Stripe. For clients in the EU, Stripe Payments Europe (Europe Ltd, 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, Ireland) is responsible. Cela signifie que si vous choisissez Stripe comme mode de paiement, votre paiement sera traité par Stripe Payments. Within this framework, the data required for the payment process will be transmitted to Stripe and registered. In this declaration of confidentiality, we provide you with an overview of this processing and storage of data by Stripe and explain why we use Stripe on our website.
The technological company Stripe offers payment solutions for online payments. Avec Stripe, il est possible d'accepter les paiements par carte de crédit et de débit dans notre boutique en ligne. Stripe takes charge of the entire payment process. L'un des principaux avantages de Stripe est que vous ne devez jamais quitter notre site web ou notre boutique pendant le processus de paiement et que le traitement des paiements est très rapide.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous Stripe pour notre site web ?
Nous voulons bien sûr offrir le meilleur service possible avec notre site web et notre boutique en ligne intégrée, afin que vous vous sentiez à l'aise sur notre site et que vous profitiez de nos offres. We know that your time is precious and that the payment process must run quickly and without problems. In addition to our other payment providers, we have found a partner in Stripe that guarantees reliable and rapid payment processing.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par Stripe ?
Si vous choisissez Stripe comme mode de paiement, des données personnelles vous concernant sont également transmises à Stripe et y sont enregistrées. This is transaction data. These data include the payment method (credit card, debit card or account number), the bank code, the currency, the amount and the date of the payment. During a transaction, your name, your electronic address, your billing or delivery address and sometimes the history of your transactions may also be transmitted. These data are necessary for authentication. In addition, Stripe may collect your name, your address, your telephone number and your country, as well as technical data relating to your device (such as your IP address), in order to combat fraud, to establish financial accounts and to be able to offer its own services in their integrity.
Stripe does not sell your data to third parties, such as marketing agencies or other companies that have nothing to do with Stripe. Cependant, les données peuvent être transmises à des services internes, à un nombre limité de partenaires externes de Stripe ou pour se conformer aux exigences légales. Stripe also uses cookies to collect data. Vous trouverez ici une sélection de cookies que Stripe peut placer pendant le processus de paiement :
Nom : m
valeur : edd716e9-d28b-46f7-8a55-e05f1779e84e040456111824947-5
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie apparaît lorsque vous sélectionnez le mode de paiement. Il enregistre et reconnaît si vous accédez à notre site web via un PC, une tablette ou un smartphone.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Nom : __stripe_mid
Valeur : fc30f52c-b006-4722-af61-a7419a5b8819875de9111824947-1
Référence du paiement : Pour pouvoir effectuer une transaction par carte de crédit, ce cookie est nécessaire. Pour ce faire, le cookie enregistre votre identifiant de session.
Date d'expiration : après un an
Nom : __stripe_sid
Valeur : 6fee719a-c67c-4ed2-b583-6a9a50895b122753fe
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre également votre ID et est utilisé pour le processus de paiement sur notre site web par Stripe.
Date d'expiration: après l'expiration de la session
How much time and where are the data stored?
Les données personnelles sont en principe conservées pendant la durée de la prestation de services. This means that the data will be retained until we terminate our collaboration with Stripe. However, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, Stripe may also retain personal data beyond the duration of the provision of services. As Stripe is a global company, the data may also be stored in any country in which Stripe provides its services. The data can also be stored outside your country, for example in the United States.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher le stockage de mes données ?
Please note that when you use this tool, your data may be stored and processed outside the EU. The majority of third countries (including the United States) are not considered safe according to current European data protection legislation. The data can therefore not simply be transferred, stored and processed in non-safe countries, unless there are appropriate guarantees (such as EU contractual clauses) between us and the provider of extra-European services.
You always have the right to access, correct and delete your personal data. If you have any questions, you can also contact the Stripe team at any time via contact.
Les cookies utilisés par Stripe pour ses fonctions peuvent être supprimés, désactivés ou gérés dans votre navigateur. Depending on the browser you are using, this works in different ways. However, please note that the payment process may no longer work. The instructions below show you how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données du site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
Legal base
Nous proposons therefore, pour l'exécution de relations contractuelles ou juridiques (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre b du RGPD) outre les institutions bancaires/de crédit traditionnelles, nous proposons également le service de paiement Sofortüberweisung. The successful use of this service also requires your consent (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a of the RGPD) Dans la mesure où l'utilisation de cookies est nécessaire, nous vous demandons votre consentement.
Stripe also processes data, among others, in the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Stripe uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Stripe to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing the relevant data, even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
Nous vous avons donné un aperçu général du traitement et du stockage des données par Stripe. If you would like to receive even more detailed information, please consult Stripe's declaration of confidentiality at the following address is a good source.
Déclaration de confidentialité de DIRECTebanking
Déclaration de confidentialité de Sofortüberweisung Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : optimiser le processus de paiement sur notre site web 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que nom, adresse, données bancaires (numéro de compte, numéro de carte de crédit, mots de passe, TAN, etc.), adresse IP et données contractuelles.), IP address and contractual data. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans la déclaration de confidentialité ci-dessous. 📅 Durée de conservation : les données sont conservées dans le cadre de l'obligation légale de conservation. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. c du RGPD (obligation légale), art. 6, al. 1, let. f du RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce qu'un "virement immédiat" ?
Nous proposons sur notre site Internet la méthode de paiement "Sofortüberweisung" de l'entreprise Sofort GmbH pour le paiement sans espèces. La société Sofort GmbH appartient depuis 2014 à l'entreprise suédoise Klarna, mais son siège social se trouve en Allemagne, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich.
Si vous optez pour ce mode de paiement, des données personnelles seront transmises, enregistrées et traitées par Sofort GmbH ou Klarna. Avec ce texte sur la protection des données, nous vous donnons un aperçu du traitement des données par Sofort GmbH.
Sofortüberweisung est un système de paiement en ligne qui vous permet d'effectuer une commande par le biais de la banque en ligne. Le traitement du paiement est effectué par Sofort GmbH et nous recevons immédiatement des informations sur le paiement effectué. Cette méthode peut être utilisée par tout utilisateur disposant d'un compte bancaire en ligne actif avec PIN et TAN. Only a few banks do not yet support this payment method.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous "Sofortüberweisung" sur notre site web ?
Our aim with our website and our integrated online boutique is to offer you the best service possible. In addition to our global experience on the website and our offers, this also includes a fluid, fast and secure payment process for your orders. To guarantee this, we use "Sofortüberweisung" as our payment system.
Quelles données sont enregistrées par "DIRECTebanking" ?
Lorsque vous effectuez un virement immédiat via le service Sofort/Klarna, des données telles que le nom, le numéro de compte, le code bancaire, l'objet, le montant et la date sont enregistrées sur les serveurs de l'entreprise. Nous recevons également ces informations via la confirmation de paiement.
Dans le cadre de la vérification de la couverture du compte, Sofort GmbH vérifie si le solde de votre compte et votre autorization de découvert couvrent le montant du paiement. In certain cases, it is also verified if the instant payments have been successfully made within the last 30 days. In addition, your identification d'utilisateur (such as the client number or the contract number) in the form of an abbreviation ("hachée") and your IP address are collected and registered. For SEPA transfers, the BIC and IBAN codes are also registered.
Selon l'entreprise, aucune autre donnée personnelle (comme les soldes de comptes, les données de transactions, les limites de retrait, les listes de comptes, le numéro de téléphone portable, les certificats d'authentification, les codes de sécurité ou les codes PIN/TAN) n'est collectée, enregistrée ou transmise à des tiers.
DIRECTebanking also uses cookies to make its service more convenient. Lorsque vous commandez un produit, vous êtes redirigé vers le site Internet de Sofort ou de Klarna. Une fois le paiement effectué avec succès, vous serez redirigé vers notre page de remerciements. Les trois cookies suivants y sont placés :
Valeur : e8cipp378mdscn9e17kajlfhv7111824947-5
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre votre ID de session.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session de navigation
Nomutilisateur[user_cookie_rules] : User[user_cookie_rules].
Valeur : 1
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre votre consentement à l'utilisation de cookies.
Date d'expiration : après 10 ans
Nom : _ga
Valeur : GA1.2.69759879.1589470706
Utilization prévue : Par défaut, analytics.js utilise le cookie _ga pour enregistrer l'identifiant de l'utilisateur. In principle, it is used to distinguish visitors to the website. Il s'agit ici d'un cookie de Google Analytics.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Remarque : Les cookies mentionnés ici ne sont pas exhaustifs. Il est toujours possible que DIRECTebanking utilise également d'autres cookies.
