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A man carries a child on his shoulders while hiking, surrounded by nature, matching outdoor gear from
Managing Director Alpin Loacker
Felix Loacker loves the mountains and has several years of experience in mountain sports. As loosely as he enjoys it, he is fascinated by the mountains and nature. In the mountains, he feels free and alive. They are his home and a place where he leaves his comfort zone, his hikes, his ski hikes, his ascents and his VTT.

Hiking with children can be a great time for everyone. But for this, you need good preparation and, of course, an adapted itinerary. In order for you to enjoy your time in nature and for your children to have an unforgettable adventure, we have put together a number of tips and advice for you.

We present you the essentials and show you what you need to pay attention to when planning your trip. In this way, ALL the members of the family are assured of finding their happiness. The little ones will experience a feeling of freedom without limits, while the older ones can recharge their batteries in complete freedom. Are you ready for an adventure run with your children?

Vêtements et équipement pour la randonnée avec les enfants

Good clothing and equipment play a key role on bike rides with children. Even if the little ones consider one or the other to be superfluid and simply prefer to start running, only the best equipment will get you started. However, the consequences are unavoidable.

Le bon équipement pour la randonnée avec les enfants

The best equipment for hiking with children is not so different from that for hiking with adults. So that you can keep everything at hand, we have assembled the necessary equipment here. Vous avez besoin de

Un sac à dos : Pour pouvoir transporter confortablement les bagages des enfants et des adultes, le sac à dos doit être le plus grande possible tout en restant léger. Our lightweight bag à dos Mountain bag à dos for example, offers enough space for your bags.

Des bouteilles d'eau : Elle constituteent la base de toute randonnée. In fact, you won't be able to stop anywhere along the way. Before all Gourdes en acier inoxydable sont de bons compagnons. They are ultra-strong, inert and do not contain toxic substances.

Les collations : As the hiking trails can sometimes be tiring for children, you need to get enough food. In a Boîte à lunch en acier inoxydable you can transport sandwiches, fruit and bâtonnets of vegetables in a sustainable way.

Trousse de premiers secours : Il est bien sûr préférable de ne pas l'utiliser. However, a first aid bag with panniers should not be worn when hiking with children. A trousse de secours has already made its debut. Survival cover has often done its job.


Solar cream : Solar protection is an absolute must, especially in summer. Products that respect the skin and have a high protection index effectively protect children's sensitive skin from the sun's rays.

Les chapeaux de soleil : Chapeaux de soleil offer excellent protection against insolation during sunny days. Even if the temperature seems to be too low, they should not be worn when hiking with young children.

Lunettes de soleil : Elles protègent les yeux sensibles des enfants (et les tiens) contre les rayons UV. Make sure they are of good quality. The products on the market are often more effective than the real thing.

Anti-moss spray or cream: these products are essential, especially near water. Even in forests, nuisance insects are found close to fogs and marshes.

Bâtons de randonnée : Bâtons de randonnée télescopiques give randonneurs, big and small, maximum assurance and support. In our article on the blog "Tout sur les bâtons de randonnée - Guide pour les néophytes", we present you the different models. You will also find plenty of advice and tips on how to use them.

Cartes et boussole : These two objects are certainly tombés dans l'oubli de nos jours, mais ils ne devraient en une casun cas manquer lors de vacances à pied avec des enfants. The boussole, in particular, exerts a magical attraction on the little ones and provides them with an extra dose of adventure.

Mouchoirs and lingettes are not just indispensable for hiking with young children. For older children too, they must always be part of the baggage. - Be it for mouching or for quickly wiping their hands.

Bag bags: The bags for your rubbish are also indispensable when hiking in the middle of nature. After all, you'll never know when you'll find your next bag.

Avoir le bon équipement lors d'une randonnée avec des enfants

Vêtements de randonnée pour enfants

Those exploring the trails with children not only need equipment , butalso functional clothing. It is notamment de :

Comfortable walking shoes ensure perfect walking on all roads and provide the best protection for children's delicate feet against the formation of bumps. Comment tu Prevent bumps on your feet you can read in this article.

Clothing adapted to the weather offers the best possible protection against the rain and wind. At the same time, good functional clothing is not to be under-estimated. Ideally, they should be breathable and regulate the temperature, just like our Vêtements en mérinos for adults.

A cover-chef protects against humidity and UV rays. In the summer, you should all wear a sunshade to avoid insolation. In the summer and winter, wear a bonnet in mérinos gives you excellent service.

Chaussettes de randonnée en laine mérinos assurent un confort optimal. They regulate the temperature, are breathable and prevent odeurs. In this way, nothing stands in the way of hiking vacations with children in Germany and elsewhere.

Vêtements de pluiedoiventprotéger de l'humidité tout en étant respirants. Hardshell vests have particularly made their mark in this respect. In the winter, they can be complemented with a functional pant that can be quickly washed. On the other hand, in cold weather, a raincoat is a good choice.

Where else can you find the hiking trails to go hiking with your children?

Many parents ask whether the "normal" hiking trails are adapted for children. In principle, the answer is "yes". Of course, you have to choose a route that corresponds to the physical condition of your children and that also has something to offer.

