If you place great value on maximum sleeping comfort during your outdoor adventures, a down sleeping bag is always the right choice. The high breathability and excellent thermal performance provide that extra bit of relaxation. You can find more products for sleeping outdoors here.
The small pack size and low weight also leave nothing to be desired. It’s no wonder that more and more outdoor enthusiasts do not want to do without this sleeping equipment when hiking, trekking, camping & co.
To find the right model, you should pay attention to the following factors when buying a down sleeping bag:
The fill weight is a parameter for the amount of down used and determines the insulation performance. If you want to use your down sleeping bag mainly in spring and summer, a low fill weight is sufficient.
For year-round use, however, it is best to choose a 4-season sleeping bag with the appropriate filling.
The shape is also an important component when choosing the right down sleeping bag. A mummy sleeping bag is cut close to the body and thus achieves rapid thermal performance. If you prefer more freedom of movement and want to change your lying position more often, the egg shape is better suited for you.
These models are cut wider in the hip and leg area but still offer the same turbo thermal mode in the foot area.
Nothing is worse than a sleeping bag that is too small, offering no freedom of movement. Therefore, make sure to choose the right size before purchasing.
Some models, like our Down Pro 3 Season Down Sleeping Bag, are available in two versions. Therefore, it is available as a sleeping bag small pack size. Weight also plays a role in the selection.
Our summer down sleeping bags are so-called ultralight sleeping bags and due to their small pack size, they fit comfortably in your hiking backpack.
The specified temperature range is always a recommendation. We thoroughly test all models inside and out, and since we are true camping junkies, you can rely on our judgment 100%.
Alpin Loacker stands for quality. We use only high-quality & sustainable materials, which is also reflected in the loft of the down used. This is an important quality criterion. The higher the loft, the higher the quality of the filling.
Of course, we only use certified down – completely without animal suffering! We also rely on high-quality material compositions for the outer materials used,
The welfare of the animals is our top priority. Our sustainable duck down is RDS certified. The RDS seal ensures that:
At some point, the time will come when you have to wash your travel sleeping bag for the first time. And now? We will show you how to do it:
As with everything in life, there are advocates and opponents. The topic of “sleeping bags” is no exception. However, it's best to form your own opinion based on the following criteria:
Down sleeping bags:
Synthetic sleeping bags:
While your down sleeping bag is waiting for its next use, you should store it hanging if possible. A clothes hanger can be very useful for this. Be sure to ensure good ventilation. Your equipment is out of place in a musty or damp basement.
With proper and appropriate care, your down sleeping bag will be a reliable companion for many years. During your hiking or camping tour, you should always fluff and air out your cozy cave after use.
Our range includes numerous models in different sizes. All down sleeping bags are wonderfully suitable for women. The Down Pro 4 Seasons, for example, is available in 2 sizes: up to 170 cm and up to 195 cm body height. Every woman will find the right equipment.
You can find our down sleeping bags in the online shop and on Amazon.
To make your hike an unforgettable experience, the down sleeping bag should be accompanied by the appropriate sleeping mat and a lightweight tent. The following products should also not be missing, whether the tour lasts for days or is just a day trip:
With these products, you won't miss anything and you can enjoy your hiking tour.
If you attach great importance to maximum sleeping comfort in your outdoor adventures, a down sleeping bag is always the right choice. The high breathing activity and excellent heat output ensure the extra portion of relaxation. More products for Sleep outside You can find here.
Even the low pack size and own weight leave nothing to be desired. No wonder that more and more outdoor fans don't want to do without this sleep equipment when hiking, trekking, camping & Co.