How much time and where are the data stored?
All data collected is stored within the scope of the legal obligation to preserve it. This obligation may last between three and six years.
Klarna/Sofort GmbH essaie de stocker les données uniquement au sein de l'UE ou de l'Espace économique européen (EEE). If the data are transferred outside the EU/EEE, the protection of the data must comply with the GDPR and the country must be subject to an adequacy decision by the EU.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur stockage ?
Vous pouvez à tout moment révoquer votre accord pour que Klarna traite vos données personnelles. You also always have the right to access, correct and delete your personal data. To do this, all you need to do is contact the company's data protection team by e-mail at the following address: [email protected].
Les éventuels cookies utilisés par Sofortüberweisung peuvent être gérés, supprimés ou désactivés dans votre navigateur. Depending on your preferred browser, this works in different ways. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in the most popular browsers:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
Legal base
Nous proposons therefore, pour l'exécution de relations contractuelles ou juridiques (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre b du RGPD) outre les institutions bancaires/de crédit traditionnelles, nous proposons également le service de paiement Sofortüberweisung. The successful use of this service also requires your consent (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a of the RGPD) Dans la mesure où l'utilisation de cookies est nécessaire, nous vous demandons votre consentement.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le traitement des données par "Sofortüberweisung" de l'entreprise Sofort GmbH, nous vous recommandons de consulter la déclaration de protection des données sous
Médias sociaux
Déclaration de confidentialité des médias sociaux Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : présentation et optimisation de notre prestation de service, contact avec les visiteurs, les personnes intéressées et autres, publicité 📓 Données traitées : Data such as telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, data relating to the user's behavior, information relating to your device and your IP address. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans l'outil de médiaux sociaux utilisé. 📅 Durée de stockage : dépends des plateformes de médias sociaux utilisées. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que les médias sociaux ?
In addition to our website, we are also active on various social media platforms. In this context, users' data can be processed so that we can address users who are interested in us via social networks in a targeted manner. In addition, elements of a social media platform can be directly integrated into our website. This is the case, for example, when you click on a social button on our website and you are directly redirected to our presence on social media. Social media are websites and applications that allow registered members to produce content, to exchange content openly or within certain groups and to be in contact with other members.
Why do we use social media?
For many years now, social media platforms have been the place where people communicate and come into contact with each other. Our presence on social media allows us to make our products and services known to interested parties. The social media elements integrated into our website help you to access our social media content quickly and without complications.
The data that is registered and processed through your use of a social media channel is primarily intended to enable web analyses to be carried out. The objective of these analyses is to be able to develop more precise and personalized marketing and publicity strategies. Depending on your behavior on a social media platform, the data analyzed allows you to draw conclusions about your interests and create user profiles. The platforms can also present you with advertisements on measure. Most of the time, cookies are placed on your browser for this purpose, which register data on your usage behavior.
Generally speaking, we share the principle that we remain responsible in terms of data protection, even if we use the services of a social media platform. However, the European Court of Justice has decided that, in certain cases, the operator of the social media platform may be jointly liable with us within the meaning of Article 26 of the RGPD. If this is the case, we will indicate this separately and work on the basis of an agreement to this effect. The essence of the agreement is therefore reproduced below for the platform concerned.
Please note that when using the social media platforms or our integrated elements, the data concerning you may also be processed outside the European Union, as many social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, are American companies. It is therefore possible that you will not be able to easily exercise or apply your rights with regard to your personal data.
Quelles données sont traitées ?
The exact data that is stored and processed depends on the provider of the social media platform. But it is generally data such as telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, the data you see in a contact form, user data such as the buttons you click on, the people you like or visit, the pages you have visited, information about your device and your IP address. Most of this data is stored in cookies. In particular, if you have a profile on the social media channel you are visiting and you are connected to it, data may be associated with your profile.
All data collected via a social media platform is also stored on the service providers' servers. Thus, only the suppliers have access to the data and can provide you with the appropriate information or make modifications.
If you want to know exactly which data are registered and processed by the social media providers and how you can oppose the processing of the data, you should read the data protection declaration of the company concerned carefully. If you have any questions about the storage and processing of data or if you wish to exercise your rights, we recommend that you contact the supplier directly.
Duration of data processing
We provide you with more basic information about the duration of the processing of data, to the extent that we have more detailed information on this subject. For example, the social media platform Facebook stores the data until they are no longer necessary for its own purposes. The clients' data that are compared with the users' own data are, however, reduced over the next two years. In general, we do not process personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for the provision of our services and products. If required by law, for example in the case of accounting, this retention period may be extended.
Droit d'opposition
You also have the right and the possibility to revoke your consent at any time to the use of cookies or third-party providers such as integrated media elements. This is done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent the collection of data by cookies by enabling, disabling or disabling cookies in your browser.
As social media tools can use cookies, we also recommend that you read our general data protection declaration on cookies. In order to know exactly which data concerning you are registered and processed, you should read the confidentiality declarations of the tools concerned.
Legal base
If you have consented to your data being processed and registered through integrated media elements, this consent constitutes the legal basis for the processing of the data. (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a of the RGPD). In principle, if you have given your consent, your data will also be processed on the basis of your legitimate interests. (art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD) à une communication rapide et de qualité avec vous ou avec d'autres clients et partenaires commerciaux. However, we do not use these tools unless you have given your consent. Most social media platforms also place cookies on your browser in order to register data. This is why we recommend that you read our text on data protection concerning cookies carefully and consult the data protection declaration or the cookies policy of the service provider concerned.
For more information on specific social media platforms, please consult the sections below, if they exist.
Déclaration de confidentialité de Facebook
Résumé de la politique de confidentialité de Facebook 👥 Personnes concernées : visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimiser nos prestations de service 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que les données clients, les données sur le comportement des utilisateurs, les informations sur votre appareil et votre adresse IP. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet plus loin dans la déclaration de confidentialité. 📅 Duration of storage: until the data can no longer be used for Facebook purposes. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Que sont les outils Facebook ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site web des outils sélectionnés de Facebook. Facebook is a social media network of the company Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland. These tools allow us to offer you, as well as the people who are interested in our products and services, the best possible offer.
Si des données vous concernant sont collectées et transmises par le biais de nos éléments Facebook intégrés ou de notre page Facebook (page fan), nous en sommes responsables, tout comme Facebook Ireland Ltd. Facebook est seul responsable du traitement ultérieur de ces données. Our joint commitments have also been set out in an agreement accessible to the public at the following address is anchored in the law. For example, it is stipulated that we must clearly inform you about the use of Facebook tools on our site. We are also responsible for the security of the integration of these tools on our website in terms of data protection. In turn, Facebook, for example, is responsible for the data security of Facebook products. For any questions regarding the collection and processing of data by Facebook, you can contact the company directly. Si vous nous adressez la question, nous sommes tenus de la transmettre à Facebook.
We give you an overview of the different Facebook tools, the data that is sent to Facebook and how you can remove this data.
Among many other products, Facebook also offers what it calls "Facebook Business Tools". This is the official name of Facebook. Mais comme ce terme est peu connu, nous avons décidé de les appeler simplement Facebook Tools. Among them, we find among others
- Pixel Facebook
- social plug-ins (such as the "J'aime" or "Partager" button)
- Connexion à Facebook
- Kit de compte
- API (interface de programmation)
- SDK (collection d'outils de programmation)
- Intégrations de plateformes
- Plugins
- Codes
- Spécifications
- Documentation
- Technologies and services
Thanks to these tools, Facebook extends its services and is able to obtain information about the activities of users within Facebook.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous des outils Facebook sur notre site web ?
We only want to present our services and products to people who are really interested in them. The publicity ads (Facebook ads) allow us to reach precisely these people. However, in order to be able to offer users customized ads, Facebook needs information about their wishes and needs. Thus, information on the behavior of users (and contact data) is made available to the company on our website. This allows Facebook to collect the best information about users and to provide interested parties with the appropriate publicity about our products and services. These tools therefore allow us to carry out measured publicity campaigns on Facebook.
Les données relatives à votre comportement sur notre site web sont appelées par Facebook "données d'événement". Celles-ci sont également utilisées pour des services de mesure et d'analyse. Facebook can thus establish "campaign reports" on the impact of our publicity campaigns on our behalf. In addition, the analyses allow us to better understand how you use our services, our website or our products. Some of these tools also allow us to optimize your user experience on our website. For example, the social plug-ins allow you to share the content of our site directly on Facebook.
Quelles données sont enregistrées par les outils de Facebook ?
