Dormir dehors is for the majority of people the incarnation of freedom. That's not so surprising! After all, we feel particularly close to nature. The spirit is free. The often stressful daily routine disappears from us and we can finally reassess our own me. Passer une nuit en plein air est donc le plus beau cadeau que tu puisses te faire !
To make your night in the fresh air a moment to remember, you'll find the highest quality products in our range of products for the fresh airUnequipment that lives up to its promise: the most comfortable sleep of your life. Are you ready to enter a new dimension of unique sleeping comfort?
De quel équipement ai-je besoin pour dormir dehors ?
En plus d'un une tente légère, bivouac bag ou unhamaclégerSitu n'as pas de sac de couchage, ton équipement doit inclure les éléments suivants :
Un matelas de sol :
Pour un confort de sommeil maximal, nous te recommandons l'utilisation d'un sac de couchage. Matelas isolant. It is available on
- te protects de manière optimale contre le froid du sol
- et assure une agréable sensation de couchage.
Who likes to sleep on a hard surface? Notre Miracle ultra-léger ne pèse que 460 g et, grâce à son faible encombrement, il se glisse dans tous les sac à dos de randonnée.
Couch bag:
Even acouch bagwith comforter should not be worn during a night in the open air. It gives you a sense of security and prevents you from freezing.
Oreiller de voyage :
Have you ever tried to sleep without oreiller ? Pas très confortable, n'est-ce pas ? So that the next morning, you can sleep without any trouble on the couch, you must not forget to sleep with your fluffy travel pillow.
Notre Coussin pour les amoureux de la montagne est multitalent et peut être utilisé pour dormir ou s'asseoir.
Quelle est la différence entre les sacs de couchage d'été et les sacs de couchage d'hiver ?
Sacs de couchage d'été et d'hiver distinguent se distinguent par leur Poids de remplissage.
- Plus la quantité de comforter utilisée est importante
- plus la performance d'isolation est élevée.
The amount of comforter in the winter sleeping bags is more important so that you are better protected from the cold. However, the perception of temperature is very individual.
As many people already consider an outside temperature of 10 degrés to be frosty, we recommend that you use a Down Pro comforter bag for 4 seasons.
Whatever the temperature, you can sleep comfortably outside.
Dormir dehors : quelles sont les possibilités ?
Si tu aimes dormir à la belle étoile tu peux utiliser les différentes possibilités à disposition.
- The simplest option is a water and windproof bag that is placed on the couch.
- A Hamac suits your nocturnal adventure. The advantage is obvious: your bags are very light. However, in summer, you are not protected against unwelcome visitors or unexpected time changes.
- Un tent en revanche, t'offre un maximum de protection contre le vent, le froid, la pluie et les insectes. Our ultra-lightweight tents, in particular, make sleeping in the open air a real pleasure. Thanks to their low weight and small dimensions, they are easy to transport, even on long hikes.
If you don't want to use a hammock or tent for your nights in the open air, our lightweight tarp is an appropriate alternative. It offers optimum protection against the wind and rain and can be pitched in one turn.
Conseils pour dormir dehors - selon la saison
Whatever the season in which you want to stay indoors, you must always keep an eye on the weather. You have to avoid staying out in nature when the weather is hot and cold .
Si tu Défis Si tu aimes les sports d'hiver et que tu n'as pas peur du vent et de la pluie, tu dois absolument participer à ce projet. une tente et un sac de couchage imperméable utiliser un sac de couchage. However, the room, in the sense of the term, is unavoidable.
Regardless of the time, a good camping location is essential. The ground should be as flat as possible so that you can sleep comfortably in the open air.
Ton équipement doit également contenir une lampe de poche si tu dois aller aux toilettes dans l'obscurité.
Conseil d'expertN'oublie pas d'emporter du papier toilette biodégradable. You can also store your waste in a bag until the next time you use it. You can also opt for lunch boxes and stainless steel dishes. They do not produce any waste.
If you want to savor a cup of café chaud the late morning, or even if you want to take a break, you can do so with a bottle of water. Cuisiner en plein air tu ne peux pas te passer d'un réchaud de camping et de l'équipement correspondant.Dormir dehors en hiver
Staying at the beautiful étoile on the Hiver site can be a real challenge. Unless you have the right equipment on your side.
- Avec notre Sac de couchage d'hiver,
- le sac de couchage correspondant tente,
- chaud Mérinos Vêtements
- and also on the subject of chill-outquestions, even staying indoors in negative temperatures becomes a real pleasure.
Dormir dehors en été
Even in spring, you have to think about certain things. Of course, staying outside at this time of year is much more pleasant than in summer and winter due to the higher temperatures.
However, you are also sharing your bed with many insects. In order to have a pleasant night outside, it is important to install a mosquito net. use a protective tent. This way, the mosquitoes and others won't have anything to do.
Est-il permis de passer la nuit dehors en Allemagne ?
Contrary to other countries, the law in Germany is not the law that gives everyone the right to stay at home. De nombreux sites attrayants sont protégés et ne peuvent malheureusement pas être utilisés pour dormir.
But that doesn't mean you have to give up on spending the night in the open air. There are always plenty of options.
Comment trouver des endroits appropriés pour dormir dehors ?
Le site moyen le plus simple de dormir dans la nature représente un terrain privé constitue une propriété privée. It is not necessary for this to be the case. You will be surprised to see how many farmers and forest owners will authorize you to spend the night if you ask them to do so.
Another solution is to use the trekking sites on which you can install your camp. On the website 1nitetent you will find a complete list.
A night in the open air gives you a feeling of freedom and nature. With the right equipment and good preparation, sleeping outside becomes a real experience.
Mais fais attention à la bon endroit pour camper ou dormir. It is important that you respect the rules of the country concerned. Dormir dehors n'est pas autorisé partout - et n'oublie pas que nous ne sommes que des invités dans la nature.
Quel est le meilleur type d'équipement pour dormir à l'extérieur ?
To sleep outside, you'll need a good-quality carpet, a good-temperature bedding bag, a waterproof bed or tent and a front light. It is also important to keep you warm by wearing clothes on the couch.
Comment puis-je améliorer mon expérience de sommeil en plein air ?
To improve your experience of sleeping in the open air, you need to optimize your equipment and planning in advance. Make sure you have enough water and nourishment to maintain your energy levels.