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Close-up of hiking poles on rocks, suitable for outdoor activities. Ideal for use in various types of terrain, available at
Managing Director Alpin Loacker
Felix Loacker loves the mountains and has several years of experience in mountain sports. As loosely as he enjoys it, he is fascinated by the mountains and nature. In the mountains, he feels free and alive. They are his home and a place where he leaves his comfort zone, his hikes, his ski hikes, his ascents and his VTT.

One thing first: none of the two materials is better or better than the other. It depends a lot more on your personal preferences and the area of application. Whether you choose carbon or aluminum randonnée footbridges depends entirely on you.

To make your choice easier, we have compiled the most important characteristics and criteria for you. You will discover the advantages and variations of the different models and receive all the information you need to make the right choice. Are you ready?

Bâtons de randonnée en carbone ou en aluminum

There is virtually no other subject that generates more discussion on the forums than the choice of hiking boots. While some people prefer carbon footwear, for others only aluminum is an option. But what are these two materials and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these models?

You're more of the video type? Pas de problème, nous abordons le sujet en détail dans notre guide d'achat des bâtons de randonnée.

Bâtons de randonnée en carbone

Bâtons de randonnée télescopiques en carbone are, as their name indicates, made of carbon. We use high quality 3K carbon for their production. Compared to classic carbon randonnée shoes, all models are therefore much more robust. The carbon footbridges are all more expensive than the aluminum ones. But they are also more lightweight and are an ideal companion, especially on long hikes.

Avantages : 

  •  More lightweight than the bâtons in aluminum, they are therefore ideal for long hikes
  •  Optimal protection against vibrations
  •  Haute rigidité (pas facile à tordre)


  • Se casse plus facilement sous des charges élevées que l'aluminium
  • Résistance à l'entaille inférieure
  •  Plus cher que les poteaux en aluminum

Bâtons de randonnée en aluminum

NotreBâtonsde randonnée en aluminium sont fabriqués en aluminum d'avion super léger. However, they are longer than the carbon fiber trekking poles. As the aluminum skirting boards are slightly less rigid, the vibrations are more transmissible than absorbed. Unless they are suspended.

This can really make you tired during long hikes. The aluminum boots are generally less expensive than the carbon boots. They do, however, have a significant advantage: aluminum is subject to high loads and rarely tends to burn.

Avantages :  

  • Moins cher
  •  Pliez sous la charge, donc aucun risque de blessure
  •  Plus robust


  •  Plus lourds que les bâtons de randonnée en carbone
  •  Se plie plus facilement

Quels types de bâtons de randonnée existe-t-il ?

As you already know, there are hiking frames made of carbon or aluminum. But it's not just the material that plays a crucial role in the choice of hiking boots. The type of stock is also an important criterion. In addition to telescopic trekking poles, pliable poles are also becoming more and more popular. But what do these models do? We have summarized the most important information for you:

Bâtons de randonnée télescopiques

ÉcuriePerchestélescopiques peuvent être facilement assemblés.Plus c'est facile ils sont,le meilleur. Les différentes pièces sont soit utilisées pour la fixationbienvissé ou avecPinces fixé. Thanks to their small size, the carbon or aluminum telescopic trekking poles are also suitable for long-distance transport if you want to climb uphill.

Les bâtons de randonnée télescopiques have made their mark in the field, especially on demanding hikes, thanks to their excellent stability.

Bâtons pliants

Pour leBâtonspliantsC'est presque la même chose, sauf qu'ils ne peuvent pas être rapprochés, but plutôt pliés. The different elements are connected by a flat cable and are simply attached and tensioned during installation.

In contrast to the telescopic trekking bikes, there are nopins and no mechanismon the face. As aresult, therandonnée or trekking bikes are always extralight. Pliant bicycles are often alittle difficultto carry and thereforeeasy to stock up on. The weight of the pliable bikes is also slightly lower, which makes this apopular option.

Les bâtons télescopiques et pliables sont proposés avec différentes poignées. Entièrement en plastique etcaoutchoucprévoir mains moites et peut rapidement désagréable Soufflerplomb. Certain poignées also present an abrasion désagréable qui noircit les mains.

C'est aussi pourquoi ils devraientPoignées de bâtons de randonnée au moinsMousse, mieux encore Liège consister.Alpin Loacker Bâtons de randonnée avoir exclusivementsurles poignées en liège durables,le pratique L'extension de la poignée est en mousse. This means that the hiking boots are made of carbon or aluminum and are very comfortable to hold. The paumes remain secure and clean.

There is often a plusshortandplus long version of the same model. Les deux Alpin Loacker Bâtons pliants en carboneestla version plus courtepourles personnes mesurant moins de 165 cm pensée.

The ideal length setting is difficult to generalize. There are a few guidelines to help you define the perfect length. In principle, if the pole is held in the main and if the tip of the bâton is on the ground, the blade must be at an angle of around 90°. This is certainly an advantage when wearing good shoes. On the descent, the bats tend to be a little longer.


As mentioned at the beginning, none of the two materials is better or better than the other. This depends much more on your personal preferences and the area of application. Whether you choose the carbon or aluminum randonnée footbridges depends entirely on you. The choice depends on various factors, including weight, robustness, protection against vibrations and price. The carbon trekking shoes are lighter, offer optimum protection against vibrations and are more rigid, while the aluminum trekking shoes are less expensive and more robust. The two materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to you to make the right choice.

FAQ sur le thème : Bâtons de randonnée - carbone ou aluminum ?

À quoi devez-vous faire attention lorsque vous utilisez des bâtons de randonnée en descente ?

When descending, you may have a tendency to straighten the footbridges a little longer. It is important that the handle is held in your hand and that the tip of the handle is on the ground and that your head is at an angle of around 90°. It is also advisable to wear suitable shoes to ensure optimum balance and maintenance. The length of the handle can be individually adjusted to ensure comfortable and efficient use during the descent.

Quels sont les bâtons de randonnée les plus légers en carbone ou en aluminum ?

The carbon footbridges are generally longer than the aluminum footbridges. Carbone is a light and very resistant material, which makes the carbon footbridges even lighter. This makes them particularly suitable for long hikes and activities where every gram counts. The aluminum randonnée bikes are slightly lighter in comparison, but offer a good balance between weight and robustness.


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2 Commenter

peter giger sur

i have carbon pro poles and am very satisfied. unfortunately the tips are already used up or no longer available. how can i replace them?
many thanks and best regards

Elisabeth Schießl sur

Hi Alpin Loacker Team,
Unfortunately, the top plastic locking unit with the aluminum spiral screw broke on one of my Carbon Pro folding poles. As I received the poles as a birthday present in February, I would be very happy if you could tell me how I can get a replacement part!

Thank you and best regards