The use of certain Facebook tools may result in the disclosure of personal data (client data) to Facebook. Depending on the tools used, client data such as name, address, telephone number and IP address may be sent.
Facebook uses this information to compare the data with the data it has on your subject (if you are a Facebook member). Before the client's data is transferred to Facebook, the process is called a "hachage". This means that a set of data of whatever size is transformed into a set of characteristics. This also serves to encrypt the data.
In addition to the contact details, the "event details" are also transmitted. By "event data", we mean the information that we receive on your subject on our website. For example, the sub-pages you visit or the products you buy from us. Facebook does not share the information received with third parties (such as advertisers), unless the company has explicit authorization or is legally required to do so. The "event data" can also be associated with contact data. This allows Facebook to offer better personalized publicity. After the aforementioned deletion process, Facebook will remove the contact details.
In order to optimize the dissemination of publicity, Facebook does not use the event data unless they are combined with other data (collected in a different way by Facebook). Facebook also uses this event data for security, protection, development and research purposes. Much of this data is transmitted to Facebook via cookies. Cookies are small text files used to store data or information in the browser. Depending on the tools used and whether you are a Facebook member or not, the number of cookies created in your browser varies. In the descriptions of the various Facebook tools, we go into more detail about individual Facebook cookies. General information on the use of Facebook cookies is also available at
How much time and where are the data stored?
In principle, Facebook retains the data until they are no longer needed for its own Facebook services and products. Facebook has distributed service providers throughout the world where its data is stored. However, the clients' data is deleted within 48 hours after it has been compared with the users' data.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur stockage ?
Conformément au règlement de base sur la protection des données, vous avez le droit d'accéder à vos données, de les rectifier, de les transférer et de les supprimer.
The complete suppression of your data will only take place if you completely suppress your Facebook account. Voici comment fonctionne la suppression de votre compte Facebook :
1) Cliquez sur Paramètres à droite de Facebook.
2) Ensuite, cliquez dans la colonne de gauche sur "Vos informations Facebook".
3) Cliquez maintenant sur "Désactivation et suppression".
4) Sélectionnez maintenant "Supprimer le compte" et cliquez ensuite sur "Continuer et supprimer le compte".
5) Saisissez maintenant votre mot de passe, cliquez sur "Suivant" et ensuite sur "Supprimer le compte".
The registration of the data that Facebook receives via our site is done, among other things, by means of cookies (e.g. for social plugins). In your browser, you can disable, delete or delete some or all cookies. Depending on the browser you are using, this works in different ways. The instructions below show you how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can configure your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie needs to be installed. You can also decide for each cookie individually whether you authorize it or not.
Legal base
Si vous avez accepté que vos données soient traitées et stockées par des outils Facebook intégrés, ce consentement est considéré comme la base juridique du traitement des données. (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD). In principle, your data are also processed on the basis of our legitimate interests. (art. 6, paragraphe 1, point f of the RGPD) for a rapid and quality communication with you or other clients and commercial partners. However, we do not use these tools unless you have given your consent. Most social media platforms also place cookies on your browser in order to register data. This is why we recommend that you read our text on data protection concerning cookies carefully and consult the declaration of confidentiality or the directives relating to cookies on Facebook.
Facebook processes data in the United States, among others. We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
As a basis for the processing of data from recipients established in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries, Facebook uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= art. 46. al. 2 et 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige Facebook to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
We hope that we have provided you with the most important information on the use and processing of data by Facebook tools. If you would like to find out more about how Facebook uses your data, we recommend that you consult the data policy at
Politique de confidentialité des plug-ins sociaux de Facebook
Notre site web intègre ce que l'on appelle des plug-ins sociaux de l'entreprise Facebook Inc. Vous reconnaissez ces boutons au logo Facebook classique, comme le bouton "J'aime" (la main avec le pouce levé) ou à un marquage clair "Facebook Plug-in". A social plug-in is a small part of Facebook that is integrated into our site. Each plug-in has its own function. The most widely used functions are the famous "I like" and "Share" buttons.
Les plug-ins sociaux suivants sont proposés par Facebook :
- Bouton "Enregistrer".
- Bouton "J'aime", Partager, Envoyer et Citer
- Plug-in de page
- Commentaires
- Plug-in Messenger
- Messages intégrés et lecteur vidéo
- Plug-in de groupe
On s you will find more information on the use of the various plug-ins. We use the social plug-ins on the one hand to offer you a better user experience on our site and on the other hand because they allow Facebook to optimize our publicity ads.
Si vous avez un compte Facebook ou vous avez déjà visité notre site, Facebook a déjà installé au moins un cookie dans votre navigateur. In this case, your browser will send information to Facebook via this cookie as soon as you visit our site or interact with the social plug-ins (e.g. the "I like" button).
The information received will be deleted or returned anonymously within 90 hours. According to Facebook, this information includes your IP address, the website you visited, the date, time and other information relating to your browser.
To prevent Facebook from collecting a lot of data during your visit to our website and from associating it with Facebook data, you must disconnect yourself from Facebook while you are visiting the website (disconnect yourself).
If you are not connected to Facebook or if you do not have a Facebook account, your browser will send less information to Facebook because you have fewer Facebook cookies. However, data such as your IP address or the website you are visiting may be transmitted to Facebook. We would like to point out that we do not know the exact content of the data. However, we aim to inform you as much as possible about the processing of the data in accordance with the current state of our knowledge. To find out how Facebook uses the data, you can also consult the company's confidentiality policy at the following address to find out more.
Les cookies suivants sont au minimum installés dans votre navigateur lorsque vous visitez un site web contenant des plug-ins sociaux de Facebook :
Nom : dpr
Valeur : pas d'indication
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est utilisé pour permettre aux plug-ins sociaux de fonctionner sur notre site web.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom fr
Valeur : 0jieyh4111824947c2GnlufEJ9..Bde09j...1.0.Bde09j
Utilization prévue : Le cookie est également nécessaire pour que les plug-ins fonctionnent correctement.
Date d'expiration: : après 3 mois
Remarque : Ces cookies ont été placés après un test, même si vous n'êtes pas membre de Facebook.
If you are connected to Facebook, you can modify your publicity preferences at modifier vous-même. If you are not a Facebook user, you can click onérerto view your publicity online based on its use. Vous avez la possibilité de désactiver ou d'activer des fournisseurs.
If you would like to know more about data protection on Facebook, please consult the company's confidentiality policy at the following address: https: //
Déclaration de confidentialité de Facebook Login
Nous avons intégré sur notre site la fonction pratique Facebook Login. This allows you to connect easily with us using your Facebook account without having to create another user account. If you decide to register via the Facebook login, you will be redirected to the Facebook social media network. The registration is done via your Facebook user data. Thanks to this connection process, the data concerning you or your user behavior will be registered and transmitted to Facebook.
To register this data, Facebook uses various cookies. Nous vous présentons ci-dessous les principaux cookies qui sont installés dans votre navigateur ou qui existent déjà lorsque vous vous connectez à notre site via le login Facebook :
Nom : fr
Valeur : 0jieyh4c2GnlufEJ9..Bde09j...1.0.Bde09j
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est utilisé pour permettre au plugin social de fonctionner au mieux sur notre site web.
Date d'expiration : après 3 mois
Nom : datr
Valeur : 4Jh7XUA2111824947SEmPsSfzCOO4JFFl
Référence du paiement : Facebook place le cookie "datr" lorsqu'un navigateur web accède à, et le cookie aide à identifier les activités de connexion et à protéger les utilisateurs.
Date d'expiration : after 2 ans
Nom : _js_datr
Valeur : deleted
Objet de l'utilisation : Ce cookie de session est placé par Facebook à des fins de suivi, même si vous n'avez pas de compte Facebook ou si vous êtes déconnecté.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Note : Les cookies mentionnés ne sont qu'une petite sélection des cookies disponibles sur Facebook. Other cookies are for example _ fbp, sb or wd. A complete enumeration is not possible, because Facebook has a large number of cookies and uses them in variable ways.
The Facebook login offers you a quick and easy registration process, while at the same time giving us the opportunity to share data with Facebook. This allows us to better adapt our offer and our publicity actions to your interests and needs. The data that we receive from Facebook in this way are public data such as
- votre nom Facebook
- votre photo de profil
- une adresse e-mail enregistrée
- listes d'amis
- indications de boutons (par ex. bouton "J'aime")
- Date d'anniversaire
- Langue
- Lieu de résidence
On the other hand, we provide Facebook with information about your activities on our website. This includes information about the terminal you are using, the pages you are visiting or the products you have purchased from us.
