Nettoyer les chaussures de randonnée n'est pas forcément votre activité préférée ? Compréhensible! But thanks to the following tips and tricks, you can clean your hiking boots quickly and effortlessly.
You can also discover in our blog article why regular care is worth the effort.
Pourquoi est-il si important d'entretenir régulièrement ses chaussures de randonnée ?
After a long hike, the shoes remain in the coin for most of the time . After all, they have (in most cases) fulfilled their function and transported you in complete safety to your destination.
Even if you're not a fan of wearing hiking shoes, you should spend time on them regularly. Thanks to appropriate care, you can significantly extend the life of your shoes and take care of them for many years.
À travers cela
- vous économisez de l'argent,
- protéger l'environnement
- et améliorez votre propre bien-être.
Qui une fois ? I've found the best hiking shoes, but they're no longer missing. However, without maintenance, the cuir becomes long and worn with time.
Le résultat: Eau peut entrer et la chaussure " s'est usée " au bout d'un moment. Cela signifie que vous avez non seulement... pieds mouillés, but also ouvrir la voie à Des cloques.
Comme toi aussi ampoules aux pieds en randonnée Vous pouvez découvrir comment le prévenir et le traiter dans cet article de blog.
Comment entretenir au mieux mes chaussures de randonnée ?
Maintaining your randonnée shoes in cuir is a painstaking task. Just like tightening your thighs, it quickly becomes a routine that you can accomplish in no time and with little effort. Voilà comment ça marche :
1. retirez les lacets et retirez la semelle intérieure
À propos du vôtre bottes de marche bien laver Pour pouvoir le faire, vous devez d'abord faire ceci les lacets retirer. Then replace the inner part.
This makes the next steps much easier for you, because you can easily reach even the most difficult access points.
2. brosez la saleté de la surface
With a good pair of shoes now, you'll put them on your body first to prevent large-scale contamination. This is particularly good for cleaning the soil and the skin .
If there is a boule on the chaussure or the cailloux in the bande de roulement, the brossage sous l'eau courante s'avéré efficace.
3. netyer les chaussures de randonnée à l'eau tiède
Once all the major contaminants have been eliminated, it's time to clean. With a thin chiffon or a sponge, you can clean the Chaussures à fond avec tiède Purifier l'eau.
Spécial les fournitures de nettoyage ou le savon est inclus pas nécessaire. In this way, you can also clean the inside of your hiking boots. Use one for this also toavoid damaging the inner lining.
If the sleeves are very low or emit a noticeable odor, you can also use a humid pouch to clean them.
Conseil d'expert : Avec Chaussettes de randonnée mérinos Les pieds et les chaussures malodorants appartiennent au passé. This durable natural product is breathable, cleans quickly, regulates the temperature and inhibits odors.
4. laissez sécher les chaussures
You have now already completed a large part of the work. During this stage, you can even clean and maintain your shoes. Because for boots on the move, cleaning is also an important step. And this can take up to two hours.
Pas du du tout vous devriez suivre les conseils obsolètes ici et les vôtres
- Des chaussures devant la cheminée,
- sur le radiateur
- ou laissez-le sécher au soleil.
That would be fatal! Through the chill, the material becomes thicker and changes shape. The shoes will become thinner and will no longer adapt to your feet.
It is therefore better to stay out of these unsuccessful methods. Instead, it is preferable to stay outside in a well-ventilated area without direct sunlight .
Si tu as quelque chose Rouleau de cuisine froissé et le Chaussures remplis-en bien, raccourci Toi le Temps de séchage.
5. utilisez un conditionneur pour cuir
As long as your shoes are comfortable and completely safe, you should pay particular attention to your hiking shoes in cuir. This way, they will remain waterproof and last longer.
There are two elements that you need to consider.
Cire de chaussure pour les chaussures de randonnée est utilisé pour garder le cuir doux et souple. It applies well with a thick and thick chiffon.
- The second element in the maintenance of hiking boots in cuir is the following imprint.
À travers utilise l'humidité à savoir le Imprégnation protectrice Le vôtre Chaussures enlevées.
This could lead to a foreseeable future . And no one wants to have their feet wet. To prevent this, you need to wear waterproof hiking boots.
There is a special waterproofing spray that you only need to vaporize and apply with a thin chiffon. However, you should only carry out this process on the outside and, if possible, avoid inhaling the spray.
If this seems too difficult for you, there is also another way to remove your hiking boots in cuir.
There are now products on the market that allow you to complete the two steps in one go.
Rangez correctement les chaussures de randonnée
As you know, the cuir is a must for your footwear. Furthermore, this does not only apply to soins, but also to stockage.
Avec les conseils suivants, vos chaussures de randonnée resteront longtemps votre fidèle compagnon :
- Rangez vos chaussures dans un endroit sec.
- Évitez les grandes fluctuations de température. (Vos chaussures ne sont pas en sécurité dans la voiture)
- Assurez-vous qu'il y a bonne ventilation.
- Ne pas stocker au soleil, sur le radiateur ou devant la cheminée !
- Put your shoes in an airtight shoe bag.
Peut-on laver les chaussures de randonnée en machine à laver ?
No! Vous ne devez jamais laver les chaussures de randonnée dans la machine à laver. They will break during the process.
À quelle fréquence dois-je entretenir mes chaussures de randonnée ?
Même si vous n'aimez peut-être pas l'entendre : bottes de marche devrait être possible souvent soigné devenir. After each turn, you will need to remove the sale with a brush toavoid removing the cuir.
Comment fréquemment Toi les tiens Cultivez des bottes de randonnée je dois le faire, ça dépends de l'utilisation. If your shoes are exposed to high temperature variations and are wet, they should be circled more often.
This also applies in bright sunlight. In these cases, you should use the Cire pour chaussures de randonnée after each use. At moderate temperatures and without humidity, one application after a hike over three days is sufficient.
If you are walking in a humid area or hiking in the rain, you should then waterproof your hiking shoes. This allows you to maintain the best protection against humidity.
Maintaining and cleaning your hiking boots can seem difficult at first glance. The list of things to do and things not to do is quite extensive. But to put it bluntly, there is no art to wearing hiking shoes.
The special care products also facilitate subsequent care. They help with curing and waterproofing. If you take good care, your hiking boots will last much longer.
Considering the constant increase in costs, it's a good reason to integrate the difficult task of maintaining hiking boots into everyday life. You can also score points in terms of durability. Because you are helping to save important resources.
This means that when you take care of your hiking shoes, you are making an important contribution to protecting the environment.
Pourquoi est-il si important d'entretenir régulièrement ses chaussures de randonnée ?
After a hike, your shoes are often worn out, even though regular maintenance is very important. By taking care of them, you can significantly prolong the life of your hiking shoes and keep them for many years.
These treatments not only allow you to save money and protect the environment, but also improve your well-being. Without regular maintenance, the cuir becomes dry and wet, allowing water to escape and causing clogs to form.
Comment sécher mes chaussures de randonnée ?
After nettoyage, a soigneux séchage is important. Avoid sources of heat such as air conditioning or sunlight as they can damage the fabric. Leave the shoes to dry in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight. Remplissez-les de papier absorbant pour accélérer le séchage.
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