Correctly adjusting your backpack is the sine qua non condition for a long hike. That's how you can master every hike without any problems. In the following blog article, you'll learn how to get the best results and how to know if your backpack is perfectly adapted to your body.
We also help you to identify the errors in the adjustment of the bag à dos to avoid them. You will become a professional in just a few minutes. Ready ?
Pourquoi est-il si important de régler correctement un sac à dos ?
Le site bon réglage de ton sac à dos fait en sorte que un poids régulier sur ton corps. répartir le poids. Thus, you décharges
- ton dos,
- tes épaules
- et la nuque.
At the same time, you maximize your own safety and prevent your bag à dos from creasing.
You quickly feel the difference, especially during long hikes. If ton bag à dos de randonnée is well adjusted, you won 't have a bad balance and you'll maintain your balance even on difficult terrain. balance.
In the opposite case, the weight will push you up or down. You must add the exertion of forces tomaintain the right side. This will strengthen all the muscles. Ton dos en particulier en souffre.
Comment un sac à dos est-il bien ajusté ?
Ton site Le sac à dos est bien ajustésile le poids est équilibré sur ton corps distribue est bien en place. It must be adapted to your hands and your body as if it were part of you. The weight on your legs must be as low as possible.
The center of gravity must always be located in the area of the shoulders and handsTheposition of the shoulders and chest must be as low as possible so that the strongest muscle groups can take up the slack.
Comment régler mon sac à dos ?
In order for your body to have the best possible chance of reducing pressure and optimizing carrying comfort, beforeyou use your backpack for the first time, it is advisable to fill it with water and adjust it correctly. Grâce à notre guide pas à pas, ce sera un jeu d'enfant pour toi.
Étape 1 : Emballer les ustensiles de plein air
Commence par préparer quelques randonnée accessories of the randonnée equipment. You will thus create realistic conditions. With the bags, your bag à dos is easier to adjust. Make sure that the weight is distributed evenly and that the most important pieces of equipment are easily accessible. In this way, you avoid a one-off charge and you don't have to take your breaks to search.
Étape 2 : Desserrer les sangles
Desserre ensuite toutes les sangles et les boucles de réglage avant de porter ton sac à dos sur les épaules. This will give you a neutral starting position and you can then adjust your bag à dos in the best possible way.
Étape 3 : trouver la position de la ceinture
Maintenant Cherche la position adéquate pour ta ceinture. To do this, place it in the middle of the eye of the hand. Make sure that it does not rest either on your ears or on your eyes in order to avoid tangles and entanglements.
Tends ensuite la ceinture de manière à ce qu'elle supporte de manière optimale le poids principal de ton bagage.
Étape 4 : Réglage des bretelles
C'est maintenant le tour des bretelles. Adjust them to your size. They must rest comfortably on your legs. It is important that you can straighten your breasts without any problems. If this is not the case, you must absolutely remove them.
If the brakes are too long, they will slip during the course. If they are too tight, they limit your freedom of movement considerably.
Étape 5 : régler la sangle de poitrine
The sangle de poitrine acts as an additional stabilization for the bretelles. It is adjustable in height on most of the bags à dos and should ideally be positioned above the top of the bag.
Pay attention when looseningthe chest cuff, so that the thoracic cage can move and come off without any problems when you are sitting. If this is not possible, we recommend that you slightly desserrer la sangle de poitrine.
Étape 6 : Ajuster le sac à dos sur ton dos
Once all the sangles are correctly adjusted, you can adjust the position of your bag à dos. Les sangles de réglage de position permettent te permettent d'ajuster la distance ou la proximité avec ton corps. When adjusting the bag à dos, make sure that it is as close to the body as possible.
Conseil d'expert : Even during your hike, you can still adjust the sangles to regulate the position of the bag à dos. You can also vary the distribution of the load by adjusting or adjusting it to suit your legs or hands.
Erreurs fréquentes lors du réglage du sac à dos
Despite all the precautions taken, mistakes are sometimes made in the position of the bag à dos. We'll show you the most common mistakes and how you can avoid them.
If the sac à dos is too low, the length of the dos will be too long. The center of gravity of your body is then displaced towards the front and the weight is largely on your legs. This is the result of dorsal thinning.
If the bag à dos is too high, the bretelles will be too close to the nuque. It is therefore unavoidable that your bag à dos will tear. It's especially your chest and breasts that are affected. That's why it's absolutely essential to adjust the length of the bag on the bag à dos correctly.
In fact, to avoid mistakes when adjusting your trekking bag à dos, you must always make sure you have a good adjustment technique. In fact, it is difficult to adjust a badly packed bag à dos. En dessous de de Sac à dos de randonnée Produits nous avons réuni pour toi des conseils pratiques dans un catalogue de questions.
Même si cela peut paraître fastidieux et long au primord abord, il est important de régler correctement ton sac à dos. This is also true for all the bags à dos. This way you can enjoy your hike without getting tired.
Do not forget to individually adjust all the straps and pants to your body. If you prepare your equipment before adjusting your bag à dos and you also adjust your vest depending on the outside temperature, you will benefit from a good preparation during your hike.
À quelle hauteur porte-t-on un sac à dos ?
When adjusting a bag à dos, the question arises sooner or later: what is the optimal position? You can find out if you have done everything correctly by adjusting the length of your bag à dos while watching your back. Your bag should be at least one centimeter below your wrists, so that the straps rest comfortably on your arms.
Comment porter un sac à dos lourd ?
In order to be able to carry a heavy bag comfortably, the carrying technique plays a crucial role. The rule is as follows: the heaviest loads must be carried as close to the body as possible.
To do this, you need to pack the longest bags as high as possible so that they are centered at the level of your shoulder straps. In order to optimize the position of your hands and legs during your hike, you can adjust the position of the straps and cuffs from time to time.
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