En utilisant Facebook Login, vous consentez au traitement des données. You can revoke this consent at any time. If you would like to receive more information about the processing of data by Facebook, we recommend that you consult Facebook's declaration of confidentiality at the following address: https: //
As long as you are connected to Facebook, you can modify your publicity parameters at to modify them yourself.
Déclaration de confidentialité Instagram
Résumé de la politique de confidentialité Instagram 👥 Personnes concernées : visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimiser nos prestations de service 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que les données sur le comportement des utilisateurs, les informations sur votre appareil et votre adresse IP. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans la déclaration de confidentialité ci-dessous. 📅 Durée de conservation : jusqu'à ce qu'Instagram n'ait plus besoin de ces données pour ses propres besoins. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : article 6, paragraphe 1, point a du RGPD (consentement), article 6, paragraphe 1, point f du RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce qu'Instagram ?
Nous avons intégré des fonctions d'Instagram sur notre site web. Instagram est une plateforme de médias sociaux de l'entreprise Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA. Instagram est une filiale de Facebook Inc. depuis 2012 et fait partie des produits Facebook. L'intégration de contenus Instagram sur notre site web s'appelle l'embedding. This allows us to show you content such as boutons, photos or Instagram videos directly on our website. When you consult the pages of our website that have an Instagram function integrated, data is transmitted to Instagram, registered and processed. Instagram uses the same systems and technologies as Facebook. Your data is therefore processed by all Facebook companies.
In the following, we would like to give you a more precise overview of the reasons why Instagram collects data, what data it collects and how you can control the processing of data on a large scale. Instagram appartenant à Facebook Inc., nirons tirons nos informations des règles d'Instagram, mais aussi des règles de Facebook en matière de données.
Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks in the world. Instagram combines the advantages of a blog with those of audiovisual platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. You can upload photos and short videos to "Insta" (as many users refer to the platform with disdain), modify them using various filters and also share them on other social networks. And if you don't want to be active yourself, you can follow other interesting users.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous Instagram sur notre site web ?
Instagram is the social media platform that has really exploded in recent years. And of course, we have also responded to this boom. We want you to be as well informed as possible on our website. That's why it's obvious to us that our content must be varied. Thanks to the integrated Instagram functions, we can enrich our content with useful, amusing or passionate content from the world of Instagram. Instagram being a subsidiary of Facebook, the data collected can also be used by us for personalized publicity on Facebook. In this way, only those people who are genuinely interested in our products or services will receive our publicity.
Instagram also uses the data collected for measurement and analysis purposes. We obtain aggregated statistics that give us a better understanding of your preferences and interests. It is important to mention that these reports do not identify you personally.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par Instagram ?
When you arrive on one of our pages that contains Instagram features (such as Instagram images or plug-ins), your browser automatically connects to Instagram services. Data is then sent to Instagram, registered and processed. Et ce, que vous ayez ou non un compte Instagram. This includes information on our website, on your device, on the purchases made, on the advertisements you see and on the way in which you use our offer. The date and time of your interaction with Instagram are also recorded. If you have an Instagram account or if you are connected, Instagram registers a lot more data about you.
Facebook makes the distinction between client data and event data. We share the principle that this is exactly the case for Instagram. The client data includes, for example, the name, address, telephone number and IP address. These client data are only transmitted to Instagram if they have been "checked" in advance. Hachage means that an ensemble of data is transformed into a string of characters. This makes it possible to encrypt the contact data. In addition, the "event data" mentioned above are also transmitted. With "event data", Facebook - and consequently Instagram - receives data about the user's behavior. It may also happen that contact data is combined with event data. The contact data collected will be compared with the data that Instagram already has on your subject.
The data collected is transmitted to Facebook via small text files (cookies) which are generally placed in your browser. Depending on the Instagram functions used and if you have your own Instagram account, the number of registered data varies.
Nous partons du principe que le traitement des données sur Instagram fonctionne de la même manière que sur Facebook. This means that if you have an Instagram account or you have visited the site, Instagram will at least install a cookie. If this is the case, your browser will send information to Instagram via the cookie as soon as you enter into contact with an Instagram function. These data are deleted or anonymized after 90 days (after synchronization). Although we are very interested in the processing of data by Instagram, we cannot say exactly what data Instagram collects and stores.
Ci-dessous, nous vous montrons les cookies qui sont au minimum installés dans votre navigateur lorsque vous cliquez sur une fonction Instagram (comme un bouton ou une image Insta). For our test, we will go by the principle that you do not have an Instagram account. If you are connected to Instagram, it is obvious that many more cookies are placed on your browser.
Ces cookies ont été utilisés lors de notre test :
Nom : csrftoken
Valeur : ""
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie est très probablement placé pour des raisons de sécurité, afin d'empêcher la falsification des demandes. Nous n'avons toutefois pas pu en savoir plus à ce sujet.
Date d'expiration : after one year
Nom : mid
Valeur : ""
Utilisation prévue : Instagram place ce cookie afin d'optimiser ses propres services et offres dans et en dehors d'Instagram. Le cookie définit un ID utilisateur unique.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom : fbsr_111824947124024
Valeur : pas de données
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre la demande de connexion pour les utilisateurs de l'application Instagram.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom : rur
valeur : ATN
Référence du paiement : Il s'agit d'un cookie Instagram qui garantit la fonctionnalité sur Instagram.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom : urlgen
valeur : “{””: 1901}:1iEtYv:Y833k2_UjKvXgYe111824947”
Référence de l'utilisation : Ce cookie est utilisé à des fins de marketing par Instagram.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Note: We cannot claim to be exhaustive. The cookies installed in each individual case depend on the integrated functions and your use of Instagram.
Where and for how long are the data stored?
Instagram shares the information received between Facebook companies with external partners and with people you connect with around the world. The processing of data is carried out in compliance with its own confidentiality policy. In particular, for security reasons, your data is shared with Facebook service providers around the world. The majority of these service providers are located in the United States.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
Grâce au règlement de base sur la protection des données, vous avez un droit d'accès, de portabilité, de rectification et de suppression de vos données. Vous pouvez gérer vos données dans les paramètres Instagram. If you wish to completely delete your data on Instagram, you must delete your Instagram account.
Et voici comment fonctionne la suppression du compte Instagram :
First, open the Instagram application. On your profile page, go to the bottom and click on "Zone d'aide". Vous arrivez maintenant sur le site web de l'entreprise. On the site, click on "Gérer votre compte", then on "Supprimer votre compte".
If you completely delete your account, Instagram will delete the publications such as your photos and your status updates. The information that other people have shared on your account is not part of your account and will therefore not be deleted.
Comme mentionné ci-dessus, Instagram stocks vos données principalement via des cookies. You can manage, disable or delete these cookies in your browser. Depending on your browser, the management always works a little differently. We will show you the instructions for the main navigators here.
Chrome : supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données du site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
You can also configure your browser so that it informs you each time a cookie needs to be installed. You can then decide individually whether you want to authorize the cookie or not.
Legal base
If you have consented to your data being processed and registered through integrated media elements, this consent constitutes the legal basis for the processing of the data. (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD). In principle, your data are also processed on the basis of our legitimate interests. (art. 6, par. 1, point f of the RGPD) for rapid and high-quality communication with you or other clients and commercial partners. However, we do not use the integrated social media elements unless you have given your consent. The majority of social media platforms also place cookies in your browser in order to register data. C'est pourquoi nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement notre texte sur la protection des données concernant les cookies et de consulter la déclaration de protection des données ou les directives relatives aux cookies du fournisseur de services concerné.
Instagram and Facebook process data, among others, in the United States. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
As a basis for the processing of data from recipients established in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries, Facebook uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= art. 46. al. 2 et 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige Facebook to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
We have decided to provide you with the most important information on how Instagram handles data. On
vous pouvez vous pencher encore plus en détail sur la politique de données d'Instagram.
Déclaration de confidentialité LinkedIn
Résumé de la déclaration de confidentialité de LinkedIn 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site web 🤝 Objectif : optimiser notre prestation de service 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que les données sur le comportement des utilisateurs, les informations sur votre appareil et votre adresse IP. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet dans la déclaration de confidentialité ci-dessous. 📅 Durée de stockage : les données sont en principe effacées dans les 30 jours. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que LinkedIn ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site web des plug-ins sociaux du réseau de médias sociaux LinkedIn, de la société LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Les plug-ins sociaux peuvent être des flux, des partages de contenus ou des liens vers notre page LinkedIn. Les plug-ins sociaux sont clairement identifiés par le logo LinkedIn bien connu et permettent par exemple de partager des contenus intéressants directement via notre site web. For the European Economic Area and Switzerland, the company LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place à Dublin is responsible for the processing of data.
