The bulls on your feet during the hike can be a real pain in the neck. Soon, each step becomes more difficult and the pleasure of the adventure in the open air disappears. So that you can make the most of every trip without mousse from now on, we have the best advice for you.
We will show you how to avoid clogs with simple knobs and what you can do in an emergency to be able to continue to walk on the water without any problems. In this way, you can easily check each indicator. Ça sonne bien, non? Désolé, désolé.
Causes typiques de cloques lors de la randonnée
The clogs on the talons or parts of the foot are not produced by chance during hiking. There are several reasons for this. These are:
Chaleur: Particularly during the hot season, the shoes will quickly press on your feet during your hike. The temperature inside the shoes rises and rises due to friction. If you don't let your feet rest between the two, the mousse is pre-programmed. Désolé, désolé.
Humidity: When hiking in the winter, too much humidity does not just cause clogs. The formation of heat on the feet is a problem for many hikers throughout the year.
Pression et frottement: Si la chaussure ne convient pas, un point de pression est créé. The slippery chaussettes create friction. These two can have serious consequences for your feet.
- Raisons anatomiques: For certain people, it is almost normal to walk with their shoes on. No matter what shoes you wear, they add a striking souvenir to every journey. The cause is generally poor alignment of the foot, such as an open or closed foot.
Que puis - je faire pour éviter les cloques pendant la randonnée?
Conseils pour imperméabiliser les bulles lors de la randonnée comme le sable au bord de la mer. But do they really live up to their promises? We've tested them for you and show you our preferred methods for preventing the disease.
1. portez des chaussures de randonnée appropriées
The most important thing you can do to avoid walking with your shoes is to choose the right shoes. In this way, you can avoid the most common causes, such as pressure points, slippage and heat build-up right from the start. The randonnée shoes must always adapt perfectly to your type of foot. Désolé, désolé.
De nombreux fabricants donnent maintenant des indications appropriées pour savoir si cette chaussure convient mieux aux pieds larges ou étroits. This is one of the most important monuments. Mais même si la chaussure convient à votre type de pied, cela ne signifie pas qu'elle convient parfaitement. Because
- Hauteur de l'axe,
- Racine
- The interior finish plays an important role. Désolé, désolé.
In addition, you should also pay attention to the best possible breathability to avoid perspiration.
As a result, when choosing your hiking shoes, you need to take enough time and don't let price be the number one criterion. Very good Bottes de randonnée Vous ne devriez pas abandonner vos pieds (et votre dos) par amour.
Êtes - vous Très bonnes chaussures de randonnée trouvées Et vous voulez le garder pendant une longue période, puis lisez ceci immédiatement: Entretien et nettoyage des bottes de randonnée comme un pro
2 Portez des chaussettes appropriées pour éviter les cloques lors de la randonnée
It's also important to carry waterproof shoes with you when hiking. Unfortunately, their role is often underestimated. High-tech coton or elasticated chausses can ensure optimal air circulation. Even poorly adjusted shoes are not lost on the trail. Désolé, désolé.
Le compagnon idéal est des chaussettes respirantes qui s'ajustent parfaitement, comme Mérinos chaussettes courtesAlthough wearing shoes in linen all year round may seem paradoxical at first glance, you won't want to wear them again! The law? Men's clothing N'est pas
- Respirable,
- Doux et mignon
- Et vous offre un confort incroyable à porter. Désolé, désolé.
Because of its temperature equilibrium properties, you won't sweat. Even with malodorized feet and malodorized shoes, the mineral shoes are still a thing of the past.
Les produits naturels empêchent de manière fiable la formation de toute odeur. Your shoes and chaussures feel absolutely free, even if they are worn several times.
3. patch ou ruban adhésif pour la prévention des cloques
If you are wearing new shoes or if you have a tendency to develop bruises due to the shape of your feet, you should use the adhesive boot liner to prevent bruises during your hike. Even if you feel cold or stressed on the trail, a patch of cuff or adhesive rubber is important for prevention. Désolé, désolé.
Conseils d'experts: Ces produits spéciaux sont respirants et offrent un rembourrage supplémentaire pour protéger vos pieds de la meilleure façon possible. Désolé, désolé.
4. suspension anticipée
Resting early is one of the easiest options, but some randonneurs find this particularly difficult. If you are motivated or if you want to create a section of trail before nightfall, you should certainly continue on your way. But a long voyage ininterrompu can quickly entraîner des représailles. Désolé, désolé.
Comment prévenir les cloques en randonnée? Désolé, désolé.
With two simple tips, you can avoid clogs during your hike. What's more, these two measures can be implemented free of charge. All you need is time.
1. marcher souvent pieds nus
Vous vous demandez peut - être ce que la marche pieds nus a à voir avec les cloques pendant la randonnée. After all, you don't wear shoes. But walking your feet regularly is one of the best ways to shape your feet. On the one hand, you can optimize your march.
On the other hand, your feet will "durcir". A layer of natural protection is formed on the top of your feet, which makes your feet insensitive to dirt.
2. mettez vos bottes de randonnée à temps
As soon as you start your hike with new hiking boots, the open shoes are preprogrammed during the hike. That's why it's always important to wear shoes at the right time. Wear them as lightly as possible and gradually increase the time you wear them. Désolé, désolé.
Nous vous recommandons de passer quelques heures à la maison avec vos nouvelles chaussures de randonnée avant de faire votre votre première courte promenade avec votre compagnon. Si vous vous sentez bien habillé, rien ne vous empêche de faire votre première randonnée ensemble! Désolé, désolé.
Guérir les cloques en randonnée: conseils de guérison rapide
Also, it's very difficult if you bring the hiking boots as a souvenir. Would you like to know how to carry them better? The following advice will help you to do so quickly:
Vous ne devriez pas ouvrir les bulles si possible! It contains a liquid that protects the deep areas of the skin from other damage and helps to prevent infection.
If you open your vessie, there is an additional risk of infection. The patches of furoncles can accelerate the burn and reduce pain.
On the other hand, with a large bulle, you are limited and each pass is transformed into torture. In this case, you can open the vessie. However, you must ensure that the conditions are absolutely strict to prevent inflammation.
To do this, first of all disinfect the eyes and the surrounding tissues with alcohol. The skin on the edge of the vessie is then percussed so that the vessie syrup can be expelled. Then apply antiseptic creams and emulsifiers to the skin.
- The open vessie during the hike must always be disinfected and disinfectant creams and well-replenished pans must be provided. This also applies to bulls that are already open.
Hiking boots are a serious problem and should not be taken lightly. With the good randonnée shoes and Merino chaussettes, you can practise active footwear prevention. Regular breaks and putting your shoes on are essential for protection.
If you also have an open boot on the trail, you can put it in place as much as possible. That's also the case for the closed bullets. It's like this that you can continue your tour.
Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour que les bulles s'enfuirent?
The time it takes for a bulb to be released depends on its size and location. Usually, between a few days, up to 3 weeks, until the bullets are released.
Dois-je ouvrir la bulle ou pas?
Les petites bulles neivent pas être ouvertes autant que possible. If you have a very large bulb in the rim, you can open it with a stiff sleeve. It is important to think about a treatment de plaie that follows.
Puis-je marcher malgré les bulles, ou je devrais pauser?
A small bulle fermée can cover and continue to move with a pansement de la vessie. However, important or open bulbs require a longer pause.
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