On the Été site , the watercourses and small lakes are an ideal destination. The tourist office of the region offers you a wide range of ideas on site.

A walk with the children in the forest

The Forêt-Noire site offers a wide range of hiking opportunities for children. For older children, the secrets of Anni's Forêt-Noire are very popular. There are many mysteries to solve here. If you want to go for a walk with a young child, the Sentier des contes in Bad Wildbad is highly recommended.

Randonnée aventure avec les enfants dans l'Allgäu

Even in the Allgäu, hiking trails for children are a priority. In addition to a family hiking trail in Bad Wörishofen, the family hiking trail in Bad Hindelang with its adventure stations offers plenty of space for great adventures.

Sentiers de randonnée en boucle dans le Harz

The many hiking trails in the Harz Mountains for children and adults are sure to capture the hearts of all outdoor enthusiasts. Here, the little ones can explore the Pissenlit trail in Drei-Anne-Hohe, explore the Labyrinthe in Braunlage or take part in a hike on the theme of the lynx in Bad Harzburg.

5 conseils pour la randonnée avec les enfants

Hiking with children reinforces family cohesion, strengthensthe bond with nature and is an ideal preventative measure for the health of children and adults alike. To ensure that a trip or vacation on foot with children in Germany and Austria is not a failure, a complete plan must be made in advance.

Randonner avec des enfants - les meilleurs conseils

1. choose trails adapted for children

Hiking with a young child is not the only area where safety plays an important role. The nature of the hiking trails plays a crucial role. Even if you want to go hiking with older children, the aim is to find the right route. This must offer as much space as possible for young explorers and not too many pentes so that the little ones don't get lost.

2. se détendre, se reposer et profiter : planifier des pauses

Each excursion fatigues your children not only physically, but also mentally. All the impressions must be assimilated. That's why sufficient breaks are important not only for young children, but also for older children.

As it's not possible to find benches anywhere along the route, you can reserve a certain amount of independence with a cover with a cushion. You can also install yourself on a prairie or a clearing to relax together and enjoy a delicious meal.

3. fun and games along the way: creative ideas for a passionate hike with children

It's not always necessary to go on a big hike to make time spent in nature an unforgettable adventure for children! En route, too, many natural materials invite you to play freely or creatively. En

  • Bâtons de bois,
  • de pierre,
  • You can construct superb works of art or play on the morpion with the cônes and others.

If there are more than one child, you can use Les trésors de la nature can also be used to play memory games or to create a map of the quarries. To do this, the children keep their eyes closed and listen carefully: what bruises can they perceive away from the noise and agitation?

Conseil d'expert : Tous ces Jeux éduquent les sens et apportent une dose supplémentaire de plaisir et détente.

4. pain de canne et autres : suffisamment d'énergie pour les petits randonneurs

The air frais donne faim - pas de doute. It is therefore all the more important to replenish your energy reserves over time. In addition to healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, canning is a formidable adventure for all children.

The pastry transports perfectly in a boîte à déjeuner thermique. It is empalée sur place sur des bâtons et cuite sur un feu ouvert.

But be careful! You should only make a campfire in designated areas to avoid forest fires. However, experience shows that it is possible to find barbecue areas on many hiking trails.

5. la sécurité avant tout : Se protéger du soleil, des tiques et des chutes de pierres

Even if your little ones have a taste for adventure, it's always us, the adults, who are responsible for their safety when hiking with children. That's why children should not run ahead on difficult terrain. When hiking in the mountains with children, you must provide them with additional safety measures.

In addition, on all tours, protection against heat and tides is a priority. To do this, use anti-static products and avoid long walks at extreme temperatures.

Conseils pour la randonnée avec des enfants


Hiking adventures with children are in fact possible almost anywhere and at any time. However, a stay in the great outdoors and with a small group is an unforgettable family outing for everyone only if the general conditions are right. In addition to adapted equipment and a good meal, it is the aim of the excursion that determines whether the hike will be a great time. That's why it's essential to choose a variety of trails for hiking with children.

These must be as flat as possible and offer interesting scenery. However, it is not always necessary to choose spectacular itineraries to make hiking fun for children. In fact, with nature games, even a hike in the forest outside can be a great place for your children.


What equipment do you need to go hiking with your children?

Adapted equipment is essential for hiking with children. You will need a bag à dos to carry your bags easily. Water bottles, snacks and a first aid kit are also essential. The solar cream, the capes and the sun lunettes protect against UV rays, while the spray or the anti-moisture cream protect against harmful insects.

The hiking boots allow you to walk safely, and the bags and pouches are practical for traveling. Comfortable hiking shoes, clothing adapted to the weather conditions and hiking boots made of canvas complete the equipment.

Où puis-je trouver des sentiers de randonnée adaptés aux enfants ?

There are many hiking trails adapted for children that are perfect for families. In Germany, for example, the Forêt-Noire, the Allgäu and the Harz offer a wide range of possibilities. When choosing your itinerary, make sure that it is adapted to the physical condition and interests of your children. The local tourist office can often give you good suggestions for hiking trails that are suitable for children.