The integration of these plug-ins allows data to be sent to LinkedIn, registered and processed. In this data protection declaration, we would like to inform you about the data in question, how the network uses this data and how you can control or prevent the storage of this data.
LinkedIn is the largest social network for professional contacts. In contrast to Facebook, for example, the company concentrates exclusively on developing professional contacts. Companies can present their services and products on the platform and establish new business relationships. De nombreuses personnes utilisent également LinkedIn pour la recherche d'emploi ou pour trouver elles-mêmes des collaborateurs ou des collaboratrices appropriés pour leur propre entreprise. Rien qu'en Allemagne, le réseau compte plus de 11 millions de membres. In Austria, there are around 1.3 million.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous LinkedIn sur notre site web ?
We know at what point you are occupied. It is therefore not possible to follow all the social media channels individually. Even if, as in our case, this would be a shame. In fact, we regularly publish new or interesting reports that need to be disseminated. That is why we have created the possibility on our website to share interesting content directly on LinkedIn or to link directly to our LinkedIn page. Nous considérons les plug-ins sociaux intégrés comme un service étendu sur notre site web. The data collected by LinkedIn also helps us to avoid showing any publicity measures to people who are interested in our offer.
Quelles données sont enregistrées par LinkedIn ?
LinkedIn n'enregistre aucune donnée personnelle du simple fait de l'intégration des plug-ins sociaux. LinkedIn calls these données générées par les plug-ins des impressions passives. But if you click on a social plug-in, for example to share your content, the platform registers your personal data as "active impressions". And this, regardless of whether or not you have a LinkedIn account. If you are connected, the data collected will be assigned to your account.
Votre navigateur établit une connexion directe avec les serveurs de LinkedIn lorsque vous interagissez avec nos plug-ins. The company thus registers various usage data. In addition to your IP address, this may include, for example, connection data, information about the device or information about your Internet or mobile phone provider. If you access the LinkedIn services via your smartphone, your localization may also be terminated (after you have authorized it). LinkedIn can also transmit these data in the form of "hachée" to third party advertisers. Hachage means that a set of data is transformed into a set of characteristics. This makes it possible to encrypt the data in such a way that the persons can no longer be identified.
Most of the data relating to the user's behavior is recorded in cookies. These are small text files that are generally placed in your browser. LinkedIn may also use web beacons, pixel beacons, display beacons and other device identifiers.
Various tests also show which cookies are placed when a user interacts with a social plug-in. The data collected cannot claim to be exhaustive and serves only as an example. The following cookies have been placed without being connected to LinkedIn :
Nom : bcookie
Valeur : =2&34aab2aa-2ae1-4d2a-8baf-c2e2d7235c16111824947-
Référence du paiement : Le cookie est un "cookie d'identification du navigateur" et enregistre par conséquent votre numéro d'identification (ID).
Date d'expiration : After 2 years
Nom : lang
Valeur : v=2&lang=fr-fr
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre votre langue par défaut ou préférée.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom lidc
Valeur : 1818367:t=1571904767:s=AQF6KNnJ0G111824947...
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est utilisé pour le routage. Le routage enregistre les moyens par lesquels vous êtes arrivé sur LinkedIn et la manière dont vous y naviguez.
Date d'expiration : après 24 heures
Nom rtc
Valeur : kt0lrv3NF3x3t6xvDgGrZGDKkX
Référence du paiement : Aucune information plus détaillée n'a pu pêtre obtenue sur ce cookie.
Date d'expiration : après 2 minutes
Valeur : ajax:1118249472900777718326218137
Objet du paiement : Il s'agit d'un cookie de session que LinkedIn utilise pour maintenir des sessions d'utilisateurs anonymes par le serveur.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom bscookie
Valeur : "v=1&201910230812...
Référence de l'utilisation : Ce cookie est un cookie de sécurité. LinkedIn le décrit comme un cookie d'identification de navigateur sécurisé.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Nom : fid
Valeur : AQHj7Ii23ZBcqAAAA...
Référence du paiement : Aucune information plus détaillée n'a pu pêtre trouvée sur ce cookie.
Date d'expiration : après 7 jours
Remarque : LinkedIn also works with third-party providers. C'est pourquoi nous avons également détecté les deux cookies Google Analytics _ga et _gat lors de notre test.
Where and for how long are the data stored?
In principle, LinkedIn retains your personal data for as long as the company deems necessary to offer its own services. LinkedIn supprime toutefois vos données personnelles lorsque vous supprimez votre compte. In certain exceptional cases, LinkedIn may retain certain data, even after your account has been deleted, in an anonymous and anonymized form. As soon as you suppress your account, other people will no longer be able to see your data for a period of one day. LinkedIn supprime en principe les données dans les 30 jours. LinkedIn will, however, retain the data if this is necessary for legal reasons. The data that can no longer be attributed to individuals will remain stored even after the account has been closed. The data is stored on various servers in the United States and probably also in Europe.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur conservation ?
Vous avez à tout moment le droit d'accéder à vos données personnelles et de les supprimer. Vous pouvez gérer, modifier et supprimer vos données dans votre compte LinkedIn. Vous pouvez également demander à LinkedIn une copie de vos données personnelles.
Voici comment accéder aux données de votre compte dans votre profil LinkedIn :
Cliquez sur l'icône de votre profil dans LinkedIn et sélectionnez la rubrique "Paramètres et confidentialité". Then click on "Confidentiality", then on "Modify" in the section "Comment LinkedIn uses your data". After a short time, you will be able to download the selected data relating to your activity on the web and the history of your account.
Vous avez également la possibilité, dans votre navigateur, d'empêcher le traitement des données par LinkedIn. As mentioned above, LinkedIn registers most of the data via the cookies placed in your browser. Vous pouvez gérer, désactiver ou supprimer ces cookies. Depending on the browser you are using, the management will work slightly differently. You will find here the instructions for the most popular browsers:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données du site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
You can also configure your browser so that it informs you each time a cookie needs to be installed. You can then decide individually whether you want to authorize the cookie or not.
Legal base
If you have consented to your data being processed and registered through integrated media elements, this consent is considered to be the legal basis for the processing of the data. (art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a of the RGPD). In principle, your data are also processed on the basis of our legitimate interests. (art. 6, par. 1, point f of the RGPD) for rapid and quality communication with you or other clients and commercial partners. We do not use the integrated social media elements unless you have given your consent. The majority of social media platforms also place cookies in your browser in order to register data. C'est pourquoi nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement notre texte sur la protection des données concernant les cookies et de consulter la déclaration de protection des données ou les directives relatives aux cookies du fournisseur de services concerné.
LinkedIn also processes data in the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
As a basis for the processing of data from recipients domiciled in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries, LinkedIn uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= Art. 46. al. 2 et 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige LinkedIn to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
Nous avons essayé de donner les informations les plus importantes sur le traitement des données par LinkedIn. On you will learn even more about the processing of data by the social media network LinkedIn.
Déclaration de confidentialité de SoundCloud
Résumé de la déclaration de confidentialité de SoundCloud 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimiser nos prestations de service 📓 Données traitées : Les données telles que les coordonnées, les données relatives au comportement de l'utilisateur, les informations sur votre appareil et votre adresse IP peuvent être enregistrées. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet plus loin dans cette déclaration de confidentialité. 📅 Duration of storage: the data remain in principle stored as long as they are necessary for the finalization of the service. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consent), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (légitimes intérêts) |
Qu'est-ce que SoundCloud ?
Nous utilisons sur notre site web des fonctions (widgets) du réseau de médias sociaux SoundCloud de la société SoundCloud Limited, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Allemagne. Vous reconnaissez les widgets au logo orange bien connu. L'utilisation de fonctions telles que la lecture de musique entraîne la transmission, l'enregistrement et l'analyse de données à SoundCloud. In this data protection declaration, we explain what data is involved, why we use SoundCloud and how you can manage or prevent your data or the transmission of data.
Le réseau de médias sociaux SoundCloud est une plateforme de musique en ligne qui sert à l'échange et à la distribution de fichiers audio. On SoundCloud, musicians and podcasters offer their audio files for download. In addition, SoundCloud also allows audio files to be integrated into other websites. And that's exactly what we did. The graphic representations of the audio files in the form of vagues and the comment bar are typical of SoundCloud. Registered users can thus listen to and comment on music or podcasts at any time.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous SoundCloud sur notre site web ?
