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A woman in a red coat holds a water bottle, outdoors, ideal for mountain hikes and nature explorations.
Managing Director Alpin Loacker
Felix Loacker loves the mountains and has several years of experience in mountain sports. As loosely as he enjoys it, he is fascinated by the mountains and nature. In the mountains, he feels free and alive. They are his home and a place where he leaves his comfort zone, his hikes, his ski hikes, his ascents and his VTT.

You want to clean your gourd but you don't know how? Thanks to these trucs and astuces, you can give your bottle a new sparkle in no time at all.

We explain to you how you can get rid of unpleasant odors and even blemishes quickly and permanently. Ready?

Why is it so important to clean the bottles regularly?

A plus tard lorsque le vôtre La bouteille pue ou toi Moisissure à l'intérieur Quand vous le voyez, cela devient clair : la bouteille a besoin d'être nettoyée. In fact, it would be advisable to clean it after each use. But we often overlook such small things in everyday life.

  • Après le sport,
  • a randonnée
  • ou balade à vélo, on vide les restes et on remet la bouteille à sa place.

Mais de cette façon, vous pouvez Les bactéries, etc. se propagent sans entrave, - même si vous n'avez rempli que de l'eau .

There are also bacteria in your saliva that can cause damage if you drink from the bottom of the bottle. On the other hand, the formation of molds only occurs when you transport other liquids.

Par dessus all Jus et boissons gazeuses are en tête de liste des suspects.

This is why it is so important to clean the bottles regularly. Regardless of the fact that

  • Plastique,
  • acier inoxydable
  • ou en aluminum.

Tous les modèles doivent être nettoyés régulièrement. And we will now show you the best way to do it!

Comment nettoyer une gourde ?

Pas de soucis! Des bouteilles propresn'est ni difficile ni long. You have several options to choose from. If you want to make the task easier, we recommend that you use an Gourde en acier inoxydable.

Nos modèles sont particulièrement faciles d'entretien. Vous pouvez facilement les nettoyer au lave-vaisselle. Only the durable bamboo finish is not suitable.

Si toi, par contre Bouteilles en aluminum ou en plastique tu veux nettoyer ou le tien Gourde en acier inoxydable Cher nettoyer à la main, il est préférable de procéder comme suit :

Étape 1 : Remplissez la bouteille d'eau chaude

Nettoyer la gourde - étape 1

Remplissez votre bouteille d'eau chaude. Vissez bien le couvercle et secouez bien la bouteille plusieurs fois.

Étape 2 : Retourner la bouteille pour la faire sécher

Nettoyer la gourde - étape 2

Repeat the process one more time, then leave the bottle facing downwards. In order to allow all the humidity to escape easily, you should install it slightly in biais.

Alternatively, vous pouvez bien sûr également utiliser un torchon propre pour vous sécher.

Étape 3 : utilisez également un goupillon

Nettoyer la gourde - étape 3

If you have transported other liquids such as jus or coffee, you should also clean the appliance with a goupillon.

Comment nettoyer l'embout d'une gourde ?

The embout or cover of your gourd requires separate cleaning. In this way, you will avoid the risk of contamination in the drain, as the liquid is a good breeding ground for bacteria.

In this way, you can also prevent your gourd from feeling bad.

À propos de ça Embouchure ou la Couvercle d'une bouteille en plastique ou en acier inoxydable à faire le ménage, vous pouvez procéder comme suit :

  1. First, replace the caoutchouc joint and clean it with a damp cloth under running water.
  2. Rincez maintenant bien le couvercle avec de l'eau chaude et un peu de détergent.
  3. Carefully check all the components with a torch. Before putting the cover and the caoutchouc joint back together, let them air out a little for added safety. In this way, there is no chance of bad smells and cracks.

Nettoyer la gourde avec des remèdes maison

Quels remèdes maison conviennent pour le nettoyage ?

In addition to the water and the liquid watering can, there are a number of different household cleaners that can be used to clean the bottles. Some of this advice from social networks and forums is extremely useful. Others are not useful for your health and are not recommended.

Lequel Les remèdes maison " top " ou " flop " nous allons vous le dire maintenant :

Onglets pour lave-vaisselle

It can relievethe salinity tenaciously, but it can be done under a concentrated form by you and your fathers . If you bear in mind that you are responsible for cleaning all the contents of the washer-disinfector, it will soon become clear that the washer-disinfector sleeves are not an option for cleaning your plastic or stainless-steel washer-disinfectors.

Gros sel ou riz

Elle are also considered to be a guide to initiation and are intended to eliminate the symptoms and the odors. The idea of the base is not a false one. Devenir gros sel ou grains de riz non cuits rempli et le Bouteille secouée, un nettoyage mécanique a lieu.

However, this would damage the material of all the models of gourdes. So get rid of these remèdes maison !


Vinaigre has antibacterial properties and can reliably eliminate the stains and odors of contaminated bouquets. If your bottle is full, add 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre avec de l'eau chaude Mélangez et nettoyez votre bouteille en inox avec.

