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A man with a hat and rucksack sits outdoors, possibly hiking. Perfect for outdoor activities, available at
Managing Director Alpin Loacker
Felix Loacker loves the mountains and has several years of experience in mountain sports. He has been fascinated by peaks and untouched nature for as long as he can remember. He feels free and alive in the mountains. They are his home and a place where he leaves his comfort zone, hikes, ski tours, climbs & rides his mountain bike.

A hike should primarily do one thing: refresh body, mind and soul. In the midst of untouched nature, we find peace and quiet and can block out the hectic world around us. But for many people, the rude awakening comes shortly after the tour in the form of knee pain after hiking. 

What are the causes and how can you prevent them? You can find out all this and more in the following blog post. 

With our tips, discomfort will soon be a thing of the past!

What causes knee pain after hiking?

As is so often the case in life , there is not just one, but several causes of knee pain after hiking. The descent in particular often leads to problems. The knees are put under extreme strain here, as a large load rests on the joints with every step. 

This is because it exceeds your body weight many times over. It is therefore not surprising that many hikers experience knee pain on the descent. Especially if you already have a degenerative joint disease such as osteoarthritis or spondylosis, knee pain is not uncommon when hiking downhill.

A swollen knee after a hike, on the other hand, often indicates a problem with the tendons. Unlike muscles, these cannot be trained. The body's own collagen production decreases, especially with age, so that the tendons no longer have the elasticity of a teenager. 

Swollen knee after hiking

If the knee is overloaded, there is a risk of severe inflammation. But it's not just older people who are affected. Young hikers can also suffer from it. Tendonitis can usually be recognized by the fact that the knee pain manifests itself on the outside after hiking. However, the area below the kneecap can also be affected.

In addition to the diseases mentioned, "mere" overuse can also be responsible for a sore knee after hiking. Especially those who set off on long marches or even a hiking tour lasting several days without any training are at risk here. 

Preventing knee pain after hiking: 10 tips 

It's not just hikers who are already under strain who benefit from good health management. Knee pain after a mountain hike does not always stop at fit hikers. If you already suffer from knee problems or are unexpectedly affected by them while out and about, the following 10 tips can help you to successfully prevent knee pain after hiking:

1. take sufficient breaks 

Regular breaks are important to prevent joint pain after a hike. This allows you to effectively counteract possible overloading. After all, you often don't even feel the actual exertion when you're out and about. Therefore, plan enough breaks in advance and don't wait until your knee hurts!

2. use walking poles  

Hiking poles not only give you optimum support when out and about, but also provide an extra dose of joint protection. By 

  • Muscles, 
  • Tendons 
  • and joints, they not only help to avoid knee pain when hiking downhill. 

They are also a real help uphill and on straight sections. If you would like to know more about how to use them to protect your joints, take a look at our comprehensive guide. There you will learn, among other things, how to use hiking poles correctly with these 3 techniques. You can find more information in our article: All about hiking poles - guide for beginners.

3. strengthen your muscles and warm up before hiking  

Well-trained muscles contribute to optimum joint protection. That's why you shouldn't set off on long hikes untrained. It is better to build up your fitness slowly and steadily increase your workload. Stretching exercises can also help you to successfully prevent knee pain.

4. wear suitable hiking boots  

Suitable hiking boots with good cushioning are the be-all and end-all for any hike. They not only help you to avoid blisters on your feet, but also ensure an optimal gait. And it's not just your back that will be happy. Your knees can also breathe a sigh of relief with the right hiking boots. 

You can tell whether you have found the right model by how comfortable it is to wear. If you don't feel comfortable in the shoes straight away, they are not suitable for you. By the way, merino hiking socks provide additional comfort. The hiking socks are 

  • breathable, 
  • Quick drying 
  • and wonderfully soft.

5. use inserts 

If you already suffer from knee or back problems, insoles can be of great help. However, you should never use them as a self-diagnosis. 

In order to provide you with optimum support and alleviate knee problems wherever you go, they should be specially made for you. Your family doctor or orthopaedist will issue you with a prescription. After all, the production of foot orthoses belongs in the hands of specialists.

Insoles in hiking boots prevent knee pain

6. lace up your hiking boots correctly 

Even the best hiking boots and insoles are useless if your shoes are laced incorrectly. You may be wondering what is so difficult about this. After all, the laces only need to be threaded through the eyelets and tied crosswise. But unfortunately that's not all. 

You should make sure that the lace is actually centered. In addition, the hiking boots must not be laced too tightly or too loosely. They must offer your feet optimum support.

However, your feet will swell slightly on longer hikes. It may therefore be advisable to adjust the lacing again on the way.

7. ride downhill on the gondola lift 

Unfortunately, knee pain is not uncommon when hiking downhill. If you already have a pre-existing condition, a gondola lift ride is a suitable health prophylaxis for you. Cable cars are now available in many hiking regions.

If you get the chance along the way, take it. Your knees will thank you!

8. stabilize your knees with knee supports when hiking 

Knee supports are also a promising option for preventing knee pain when hiking. Thanks to the compression, blood circulation is promoted and the risk of overuse is minimized. However, you should only use high-quality models that have been designed for medical use. 

Cheap knee supports are usually made from inferior materials and do not provide the desired results. As well as choosing the right model, you should also make sure you choose the right size. The support should be neither too loose nor too tight

9. pack the rucksack as light as possible

The correct packing technique and the fit of your rucksack help to prevent joint pain after the hike. Make sure you only take the luggage you actually need. 

In our blog, you will find valuable tips on how to adjust your rucksack correctly and hike without discomfort. If you are planning a longer tour, our packing list for a multi-day hike can help you.  

10. choose a suitable route 

Knee pain after a mountain tour is not uncommon. To avoid this, you should definitely adapt the route to your state of health. A good hike does not necessarily require enormous inclines. You can also enjoy the tour to your heart's content on less steep gradients.

By the way, we have listed the most beautiful hiking trails in Garmisch-Partenkirchen here for you here.

Treating knee pain after hiking 

Sometimes knee pain after hiking cannot be prevented despite good preparation and appropriate measures. If the pain is very severe, you should intervene with painkillers to break the pain memory. 

You should also take it easy. Rest your leg at home as often as possible and pause all sporting activities. A swollen knee after a hike requires cooling in addition to immobilization. 

However, wrap a cold pack in a tea towel to prevent frostbite. If there is no improvement, have your knee examined by a specialist as a precaution.  

Hiking without knee pain - the best tips


Unfortunately, joint pain after a hike is affecting more and more people. But with the right measures and good equipment, they can be excellently prevented. Hiking poles in particular have proven to be excellent and allow outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy unimagined freedom.

Even if you prefer to aim high, be sure to adapt your tours accordingly. What good is the best route if you suffer from knee pain after a mountain tour? You may then have to take it easy for what feels like an eternity. It's not for nothing that the saying goes: "Small but beautiful." Even easy and smaller routes have their charm. 


Why does knee pain occur after hiking? 

Knee pain after hiking can have various causes. The descent often leads to problems, as the knees are exposed to a large load that can exceed many times the body weight. 

Pre-existing conditions such as degenerative joint diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis or spondylosis) can increase the pain. Overloading due to untrained muscles or problems with the tendons can also lead to knee pain.

What can I do if I have knee pain after hiking despite taking precautions? 

If you experience knee pain despite taking precautions, you can take the following steps:

  1. If the pain is severe, use painkillers.
  2. Protect your knee.
  3. Cool your swollen knee after the hike.
  4. If there is no improvement, have your knee examined by a specialist as a precaution to rule out more serious causes.

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