Notre objectif est de vous fournir le meilleur service possible sur notre site web. Nous ne parlons pas seulement de nos produits ou services. A global customer service also means that you are aware of our website and that it is useful to you. Thanks to SoundCloud's integrated reading function, we can provide you with audio content directly and free of charge. If you don't need to use a separate link to listen to an audio file, you can do so directly on our site.
Quelles données sont stockées sur SoundCloud ?
As soon as you visit one of our web pages that contains a widget (Like or Share button or the function for reading), your browser connects to a SoundCloud server. The data concerning you can then be transferred to SoundCloud, which creates and registers them. For example, SoundCloud learns your IP address and which page (in this case, your own) you have visited and at what time. If you have a SoundCloud account and you are connected when you surf on our website, the data collected will be directly attributed to your account. Vous ne pouvez empêcher cela qu'en vous déconnectant de SoundCloud pendant votre visite sur notre site web. In addition to the information mentioned above, cookies also record data about your user behavior. For example, each time you click on a button, listen to a music track or pause it, this information is also recorded in the cookies. The widget or SoundCloud is therefore able to recognize you and sometimes, the widget is used to provide you with personalized content. SoundCloud uses not only its own cookies, but also third-party cookies such as Facebook and Google Analytics. These cookies help the company to obtain more information about your behavior on external websites and on its own platform. En tant qu'exploitant du site web, n'obtenons n'aucune informations sur votre comportement d'utilisateur grâce aux cookies utilisés par SoundCloud. The transmission of data and therefore of information about the technical equipment and your behavior on the website takes place between you and SoundCloud.
Below, we show you the cookies that are placed when you visit a website that has integrated the SoundCloud functions. This list is only an example of possible cookies and cannot be considered exhaustive. In this example, the user does not take SoundCloud into account:
Nom : sc_anonymous_id
Valeur : 208165-986996-398971-423805111824947-0
Référence de l'utilisation : Ce cookie permet d'intégrer des fichiers ou d'autres contenus dans des sites web et enregistre un ID utilisateur.
Date d'expiration : after 10 years
Remarque :
Le cookie sc_anonymous_id est immédiatement installé lorsque vous vous rendez sur l'une de nos pages web qui intègre une fonction Soundcloud. For this, you do not need to interact with the function.
Nom : __qca
valeur : P0-1223379886-1579605792812111824947-7
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est un cookie tiers de Quantcast et collecte des données telles que la fréquence de vos visites sur le site ou la durée de votre séjour sur le site. The information collected is then transmitted to SoundCloud.
Date d'expiration : après un an
Nom : Sclocale
Valeur : fr
Référence du paiement : Le cookie enregistre le paramètre de langue que vous avez prédéfini.
Date d'expiration : après un an
Nom : _soundcloud_session
Valeur : /
Objet de l'utilisation : Nous n'avons pas pu obtenir d'informations concrètes sur ce cookie.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Nom _session_auth_key
Valeur : /
Objet de l'utilisation : Le cookie permet d'enregistrer des informations de session (donc le comportement de l'utilisateur) et d'authentifier une demande du client.
Date d'expiration : after 10 ans
SoundCloud also uses third-party cookies such as _fbp, _ga, gid de Facebook and Google Analytics. Toutes les informations stockées dans les cookies sont utilisées par SoundCloud pour améliorer ses propres services et diffuser des publicités personnalisées.
How much time and where are the data stored?
En principe, les données collectées sont conservées par SoundCloud aussi longtemps qu'un compte utilisateur existe ou que cela est nécessaire à SoundCloud pour atteindre ses objectifs commerciaux. The actual duration of storage varies depending on the context and legal obligations. Even if you have no data and personal data has been stored, you have the right to request the suppression of the data.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur conservation ?
If you have a SoundCloud account, you can manage the processing of data or delete the entirety of your account via "Parameters". Mais vous pouvez aussi gérer, supprimer ou désactiver les cookies dans votre navigateur exactement selon vos besoins. The approach always depends on the browser you are using. If you decide to remove or disable cookies, please note that all functions may no longer be available. The instructions below explain how to set, remove or disable cookies in your browser.
Chrome : supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
Legal base
Si vous avez accepté que vos données soient traitées et stockées par des éléments SoundCloud intégrés, ce consentement est considéré comme la base juridique du traitement des données (art. 6, paragraphe 1, point a du RGPD). In principle, your data are also processed on the basis of our legitimate interests. (art. 6, par. 1, point f of the RGPD) for rapid and quality communication with you or other clients and commercial partners. We do not use the SoundCloud integrated elements unless you have given your consent. SoundCloud also places cookies in your browser to store data. C'est pourquoi nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement notre texte sur la protection des données concernant les cookies et de consulter la déclaration de protection des données ou la politique en matière de cookies du fournisseur de services concerné.
Nous espérons vous avoir donné un bon aperçu du trafic de données par SoundCloud. If you would like to know more about the confidentiality policy and the general processing of data by SoundCloud, we recommend that you consult the company's declaration of confidentiality at the following address: https: //
Déclaration de confidentialité YouTube
Résumé de la déclaration de confidentialité YouTube 👥 Personnes concernées : visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimiser nos prestations de service 📓 Données traitées : Les données telles que les coordonnées, les données relatives au comportement de l'utilisateur, les informations sur votre appareil et votre adresse IP peuvent être enregistrées. Vous trouverez plus de détails à ce sujet plus loin dans cette déclaration de confidentialité. 📅 Duration of storage: the data remain in principle stored as long as they are necessary for the finalization of the service. ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a RGPD (consent), art. 6, al. 1, let. f RGPD (légitimes intérêts) |
Qu'est-ce que YouTube ?
Nous avons intégré des vidéos YouTube sur notre site web. Nous pouvons ainsi vous présenter des vidéos intéressantes directement sur notre site. YouTube is a video portal that has been a subsidiary of Google since 2006. The video portal is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit a page on our website that contains a YouTube video, your browser automatically connects to YouTube or Google services. Various data are then transmitted (depending on the parameters). Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for the overall processing of data in the European territory.
Below, we would like to explain to you in more detail what data is processed, why we have integrated YouTube videos and how you can manage or reduce your data.
On YouTube, users can watch, evaluate, comment on and download videos free of charge. Over the last few years, YouTube has become one of the main social media channels in the world. To allow us to display videos on our site, YouTube provides an extract of code that we have integrated into our site.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous des vidéos YouTube sur notre site web ?
YouTube is the video platform that attracts the most viewers and offers the best content. Nous nous efforçons de vous offrir la meilleure expérience utilisateur possible sur notre site. And of course, interesting videos should not be missed. Thanks to our integrated videos, we provide you with useful content in addition to our texts and images. In addition, the integrated videos make it easier for you to find our site on the Google search engine. In addition, when we distribute publicity ads via Google Ads, Google can - thanks to the data collected - only show these ads to people who are interested in our offers.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par YouTube ?
As soon as you visit one of our pages that contains a YouTube video, YouTube places at least one cookie that registers your IP address and our URL. If you are connected to your YouTube account, YouTube can generally associate your interactions on our site with your profile using cookies. This includes data such as the duration of the session, the rebinding rate, the approximate location, technical information such as the type of browser, the resolution of the screen or your internet access provider. Other data may include the coordinates, any evaluations, the sharing of content via social media or the addition of your favorites on YouTube.
If you are not connected to a Google account or a YouTube account, Google registers the data with a unique identifier associated with your device, browser or application. For example, your linguistic preferences are stored. However, many interaction data cannot be registered because fewer cookies are installed.
In the list below, we show the cookies that were placed in the browser during a test. On the one hand, we show the cookies that are placed without the YouTube account being connected. On the other hand, we show the cookies that are placed with a connected account. The list cannot be exhaustive, because the data of the users always depends on the interactions on YouTube.
Nom : YSC
Valeur : b9-CV6ojI5Y111824947-1
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre un identifiant unique pour stocker les statistiques de la vidéo visionnée.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Valeur : f1=50000000
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre également votre identifiant unique. Google obtains statistics via PREF on how you use YouTube videos on our website.
Date d'expiration : après 8 mois
Nom : GPS
Valeur : 1
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre votre identifiant unique sur les appareils mobiles afin de suivre votre position GPS.
Date d'expiration : après 30 minutes
Valeur : 95Chz8bagyU
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie tente d'estimer la bande passante de l'utilisateur sur nos pages web (avec vidéo YouTube intégrée).
