Occasionally, even a rucksack needs cleaning. Either because it is dirty or smells bad. With the right backpack care, your backpack will last longer and protect the contents as it did on the first day of use.
Important: NEVER(!) wash the backpack in the washing machine - not even on delicate wash or hand wash programs!
If the backpack is slightly soiled:
- Larger soiling on the outside can be removed with a brush. Treat stains with a damp cloth or sponge.
- Turn the backpack inside out so that the inner side is now on the outside.
- Shake well so that loose dirt such as dust and grime fly off.
- Wipe off rough spots with a damp cloth or sponge.
- Hang the rucksack in a warm place and leave to dry completely.
If the rucksack is very dirty:
- Rinse the upturned rucksack in a bath or shower. If you have a bathtub, you can also "bathe" the backpack in it. You can also use a gentle detergent.
- Gently clean the dirty areas with a sponge or cloth.
- Rinse thoroughly with water. Squeeze out the padding such as the hip belt and shoulder straps and remove the detergent.
- Hang the rucksack in an airy, warm place out of direct sunlight and allow it to dry completely before stowing it away again.
Hang the opened backpack in a place where it can dry thoroughly.
Last but not least: never store your rucksack damp! It's best to leave it upside down to dry and check with your hands to see if there are any damp spots.
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Sacs à dos étanches - Explanation des termes et guide des sacs à dos de randonnée étanches
Do you need a waterproof bag for the mountains? Nous retrouvons cette question dans le billet de blog suivant. We also shed some light on this obscurity by discussing the terms "outer", "outer" and "separate" and explaining the differences. Are you ready?
Définition de l'épreuve d'étanché
In some cases, the information for clothing and external equipment such as
- imperméable,
- résistant à l'eau
- Et être assez confus dans l'eau -Pellent, non?
A lot of people are therefore asking for a source of water that offers optimum protection and can prevent humidification. Who wants to be under the rain in the true sense of the term?
Que signifie étanche?
The name waterproof is used for materials and garments that offer optimum protection against humidity. They are often equipped with a membrane that successfully prevents water from penetrating. Even if you travel under the rain for a long time, the humidity remains outside.
Conseil d'expert: Si un sac à dos ou des vêtements est décrité comme étanche, il doit rester mouillé à 100% pour rester à l'écart de l'intérieur du sac à dos.
Quand un sac à dos est-il étanche?
There are different classes. They are divided as follows: According to the European standard EN 343, a product with an eau column of 800 mm is "tanche (classe 1 et 2)". À partir d'une colonne d'eau de 1300 mm, il est considéré comme "étanche (classe 3)", à partir de 2000 mm "étanche (classe 4)".
Que signifie étanche?
The material, which is waterproof compared to impermeable fabrics, allows water to escape - but the humidity can only penetrate after a certain amount of time!
Quand un sac à dos est-il étanche?
The waterproofness, more precisely, the resistance to water is a bag à dos if it can contain the humidity, but it cannot be excluded if it leaks at a given moment. However, waterproof bags should normally keep the water out of the inside of the bag for a few hours.
Que signifie la réparation de l'eau?
The materials that contain the water are considered to be water separators so that they do not leak. These materials generally have a special coating. The membrane ensures that the water does not leak in a humid way towards the inside. The terms "waterproof" and "hydrofuge" are often used synonymously. However, hydrofuges are less robust than impermeable materials.
Quand ai-je besoin d'un sac à dos étanche?
Vous devez utiliser un sac à dos imperméable pour les activités de plein air suivantes:
Grimper: The waterproof bags à dos for escalade are extremely resistant because they have to remain in place for as long as possible. They are mainly made from TPU or equally robust tissues.
Biking: The majority of the bags à dos and the bags à vélo are now completely waterproof. Ici, non seulement l'humidité par le haut et de côté, mais aussi la saleté et la boue du sol.
pêche: L'utilisation d'un So-So-appel Sacs à sec. The protective bag is placed in the bag à dos and offers perfect protection for all electronic items.
Canoë: An impermeable bag is essential when canoeing. Ideally, this is combined with a dry bag. You're therefore lavé avec toute l'eau.
Randonnée: Vous devez non seulement être préparé sur plusieurs jours de randonnées à tout moment. The time can also change unexpectedly over the course of one day. A bag à dos with an integrated waterproof cover is therefore the ideal companion for all hiking enthusiasts.
If necessary, it can easily be placed on the bag à dos and thus protects your equipment from humidity.
Avec ces deux aides, vous pouvez faire un sac à dos étanche
- Les matériaux imperméables ou imperméables, s'ils ne sont pas composés de matériaux 100% imperméables, sont souvent rendus imperméables par imprégnation.
- Prendre unCouverture de pluie pour le sac à dos si vous ne pouvez pas être sûre de la parcours météorologique. The rain covers for the hiking bags are available in different sizes. Sometimes, a waterproof cover is already installed in the bag à dos. In addition, it is often in the lower part - at the bottom of the bag à dos.
Whether you need a waterproof bag depends on your area of use. If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors and don't want to spend a lot of time in "bad" weather, you are well advised to use a waterproof bag.
For optimum protection of your portable phone and other devices, we recommend the additional use of a drypack if you are outdoors and outdoors. In size L, it weighs no more than 25 g and guarantees 100% waterproofness.
Qu'est-ce qui ne signifie pas imperméable dans les chaussures?
If the shoes are not waterproof, they do not offer you any humid protection. If you walk on a humid field with these models, your feet are guaranteed to be muffled. That said, this also applies to wet weather walks.
L'étanchéité est-il également étanche?
The term "resistant to temperatures" is mainly used for garden furniture. Mais vous connaissez probablement le dicton: "Il n'y a pas de mauvais temps, juste de mauvais vêtements." La langue vernaculaire se réfère aux tissus imperméables, qui est familièrement appelé "résistant aux intempéries". Cependant, le nom correct était "étanche".
Would you like to find out more about the bags à dos de randonnée?