Cependant, ce remède maison ne convient pas aux bouteilles en plastique ou en aluminum car le matériau peut devenir deoreux.

Nettoyant pour prothèses dentaires

In contrast to the previous versions, this one is truly versatile. With the help of these special nettoyage trays, it can be

  • Acier inoxydable-,
  • Verre-
  • et des bouteilles en plastique nettoyer sans effort.

To do this, simply rinse the water bottle and add a bottle of water. The nettoyeur de prothèses dentaires does the rest.

levure chimique

La levure chimique est également un conseil d'inité éprouvé pour les bouteilles en acier inoxydable, en verre et en aluminum. However, you do not need to use this good quality remover to clean plastic bottles.

Tous les autres modèles bénéficient de performances de nettoyage économiques et sans effort. You will need a sachet of chemical detergent per bottle, which you fill into the bottle with fresh water. It is enough to let it work and then rinse thoroughly. Complete.

Gourde en acier inoxydable de ALPIN LOACKER

Faire bouillir

For many fresh-air enthusiasts, debulking is always considered to be the best way to clean a bottle. However, all materials are not resistant to high temperatures. Plastic and glass in particular have their limits here.

Les joints en caoutchouc du couvercle ne résistent pas non plus à la méthode de désinfection. Ce remède maison n'est donc pas recommandé.

acide citrique

Just like vinaigrette, it has a germicidal effect and can cause irritation if your bottle is empty or dirty. However, you should never use pure citric acid, but rather dilute it first with water.

Puis-je nettoyer ma gourde au lave-vaisselle ?

Des bouteilles de ALPIN LOACKER tu peux le faire sans hésiter Nettoyer le lave-vaisselle. Only the bamboo cover must be cleaned on the main. For other models, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Bouteilles made of aluminum or plastic, in particular, often do not withstand high temperatures. Even the colored paints often do not pass the wash-vaisselle, because sooner or later, the paint is literally applied with this method of cleaning.

Do the bottles also need to be disinfected?

Désinfecter is often synonymous with ébullition. As you know, most water bottles do not support this high temperature. Normally, it is not even necessary to disinfect your bottle.

Seulement s'il y a de la moisissure dans Bouteille à boire est situé ou vous odeurs désagréables Si vous le remarquez, vous devriez agir.

Ici tu peux tablettes de nettoyage spéciales utiliser ou l'un des remèdes maison énumérés ci-dessus comme

  • Vinaigre,
  • acide citrique
  • ou utilisez un nettoyant pour prothèses dentaires.

Conseil d'expert : Assure-vous toutefois que votre gourde est adaptée à la méthode de nettoyage correspondante.

À quelle fréquence dois-je nettoyer ma bouteille d'eau ?

Ideally, you should clean your belt after each use. However, this is only possible to a limited extent during a hike lasting several days and, in other situations, there is often not enough time.

If you have used your bottle exclusively for the transportation of potable water, there is no need to worry about corrosion or odours. It is sufficient to clean the bottle thoroughly after use and to rinse it thoroughly every so often.

Si toi, par contre Café ou boissons sucrées Si vous l'utilisez, cela ne suffit pas. In this case, you must effectively clean your gourd thoroughly after each use toavoid bacteria and stains .

Comment sécher ma bouteille d'eau après le nettoyage ?

Après le nettoyage, vous pouvez nettoyer votre gourde avec un torchon propre. To do this, freeze one end of the chiffon and use it to clean the inside of the bottle. Alternatively, you can sécher votre gourde à l'envers in a égouttoir.

In both cases, it is important not to remove the cover until everything is completely dry and there are no more water leaks.


Depending on the model, cleaning your appliance is quick and effortless. In addition to the conventional method of cleaning with clean water and detergent, certain seasonal cleaning methods have also proven to be effective in practice. All in all

  • Levure chimique,
  • nettoyant pour prothèses dentaires,
  • Vinaigre
  • et l'acide citrique peut bien vous servir.

But always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Les bouteilles en plastique et en aluminum, en particulier, ne résistent pas à de nombreuses méthodes de nettoyage.

If you want to spend your time on something other than cleaning the bouteilles, you should put an eye on our stainless steel bouteilles. They fit into the washbasin and are therefore very easy to clean.

Conseil d'expert : In order to avoid unpleasant odors and discomfort, you can set the cap in advance. If you clean your equipment well after each use, bacteria, etc., will not stand a chance.


Why is it so important to clean the bottles regularly?

It is important to clean the water bottles regularly, as bacteria and other germs can accumulate in them. Even when we use water, the bacteria in our saline can enter the bottle and multiply.

There is also a risk of mold formation during the use of other liquids such as jus. Regular cleaning guarantees hygienic use.

Puis-je nettoyer ma gourde au lave-vaisselle ?

Pour les bouteilles de ALPIN LOACKER Il peut être nettoyé en toute sécurité au lave-vaisselle, à l'exception du couvercle en bambou, qui doit être nettoyé à la main. For other models, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Bouteilles in plastic and aluminum often do not withstand the high temperatures of the lave-vaisselle, and colored bouteilles can also be damaged by the lave-vaisselle.

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