Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or not, you'll be asking yourself: "How can you make a new waterproof rain jacket waterproof? " Even later, when the underwear is wet, a quick and durable solution is needed! Nous vous le disons, vous dites le vôtre Rendre la veste à nouveau imperméable peut et vous emmènera dans le monde diversifié de imprégnation.
Expert advice: This way, you can save costs in the long term and conserve precious resources. Because: if you take good care, a waterproof jacket can be a great companion for a long time.
Qu'est-ce que l'imperméabilization exactement ?
Before examiner comment imperméabiliser vos vêtements, il convient de répondre à la question : "Qu'est-ce que b ?" In simple terms, voici ce que vous obtenez. Impermeability of your vest.
Avec une utilisation fréquente, le Protection contre le vent et l'humidité Rigid vests and a pantalon à savoir après. To guarantee durable protection, you should regularly waterproof your clothing. This way, you can make your rain jacket waterproof again and stay dry.
Comment savoir si l'étanchéité fonctionne toujours ?
Si elle L'imprégnation fonctionne toujours, tu le reconnaîtras Protection contre l'humidité. Normalement Des gouttes d'eau s'écoulent de votre veste hardshell. Instead of penetrating, the water simply spills onto your clothing. This means that you stay comfortably dry. Mais l'imprégnation n'a pas seulement un impact majeur sur l'imperméabilité.
Également Respirabilité dépend. Si vous transpirez, de la vapeur d'eau se forme. This can be achieved with a good hardshell vest on the membrane towards the outside and ensures a comfortable body climate. If your waterproof jacket is insufficient, there is still water inside.
As a result, the vest collects on you in an instant and you are no longer in sight. This is simply because the breathability of your garments does not work unless the fabric remains dry. If the water does not leak, a film of water forms on the vest.
This will expel the water vapor inside the vest. Vous devriez avoir le vôtre maintenant au plus tard Rendre la veste à nouveau imperméable.
Comment imperméabiliser une veste de pluie ?
As is often the case in life, there is no unique solution. There are various possibilities, Ton Veste de pluie imperméable. Et nous allons maintenant vous les présenter plus en détail :
Imperméabilisez la veste de pluie avec un spray imperméabilisant
Whatever the model, the waterproof spray is suitable for all jackets. Regardless of whether it is a rain or winter jacket, you can use this method to make your jacket waterproof again easily and at low cost:
First and foremost, close the fermetures éclair and put your vest in the machine à laver. This step is the ideal preparation for waterproofing and must not be ignored. The waterproofing spray for vests cannot do its job unless your garments are free of salt, dirt and grease.
Before washing your clothes, read the label of the waterproofing spray: is it applied to wet or dry textiles?
Now, sort out your vest de pluie. That's where you'll be best able to avoid them. To avoid inhaling the spray, choose an area protected from the wind. Étalez votre veste sur une table ou accrochez-la sur un cintre sur la corde à linge. Vaporize them from the outside uniformly with the waterproofing spray for jackets.
Pay attention to the pulverization area relatively close to the garments. Make sure you also pay close attention to exposed areas such as coutures, holes and flap closures. Do not leave out the neck and hood when waterproofing your rain jacket.
After a few minutes of exposure, you can remove the impregnation by pulverizing with a special tissue remover. In this way, you will not have any unpleasant stains later on.
All you have to do now is to wrap your jacket outside and it is ready to be used again. Unless you have selected a waterproofing spray for a jacket that requires activation.
In this case, you must also add waterproofing to your rain jacket in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Traiter avec de la chaleur. Depending on the variation, this can be done with a washable, repairable or washable liner. More details can be found on the label.
Veste de pluie imperméable dans la machine à laver
In addition to powder impregnation, you also have the option of using a waterproof jacket in the machine. This soi-disant impregnation de lavage vous fait gagner beaucoup d'efforts et de temps. La machine à laver fait le travail à votre place.
Huitième However, it is important to check whether the membrane of your textiles is adapted for this. À ALPIN LOACKER Rigid vests vous pouvez faire l'imprégnation en toute sécurité rafraîchir dans la machine à laver.
- You also need to have the vest on first. It then remains in the machine à laver. Cleaning is no longer necessary.
- Donne ça Agent d'imprégnation dans le compartiment à détergent. If your machine has an impermeabilization programme, select it. You can also use the double cycle (30 degrés).
- After impermeabilization in the machine, your vest no longer has to be laundered with free air. It is then ready to be used during the next tour in the rain.
Conseils pour une imperméabilization durable
Not only with regard to your health, but also with regard to the ecological aspects, you must be responsible for using safe products to protect your skin. This applies in particular to PFC-free products.
They do not contain any perfluorinated or polyfluorinated chemicals and are therefore degradable. This means that they do not pollute the environment and are much more gentle on the skin than impregnating agents containing PFCs.
Vous reconnaissez facilement les produits contenant des PFC car vous pouvez les utiliser pour imperméabiliser votre veste sans procéder ensuite à une activation thermique.
Whether you choose a waterproofing spray or an impregnation depends on your preferences and the material of your textiles. The pore membranes must be treated with a waterproofing spray.
However, with micropore membranes, you can reduce impregnation by using the two methods. Would you like to know more about the different membranes? Then our guide is "Qu'est-ce qu'une veste hardshell ?" Exactement ce v'il vous faut.
Que signifie imperméabilization ?
L'imperméabilité signifie que vous maintenez l'imperméabilité de votre veste. With frequent use, the protection against the humidity of hardshell vests and pants decreases. To ensure durable protection, it is important to waterproof your clothing regularly.
Comment savoir si l'imperméabilité de ma veste de pluie fonctionne toujours ?
The protection against humidity allows you to know if the waterproofing is working properly. If water leaks from your hardshell vest and does not penetrate, the waterproofness is intact. Good waterproofing also ensures that the vest remains breathable, as the water vapor can escape to the outside.
If the waterproofness is insufficient, the water remains inside and the vest is wet and uncomfortable.
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