Date d'expiration : after 8 months
Autres cookies installés lorsque vous êtes connecté à votre compte YouTube :
Valeur : zILlvClZSkqGsSwI/AU1aZI6HY7111824947-
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est utilisé pour créer un profil sur vos intérêts. Les données sont utilisées pour des annonces publicitaires personnalisées.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
valeur :
Référence du paiement : Le cookie enregistre l'état du consentement d'un utilisateur à l'utilisation de différents services de Google. CONSENT also ensures security in order to control users and protect their data against unauthorized access.
Date d'expiration : after 19 ans
Valeur : AcRwpgUik9Dveht0I
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est utilisé pour créer un profil sur vos intérêts. Ces données permettent d'afficher des publicités personnalisées.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Valeur : AFmmF2swRQIhALl6aL...
Utilization prévue : Les informations relatives à vos données de connexion sont enregistrées dans ce cookie.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Valeur : 7oaPxoG-pZsJuuF5/AnUdDUIsJ9iJz2vdM
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie fonctionne en identifiant de manière unique votre navigateur et votre appareil. Il est utilisé pour créer un profil sur vos intérêts.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Nom : SID
Valeur : oQfNKjAsI111824947-
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre votre identifiant de compte Google et votre dernière date de connexion sous forme numériquement signée et cryptée.
Date d'expiration : après 2 ans
Valeur : AN0-TYuqub2JOcDTyL
Objet du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre des informations sur la manière dont vous utilisez le site web et sur les publicités que vous avez pu voir avant de visiter notre site.
Date d'expiration : after 3 months
How much time and where are the data stored?
Les données que YouTube reçoit et traite de votre part sont stockées sur les serveurs de Google. The majority of these service providers are located in the Americas. On you can find out exactly where the Google data centers are located. Your data is separated across the service providers. This way, your data is more quickly accessible and better protected against manipulation.
Google preserves the data collected for a variable period of time. You can delete certain data at any time, some are automatically deleted after a limited period and others are retained by Google for a longer period. Certain data (such as the elements of "My activity", photos or documents, products) registered in your Google account will be retained until you delete them. Even if you are not connected to a Google account, you can delete certain data associated with your device, navigator or application.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
In principle, you can manually suppress the data from your Google account. With the automatic suppression of localization and activity data function introduced in 2019, the information is retained for 3 or 18 months, depending on your choice, and then suppressed.
Whether you have a Google account or not, you can configure your browser to disable or disable Google cookies. Depending on the browser you are using, this works in different ways. The instructions below show you how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome : Supprimer, activer et gérer les cookies dans Chrome
Safari : gérer les cookies et les données de site web avec Safari
Internet Explorer : supprimer et gérer les cookies
Microsoft Edge : Supprimer et gérer les cookies
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can configure your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie needs to be installed. You can also decide for each cookie individually whether you authorize it or not.
Legal base
Si vous avez consenti à ce que vos données soient traitées et stockées par des éléments YouTube intégrés, ce consentement est considéré comme la base juridique du traitement des données. (art. 6, par. 1, point a of the RGPD). In principle, your data are also processed on the basis of our legitimate interests. (art. 6, par. 1, point f of the RGPD) for rapid and quality communication with you or other clients and commercial partners. We do not use the integrated YouTube elements unless you have given your consent. YouTube also places cookies in your browser in order to register data. C'est pourquoi nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement notre texte sur la protection des données concernant les cookies et de consulter la déclaration de confidentialité ou la politique en matière de cookies du fournisseur de services concerné.
YouTube also processes data from the United States. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
YouTube uses the contractual types of clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as a basis for the processing of data for recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige YouTube to respect the level of data protection in the EU during the processing of relevant data, even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
YouTube being a subsidiary of Google, there is a joint declaration of confidentiality. If you would like to know more about the processing of your data, we recommend that you consult the declaration of confidentiality at the following address: https: //
Bouton d'abonnement à YouTube Déclaration de confidentialité
Nous avons intégré le bouton d'abonnement YouTube (en anglais "Subscribe button") sur notre site web. Vous reconnaissez généralement ce bouton au logo classique de YouTube. Le logo affiche les mots "S'abonner" ou "YouTube" en blanc sur un fond rouge et le "symbole de lecture" blanc à sa gauche. Mais le bouton peut également être représenté dans un autre design.
Our YouTube channel regularly offers you amusing, interesting or passionate videos. Thanks to the integrated "Subscribe" button, you can subscribe to our channel directly from our website without having to go to the YouTube site. We also want to make it as easy as possible for you to access our rich content. Please note that YouTube can also register and process the data concerning you.
Si vous voyez un bouton d'abonnement intégré sur notre site, YouTube place - selon Google - au moins un cookie. This cookie registers your IP address and our URL. It also allows YouTube to obtain information about your navigator, your approximate localization and your language by default. During our test, the following four cookies were installed without you being connected to YouTube:
Nom : YSC
Valeur : b9-CV6ojI5111824947Y
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie enregistre un identifiant unique pour stocker les statistiques de la vidéo visionnée.
Date d'expiration : après la fin de la session
Valeur : f1=50000000
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre également votre identifiant unique. Google obtains statistics via PREF on how you use YouTube videos on our website.
Date d'expiration : après 8 mois
Nom : GPS
Valeur : 1
Utilization prévue : Ce cookie enregistre votre identifiant unique sur les appareils mobiles afin de suivre votre position GPS.
Date d'expiration : après 30 minutes
Valeur : 11182494795Chz8bagyU
Objet du paiement : Ce cookie tente d'estimer la bande passante de l'utilisateur sur nos pages web (avec vidéo YouTube intégrée).
Date d'expiration : after 8 months
Remarque : Ces cookies ont été placés après un test et ne peuvent pas prétendre à l'exhaustivité.
Si vous êtes connecté à votre compte YouTube, YouTube peut enregistrer un grand nombre de vos actions/interactions sur notre site web à l'aide de cookies et les associer à votre compte YouTube. For example, YouTube receives information about the duration of your navigation on our site, the type of browser you use, the screen resolution you prefer and the actions you take.
YouTube uses this data on the one hand to improve its own services and offers, and on the other hand to provide analyses and statistics to advertisers (who use Google Ads).
Déclaration de confidentialité de Google reCAPTCHA
Google reCAPTCHA Déclaration de confidentialité Résumé 👥 Personnes concernées : Visiteurs du site 🤝 Objectif : optimisation de notre service et protection contre les cyber-attaques 📓 Données traitées : Données telles que l'adresse IP, les informations du navigateur, votre système d'exploitation, des données de localization et d'utilisation limitées. You will find more details on this subject further on in this declaration of confidentiality. 📅 Duration of storage: depending on the data stored ⚖️ Bases juridiques : art. 6, al. 1, let. a du RGPD (consentement), art. 6, al. 1, let. f du RGPD (intérêts légitimes) |
Qu'est-ce que reCAPTCHA ?
Notre objectif principal est de sécuriser et de protéger au mieux notre site web, pour vous comme pour nous. Pour garantir cela, nous utilisons Google reCAPTCHA de la société Google Inc. Pour l'espace européen, la société Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irlande) est responsable de tous les services Google. Avec reCAPTCHA, nous pouvons vérifier si vous êtes vraiment une personne en chair et en os et non un robot ou un autre logiciel de spam. With spam, we receive all unsolicited information by electronic mail that is sent to us without us having requested it. With classic CAPTCHAs, you generally have to solve text or image puzzles to verify them. With Google's reCAPTCHA, we generally don't need you to be bothered with these puzzles. Ici, il suffit dans la plupart des cas de cocher simplement une case pour confirmer que vous n'êtes pas un bot. With the new version of Invisible reCAPTCHA, you no longer need to coke a case. You'll find out how this works perfectly and what data is used for this purpose during this data protection declaration.
reCAPTCHA is a free Google captcha service that protects websites against spam logic and misuse by non-human visitors. This service is most often used when you fill out forms on the Internet. A captcha service is a type of automatic Turing test that guarantees that an action on the Internet is carried out by a human and not by a bot. In the classic Turing test (named after the computer scientist Alan Turing), a human being establishes the distinction between bot and human. In the case of the captchas, it is also the computer or a program logiciel qui s'en charge. Classic captchas work with small tasks that are easy to solve for humans, but present considerable difficulties for machines. With reCAPTCHA, you no longer need to actively solve these problems. The tool uses modern risk techniques to distinguish humans from robots. Ici, il suffit de cocher la case "Je ne suis pas un robot" ou, avec Invisible reCAPTCHA, même cela n'est plus nécessaire. Avec reCAPTCHA, un élément JavaScript est intégré dans le texte source et l'outil fonctionne ensuite en arrière-plan et analyse votre comportement d'utilisateur. The logiciel calcule un score Captcha à partir de ces actions de l'utilisateur. Google uses this score to calculate, before even saving the captcha, the probability that you are a human being. reCAPTCHA or captchas in general are always used when robots are able to manipulate or abuse certain actions (e.g. subscriptions, searches, etc.).
