A hike must first and foremost do one thing: challenge your body, your spirit and your soul. In the midst of an intact nature, we find peace and can isolate ourselves from the treacherous world that surrounds us. However, for many people, a brutal recovery comes in the form of heartache after the hike.
What are the causes and how can they be prevented? You can find all this and much more in the following blog article.
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Comment surviennent les douleurs au genou après une randonnée ?
As is often the case in life, there are not just one, but several causes of genital fatigue after a hike. Especially this kind of descent often leads to problems. Les voici Genoux extrêmementement sollicités, car à chaque pas, une charge importante est exerted sur les articulations.
This exceeds one multiple of your body weight. It is therefore not surprising that many randonneurs experience pain in the back while descending. Especially if you already suffer from a degenerative joint disease such as osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis, joint pain is not uncommon during a descending hike.
UN genou enflé après la randonnée, cependant, indicique souvent un problème avec les tendons là. Contrary to the muscles, these cannot be relaxed. In old age, the production of collagen in the body decreases, so that the tendons no longer have the elasticity of an adolescent.
Est-ce que ça Genou tendu, menacer inflammation sévère. But the older semestres are not the only ones concerned. Young randonneurs can also suffer. This can be seen in general because the pain in the stomach manifests itself on the outside after a hike. Mais aussi ça zone située sous la rotule peuvent être affectés.
In addition to the ailments mentioned above, a "simple" overwork can also be the cause of serious health problems after a hike. This is particularly the case for those who go on long hikes or even hikes of several days without training, who are at risk.
Preventing genital pain after a hike: 10 tips
Hikers who suffer from anti-stress symptoms are not the only ones to benefit from good health management. Pain in the stomach after a mountain hike does not always stop, even for hikers in good physical condition. If you are already suffering from health problems or if you are affected by them during a trip, the following may help you. 10 conseils aide, Douleur au genou après une randonnée réussi pour prévenir:
1. faites suffisamment de pauses
Autour Douleur articulaire après un Randonnée pour prévenir, sont réguliers Les pauses sont importantes. This allows you to effectively counteract any possible injury. Because when you are on the move, you often don't even make a real effort. So make sure you take enough breaks in advance and don't expect your genou to fail you!
2. utilisez des bâtons de randonnée
Bâtons de randonnée non seulement vous accompagnagner en déplacement tenue optimal, mais aussi en assurer un Portion supplémentaire de protection des articulations. Par
- muscles,
- Tendons
- et protègent vos articulations, ils aident non seulement à éviter les douleurs aux genoux lors descentes.
They are also a real aid at high altitudes and on the slopes. If you want to know more about how to use them to protect your joints, consult our complete guide. You will learn, among other things, how to use the hiking boots correctly using these 3 techniques. You can find more information in our article: All about randonnée bikes - guide for beginners.
3 Renforcez vos muscles et échauffez-les avant de partir en randonnée
Well-developed muscles contribute to optimal protection of the articulations. It is therefore not necessary, if possible, to undertake long walks without being in shape. Construire Ton Condition Mieux means to start slowly and continuously increase your workload. Prolonged exercise can also helpyou to succeed in preventing muscle pain.
4. portez des chaussures de randonnée adaptées
The key to every hike is to wear hiking shoes that are adapted and well amortized. They do not only help you to avoid getting your feet wet, but also to ensure optimal equipment. It's not just your dosage that's important. Your feet can also be given a sense of well-being with the best hiking shoes.
Que tu fasses ça modèle approprié Vous le reconnaîtrez quand vous l'aurez trouvé Confort. If you don't feel immediately at ease in your shoes, they won't suit you. In fact, t'inquiète Chaussettes de randonnée mérinos pour un confort supplémentaire. Les chaussettes de randonnée are
- respirant,
- séchage rapide
- et incroyablement doux.
5 Utilisez des semelles intérieures
If you are already suffering from problems with the genitals or the dosage, you can now offer a good service . However, you should never use it as an auto-diagnostic.
