Do you want to benefit from a repairable sleeping bag, even on the move? An insulated mattress is always a good choice for camping and hiking. It protects you effectively against the frost of the ground and sharp rocks. In combination with a double com forter cover, a high-quality insulating mattress guarantees you a first-class sleeping experience.
À qui s'adresse un matelas isolant ?
Les matelas sont particulièrement adaptés au camping et aux longues randonnées. If you want to stretch out, rest and relax without getting a bad headache, you absolutely must have an insulated outdoor mat in your bag.
A quoi dois-je faire attention lors de l'achat d'un matelas isolant ?
Before buying, you should carefully examine certain points. That's how you can find, among the many mattresses, the sleep support that suits you and corresponds to the use you want to make of it. Are you ready?
1ère taille
In order for you to be able to sit and relax in comfort, you must choose the right size of couch cover for you. If you are not sure of your choice, simply choose a linen cover of the appropriate size.
2. capacité d'isolation
Before choosing a floor mat, think about the moment and the use you want to make of it. Do you only want to use the mat during the winter? In this case, the insulation performance is secondary.
On the other hand, if you want to stay in the good night's sleep during the coldest nights, you absolutely must use a thermal mat designed to be used all year round and with a high R value.
3. poids et dimensions de rangement
The weight and dimensions are important elements for choosing the right matelas. Nos matelas isothermes et thermiques sont ultralégers et se glissent facilement dans ton sac à dos grâce à leur faible encombrement.
Notre miracle du sommeil ne pèse que 580 g avec le Drybag pour des dimensions de 12 × 25 cm. After all, every gram counts during long hikes and you don't need any more.
4. qualité des matériaux
Our range includes various robust mats. Our light and pliable IXPE mousse mats are mainly suitable for use in the winter months.
Le matelas thermique ultraléger en ripstop recyclé 20D assure un maximum de durabilité. With the high quality isothermal synthetic comforter, you are perfectly protected, even when temperatures are negative.
Qu'est-ce que la valeur R d'un matelas isolant ?
The valeur R provides information on the insulation performance. If this value is higher, the better the insulating material protects you from the frost on the floor. The material used, the rembourrage and the different chambres à air play an important role. Our 750 g thermal mat has an R value of 4.7 and offers you a comfortable feeling even at an outside temperature of -5°C thanks to its long-pile microfiber insulation.
Quelle est la différence entre un matelas isolant et un matelas thermique ?
An insulating mat in the traditional sense of the term is a camping mat in mousse that you simply roll out. These couchage tiles are particularly robust and do not lose their insulating power, even if they are damaged. However, mousse mats do not offer the comfort guaranteed by a thermal mat. The thermal gonflable mats have a higher value and provide optimum protection against frost thanks to their microfiber or synthetic padding. The degree of dampness of these insulating supports can be individually adjusted and they are much more comfortable than a "normal" insulating mat.
Comment fixer un matelas isolant sur un sac à dos ?
If you opt for an ultralight thermal matelas, you can carry your matelas in your bag à dos because of its small size. A matelas en mousse is too bulky. You can simply attach it to the compartment of the base or fix it on the side of the bag à dos with the help of serrage straps.
Les matelas isolants sont-ils adaptés pour dormir dans un hamac ?
Les matelas isothermes ne sont que partiellement adaptés à une utilisation dans un hamac, car ils glissent trop facilement.
Quelle est la meilleure façon de stocker un hamac ?
A matelas de sol en mousse simply needs a clean and dry environment. It can also be rolled out or placed in a dry state while awaiting its next use. The thermal matelas must also be stored in a dry and wet state. However, it is advisable to open the valve of these cartridges and to store them in the condition in which they were stored in order to ensure that the tray is not flattened and that any residual humidity may escape.
Est-ce que je peux réparer un matelas de sol ?
Un matelas de sol doit résister à beaucoup de choses. It can sometimes lose air. Thanks to a repair kit made of textile and rustproof fabrics, you can clean the trough in no time at all.
Les matelas de camping peuvent-ils être lavés ?
A matelas de sol ne devrait être nettoyé qu'à la main. To do this, it is sufficient to use a sponge and a soft cleaning product (e.g. washing-up liquid). In addition, the camping carpet must be clean.
Où puis-je acheter un tapis de sol ?
You trouveras des matelas de rêve dans notre boutique en ligne et sur Amazon.