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Wie man Merinowolle richtig wäscht - Tipps und Tricks für langlebige Kleidung
Geschäftsführer Alpin Loacker

Merino wool is a popular material for outdoor clothing and underwear because it has many excellent properties. It is temperature-regulating, moisture-wicking, odor-neutral, and extremely durable. However, caring for merino wool requires a bit more attention than conventional textiles. In this blog post, we explain how to properly wash your merino clothing so that it retains its quality for a long time.

Why is merino wool so special?

Merino wool comes from Merino sheep, a special breed that originally hails from Spain. The fibers of this wool are significantly finer and softer than conventional sheep wool. They also have a natural crimp, giving them high elasticity.

These properties make merino wool an ideal material for outdoor clothing and sports underwear. The fineness of the fibers ensures that the clothing feels very comfortable on the skin and does not itch. At the same time, the wool offers excellent protection against cold and moisture.

Another advantage is that merino wool is almost odor-neutral. The wool fibers absorb sweat odors and neutralize them. This means that merino clothing needs to be washed much less frequently than other textiles.

How do I wash merino wool properly?

Although merino wool is very durable, there are some special considerations to keep in mind when washing to maintain the quality of the fibers in the long term.


Merino wool only tolerates relatively low washing temperatures. Ideally, 30-40°C. Higher temperatures can cause the fibers to felt and the clothing to shrink.


For merino wool, you should use a mild wool detergent or delicate detergent. Regular detergents are too aggressive and can damage the fibers. Also, avoid fabric softeners, as they can impair the natural properties of the wool.

Washing program

Choose a gentle wool wash program or a delicate wash program. Avoid spinning at high speeds, as this can also damage the fibers. Instead, you should gently wring out the clothing.


It's best to let your merino clothing air dry. Avoid the dryer, as the heat can damage the fibers. If possible, you should let the clothing dry flat on a towel or drying rack.


Carefully fold your merino clothing and store it in a cool, dry place. Direct sunlight can damage the fibers over time.

How often should I wash merino wool?

Since merino wool is almost odor-neutral, you need to wash it much less often than other textiles. Generally, it's sufficient to wash merino clothing after 2-3 wears. In case of heavy soiling or sweating, you can of course wash it more often.

When washing, make sure not to leave the garments in the washing machine unnecessarily long. The shorter the wash cycle, the better for the quality of the fibers.


With the right care tips, you can keep your merino clothing in good condition for a long time. Pay attention to low washing temperatures, mild detergent, and gentle drying. This way, your merino items will remain soft, elastic, and durable.

If you follow these rules, you will enjoy your merino textiles for many years. Whether it's underwear, an outdoor jacket, or hiking socks - merino wool is a fantastic material that will reliably serve you well in all outdoor activities.