In order for you to support the sleeves in the best possible way and in all your ways , they must be specially made for you . Ton Médecin de famille ou orthopédiste prépare te pour ça Recette hors de. Because the production of the sleeves belongs to the professionals.
6. lacez correctement vos chaussures de randonnée
The best hiking shoes and boots won't do you any good if your shoes are badly worn. You are probably asking for something very difficult. Finally, the laces should simply be passed through the eyelets and replaced with new ones. But unfortunately, that's not all.
Vous devez vous assurer que le languette en fait est assis au milieu. In addition, they must not be too stiff or too loose. They must offer your feet optimal support.
However, your feet will slip easily during long hikes. That's why this may have the effect of having to adjust the position during displacement one more time.
7. descendez la télécabine
On the beach, genital blemishes are unfortunately not rare. If you already have a problem with this, ask for a walk in the gondola and a suitable sanitary prophylaxis The telephones are now available in many hiking regions.
Si l'occasion se présente à vous en cours de route, saisissez-la. Vos genoux vous remercieront !
8. stabilizez vos genoux avec des genouillères lors de la randonnée
Also bandages aux genoux sont une manière prometteuse de Évitez les douleurs au genou en randonnée. Thanks to the compression, the blood circulation is improved and the risk of soreness is minimized. However, you must only use high-quality models designed for medical use.
Good market models are generally made from poor quality materials and do not deliver the expected results. In addition to the correct model, you also need to choose the right size. The fitting must be neither too loose nor too tight.
9. préparez votre sac à dos aussi léger que possible
The correct packing technique and the position of your bag à dos will help to avoid any joint damage after hiking. Make sure you only take the bags you really need.
Vous pouvez le trouver sur notre blog de précieux conseilscommenttu aimes le tien Ajustez correctement votre sac à dos et randonnez sans gêne peut. If you are planning a longer hike, I can give you our list of packing tips for a hike of several days.
10. choisissez un itinéraire adapté
The pain in the stomach after a hike in the mountains is not rare. To avoid this, you must adapt the route to your state of health. A good hike doesn't necessarily require a lot of hard work. You can make the most of the circuit at your own pace, even with less significant levels.
À propos, nous avons les plus beaux sentiers de randonnée de Garmisch-Partenkirchen. ici mis en place pour vous.
Traiter les douleurs au genou après une randonnée
Sometimes, the pain in the back after a hike cannot be avoided despite good preparation and appropriate measures. If the pain is very pronounced, you will have to intervene with analgesics to break the memory of the pain.
Plus, it's protection branché, branché, populaire. Repose your jambe à la maison as often as possible and take a break from sporting activities. A flushed face after a hike requires immobilization and rehydration.
However, use a bag of ice with a torch to avoid engelures. If there is no improvement, have your genes checked by a specialist using a precautionary measure.
Unfortunately, articular pain after a hike affects more and more people. But with appropriate measures and good equipment, they can be easily avoided. The bâtons de randonnée in particular have proven to be excellent and offer an unimaginable freedom to lovers of the great outdoors.
Even if you want to go higher, make sure you adapt your circuits accordingly. What is the best use of the itinerary if you suffer from pain in the back after a hike in the mountains? You'll probably have to stay there for a while during what seems to be a nightmare. It's not for nothing that the motto is "small but pleasant". Even the easy and small itineraries certainly have their charm.
Pourquoi des douleurs au genou surviennent-elles après une randonnée ?
The pain in the genitals after a hike can have various causes. The descent often causes problems because the genitals are exposed to a significant load that can exceed the body weight by several times.
Pre-existing conditions such as degenerative articular diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis) can increase pain. Excessive use due to untrained muscles or tendon problems can also cause pain in the back.
What can I do if I have a bad stomach after a hike despite the precautions taken?
If you notice a pain in your genitals despite having taken precautions, you can follow the steps below:
- If the douleur is intense, recourez à des analgésiques.
- Protégez votre genou.
- Refroidissez votre genou enflé après la randonnée.
- If there is no improvement, as a precautionary measure, have your genes examined by a specialist to detect any serious causes.
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