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De dormir à l'extérieur: une expérience inoubliable

Do you love nature and want to spend the night under the stars? Then you're right here. In this category, you'll find everything you need for a night in the open air: couch bags on the oomats, hammocks and tarps. Nous vous montrerons comment vous préparez le mieux votre aventure, les équipements dont vous avez besoin et la façon dont vous pouvez savourer la nature.

Avantages du sommeil d'outdoor

Why do you have to sleep outside if you have a bed or a tent? Quite simply because it's an incomparable feeling to watch the sky go dark, to hear the roar of the fires and to breathe fresh air. The sommeil de l'extérieur has many advantages for your well-being.

  • You dors plus bas et plus relaxant, parce que tu adaptes le rythme naturel de la lumière et de l'obscurité.
  • You are able to strengthen your immune system because you have different temperatures and different weather conditions.
  • You have reduced your stress because you are free from the hectic pace of life every day and you are concentrating on the essentials.
  • Vous vivez plus intensement dans la nature, car vous vivez près de la beauté et de la diversité de la peau.

L'équipement idéal pour le sommeil d'extérieur

If you want to sleep in, you have to give yourself the right comfort to ensure your comfort and safety. Depending on the season, the weather and your personal needs, you can choose between different options:

  • A sleeping bag is the most important element for a pleasant night in the open air. It must be clean, light and breathable. Depending on the temperature range, there are different models that are made of comforter or synthetic fibers. Avoir que le sac de couchage va bien, pas trop serré ou trop loin.
  • A sleeping pad provides good insulation from the ground and protects against frost and humidity. It must be comfortable, robust and easy to handle. There are different types of isomates, for example: matt in mousse, in air or in auto-gonflage. Depending on the weight and the dimensions of the packaging, you can choose the appropriate tapis for your visit.
  • A hamac is an excellent alternative to a couch bag if you can stretch between two arms or similar fixation points. It offers you a relaxed position and good aeration. But you have to make sure that the hammock is stable, resistant to temperatures and equipped with a moustiquaire. In addition, you must place a supplementary isolement so as not to freeze.
  • A tarp is a tarpaulin that allows you to relax outside your pitch to protect yourself from the rain, wind or sun. It can be used very lightly and can be fixed in different ways depending on your needs. You must ensure that the tarp is large enough to cover you completely.

Les Dos et Don'ts du four de l'Outdoor

If you want to stay outdoors, you must follow certain rules to improve your safety and respect nature. Voici quelques dos et don'ts pour ton expérience d'outdoor:

  • Do: Inform yourself about the weather forecasts and plan your adventure for the near future, if you can be sure that it will remain safe.
  • Do: Choose a storage location that is appropriate, easily accessible, easy to reach and to park. Avitez de séjourner dans des zones protégées ou sur des terrains privés.
  • Do: Take is the only thing that is more important and avoids unnecessary waste. Use durable products such as: Recycled toilet paper or recyclable bottles.
  • Do: laisse ton lit de retour aussi propre que possible et ramène tous les déchets. Avoir ton soif de secours dans un trou et le couvrir de la terre.
  • Ne pas faire de feu de camp si ce n'est pas expressément autorisé ou si le risque de feu de forêt est élevé. Utilisez plutôt un camping ou une lampe torche.
  • Don't: bâtit la faune et la flore et ne les retirera pas de leur vie. Ne pas nourrir les animaux sauvages et ne pas utiliser de plantes ou de pierres.
  • Ne fais pas de bruit et respecte la tranquillité des autres personnes et des animaux. Ne crie pas à la musique ou à la criée.
  • Don't: Nimm ne risque pas de prendre des risques inutiles sur toi et est toujours prêt pour une urgence. Prends un kit de premiers secours, un téléphone portable et un sifflet.

Conclusion: The sommeil de l'extérieur is a great experience that you should try to live. With the right equipment and a few simple rules, you can make the most of nature and let yourself be enchanted by it. Regarde nos produits et trouvez ça pour toi. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir lors du sommeil d'Outdoor!

Allumer des sacs de couchage et est des tapis de Alpin Loacker

Achetez des sacs de couchage durables et des tapis en ligne

Sleep Outdoor - Acheter est un tapis et des sacs de couchage en ligne

High-quality, ultra-light couchage bags are particularly important when hiking. That's why we are at Alpin Loacker Sur Daune and Ultra-Light, in nylon RIP Stop Stop. Whether on the mountain in large spaces or in a tent, whether trekking, several days of hiking or camping vacations, a comfortable sleeping bag is essential. A good night's sleep is important for outdoor activities. There's also the right fabric for every bag and season of camping - for optimal sleeping comfort. The high quality material, the weight and the small package size play an important role!

Le test du sac de couchage - quelles variantes y a-t-il?

Our mamma's comforter bags for every season with an envelope closure are available in different versions and in part with a right or left zip. Depending on your body size, we offer trekking and hiking bags in different lengths.
Our three-season Down Pro 3, our ultra-light hibernation Down Pro 4 and our bivouac hibernation bags - the four versions of our hike-in hibernation bags - as well as our hiking hibernation bags are based on the zone of use and season.
The deciding factors in terms of materials are the comforter cover - there were also canvas bags - but our certified, durable canvas sleeping bags provide better insulation. Made from rip-resistant nylon, they are ultra-lightweight and robust.


Without the associated gas-filled mat, there is no good insulated couch bag, and the sole is long and uncomfortable. The choice of the right thermal insulation depends on the temperature and the material. It is also important that they do not take up too much weight and space during the hike

Tente extérieure et bâche extérieure - Protection inévitable du vent et des intempéries

Whether it's randonnée tents, expedition tents, lightweight randonnée tents or bivouac tents. The choice of camping tents is excellent. The ultra-luminous tents are popular with all friends in the open air - they convince with their light weight and compact handling. The bivouac tents provide reliable accommodation in the region, while an expatriate tent has a high demand for functionality and materials. Our ultra-light building is more and more invulnerable - this protects against the sun, wind and time. Ideal for multi-day hikes and camping in the open air with the whole family.