Pourquoi utilisons-nous reCAPTCHA sur notre site web ?
Nous ne voulons accueillir sur notre site que des personnes en chair et en os. Robots and spam logic of all kinds can stay at home without any problems. That's why we do everything we can to protect ourselves and offer you the best user experience possible. That's why we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google. We can therefore be a little bit sure that we are still a "bot-free" site. By using reCAPTCHA, data is transmitted to Google to determine whether you are a good human being. reCAPTCHA therefore ensures the security of our website and, consequently, your security. For example, without reCAPTCHA, a robot could register as many e-mail addresses as possible during registration in order to subsequently "pollute" the forums or blogs with untrustworthy publicity content. With reCAPTCHA, we can prevent these attacks by bots.
Quelles sont les données enregistrées par reCAPTCHA ?
reCAPTCHA collects the personal data of the users in order to determine whether the actions performed on our website are actually performed by individuals. It is therefore possible that the IP address and other data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service are sent to Google. The IP addresses are almost always predefined in advance within the Member States of the EU or other States signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, before the data arrive on a service provider in the United States. The IP address is not combined with any other Google data, unless you are connected to your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. The reCAPTCHA algorithm first checks whether Google cookies from other Google services (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) have already been placed on your browser. Ensuite, reCAPTCHA places a cookie supplémentaire dans votre navigateur et capture un instantané de la fenêtre de votre navigateur.
The following list of navigation and user data collected is not intended to be exhaustive. It is rather a list of examples of data which, as far as we know, are processed by Google.
- URL de référence (l'adresse de la page d'où provient le visiteur)
- Address IP (par ex.
- Infos sur le système d'exploitation (le logiciel qui permet à votre ordinateur de fonctionner. The known operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X or Linux)
- Cookies (petits fichiers texte qui enregistrent des données dans votre navigateur)
- Comportement de la souris et du clavier (chaque action que vous effectuez avec la souris ou le clavier est enregistrée)
- Date et paramètres de langue (la langue ou la date que vous avez prédéfinie sur votre PC est enregistrée).
- Tous les objets Javascript (JavaScript is a langage de programmation qui permet aux sites web de s'adapter à l'utilisateur. Les objets JavaScript peuvent collecter toutes sortes de données sous un seul nom)
- Résolution d'écran (indique le nombre de pixels de l'image)
It is incontestable that Google uses and analyzes these data before you even click on the "I am not a robot" button. In the Invisible reCAPTCHA version, it is not even necessary to coke the case and the entire verification process takes place in reverse order. Google does not indicate in detail the quantity and exact nature of the data it registers.
Les cookies suivants sont utilisés par reCAPTCHA : Nous nous référons ici à la version de démonstration reCAPTCHA de Google sous Tous ces cookies nécessitent un identifiant unique à des fins de suivi. Voici une liste des cookies que Google reCAPTCHA a installés sur la version de démonstration :
Nom : IDE
Valeur : WqTUmlnmv_qXyi_DGNPLESKnRNrpgXoy1K-pAZtAkMbHI-111824947-8
Référence du paiement : Ce cookie est placé par la société DoubleClick (qui appartient également à Google) afin d'enregistrer et de signaler les actions d'un utilisateur sur le site web dans le cadre du traitement des annonces publicitaires. The effectiveness of the publicity can thus be measured and the corresponding optimization measures can be taken. IDE est enregistré dans les navigateurs sous le domaine
Date d'expiration : après un an
Nom : 1P_JAR
Valeur : 2019-5-14-12
Motif de l'utilisation : Ce cookie collecte des statistiques sur l'utilisation du site web et mesure les conversions. A conversion takes place, for example, when a user becomes a buyer. The cookie is also used to display relevant advertisements to users. In addition, the cookie prevents a user from viewing the same ad more than once.
Date d'expiration : après un mois
Nom : ANID
Valeur : U7j1v3dZa1118249470xgZFmiqWppRWKOr
Référence du paiement : Nous n'avons pas pu obtenir beaucoup d'informations sur ce cookie. Dans la déclaration de confidentialité de Google, le cookie est mentionné en relation avec les "cookies publicitaires" tels que "DSID", "FLC", "AID", "TAID". ANID is stocké sous le domaine
Date d'expiration : après 9 mois
Valeur :
Référence du paiement : Le cookie enregistre le statut du consentement d'un utilisateur à l'utilisation de différents services de Google. CONSENT also ensures security, user verification, the prevention of fraudulent use of connection information and the protection of users' data against unauthorized access.
Date d'expiration : après 19 ans
Valeur : 0WmuWqy111824947zILzqV_nmt3sDXwPeM5Q
But de l'utilisation : NID est utilisé par Google pour adapter les annonces publicitaires à vos recherches Google. Thanks to the cookie, Google "remembers" your most frequent searches and your previous interactions with the ads. As a result, you will always receive the advertisements on measure. The cookie contains a unique identifier that allows the personal preferences of the user to be collected for advertising purposes.
Date d'expiration : after 6 months
Nom : DV
Valeur : gEAABBCjJMXcI0dSAAAANbqc111824947-4
Référence du paiement : Dès que vous aurez coché la case "Je ne suis pas un robot", ce cookie sera installé. Le cookie est utilisé par Google Analytics pour la publicité personnalisée. DV collecte des informations sous forme anonyme et est également utilisé pour faire des distinctions entre les utilisateurs.
Date d'expiration : after 10 minutes
Remarque : Cette liste ne peut pas être exhaustive, car l'expérience montre que Google modifie régulièrement le choix de ses cookies.
Where and for how long are the data stored?
L'insertion de reCAPTCHA entraîne le transfer de données de votre part vers le serveur Google. Google does not specify exactly where these data are stored, even after the requests have been repeated. Without having received confirmation from Google, it can be assumed that data such as the interaction of the user, the time spent on the website or the language parameters are registered on the European or American Google servers. The IP address that your browser transmits to Google is not in principle combined with other Google data originating from other Google services. However, if you are connected to your Google account while using the reCAPTCHA plug-in, the data will be merged. For this purpose, the different data protection provisions of the Google company apply.
Comment puis-je supprimer mes données ou empêcher leur enregistrement ?
Si vous souhaitez qu'aucune donnée vous concernant ou concernant votre comportement ne soit transmise à Google, vous devez vous déconnecter complètement de Google et supprimer tous les cookies Google avant de visiter notre site web ou d'utiliser le logiciel reCAPTCHA. In principle, the data is automatically transmitted to Google as soon as you consult our site. To remove these data, please contact Google support at the following address: https: // contact.
En utilisant notre site, vous acceptez donc que Google LLC et ses représentants collect, traitent et utilisent automatiquement des données.
Please note that when you use this tool, the data concerning you may be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the United States) are not considered safe according to current European data protection legislation. Data destined for non-safe countries can therefore not simply be transferred, stored and processed in these countries, unless appropriate guarantees (such as EU contractual clauses) are in place between us and the non-European service provider.
Legal base
Si vous avez consenti à l'utilisation de Google reCAPTCHA, la base juridique du traitement de données correspondant est ce consentement. Ce consentement constitue, selon Art. 6, alinéa 1, lettre a du RGPD (consentement) constitue la base juridique pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel, tel qu'il peut se produire lors de la collecte par Google reCAPTCHA.
Nous avons également un intérêt légitime à utiliser Google reCAPTCHA afin d'optimiser et de sécuriser notre service en ligne. The corresponding legal basis is Article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD (legitimate interests). Nous n'utilisons toutefois Google reCAPTCHA que si vous avez donné votre consentement.
Google processes the data in the United States, among others. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for the transfer of data to the United States. This may entail various risks for the legality and security of data processing.
Google uses the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (= article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the RGPD) as the basis for the processing of data from recipients located in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in particular the United States) or for the transfer of data to these countries. These clauses oblige Google to respect the level of data protection in the EU when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an executive decision of the European Commission. You will find the decision as well as the clauses among others here: https: //
To find out more about reCAPTCHA, please consult the Google web developers' page at the following address: https: // Google certainly discusses the technical development of reCAPTCHA in more detail, but you are also looking for precise information on the storage of data and issues related to data protection. You will find a good overview of the fundamental use of data by Google in its own data protection declaration at the following address: https: //
Tous les textes sont protégés par des droits d'auteur.
Source : Créé avec le Générateur de protection des données de AdSimple