Gelegentlich braucht auch ein Rucksack eine Reinigung. Entweder weil er verschmutzt ist oder schlecht riecht. Durch die richtige Rucksack Pflege hält dein Rucksack länger und schützt den Inhalt so wie am ersten Tag des Gebrauchs.
Wichtig: Den Rucksack NIE(!) in der Waschmaschine waschen- auch nicht mit Feinwäsche oder Programmen wie Handwäsche!
Ist der Rucksack leicht verschmutzt:
- Größere Verschmutzungen außen, kannst Du mit einer Bürste entfernen. Flecken mit einem feuchten Tuch oder Schwamm bearbeiten.
- Rucksack umstülpen, so dass die innere Seite nun außen ist.
- Gut schütteln, so dass loser Schmutz wie Staub und Dreck herunter fliegen.
- Mit einem feuchten Tuch oder Schwamm gröbere Stellen abwischen.
- Den Rucksack an einem warmen Platz aufhängen und komplett trocknen lassen.
Ist der Rucksack stark verschmutzt:
- Den umgestülpten Rucksack in einer Badewanne oder Dusche abbrausen. Wer eine Badewanne hat, kann den Rucksack darin auch “baden” lassen. Du kannst dazu auch sanftes Reinigungsmittel verwenden.
- Die dreckigen Stellen mit einem Schwamm oder Tuch sanft reinigen.
- Gründlich mit Wasser ausspülen. Polsterungen wie Hüftgurt und Träger gut ausdrücken und vom Waschmittel befreien.
- Hänge den Rucksack an einem luftigen, warmen, nicht direkt Sonnenbeschienenen Platz auf und lasse ihn komplett trocknen, bevor du ihn wieder verstaust.
Hänge den geöffneten Rucksack an eine Stelle wo er gut durchtrocknen kann.
Zu guter Letzt: Verstaue Deinen Rucksack nie feucht! Lasse ihn am besten umgedreht trocknen und kontrolliere mit den Händen, ob Du noch feuchte Stellen findest.
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Waterproof backpacks - definition and guide to waterproof hiking backpacks
Do I need a waterproof backpack for the mountains? We track down this question in the following blog post. We also bring light into the dark by dealing with the terms waterproof, waterproof and water -repellent and illuminating the differences. Are you ready?
Definition of waterproof, waterproof and water -repellent
Sometimes the information for clothing and outdoor equipment such as
- waterproof,
- water resistant
- And be quite confusing water -repellent, right?
Many people are therefore wondering Which water column the optimal protection offers and the penetration of humidity can prevent. Who wants to be in the rain in the truest sense of the word?
What does waterproof mean?
The name waterproof is used for materials and clothing that offer optimal protection against moisture. They are often equipped with a membrane that successfully prevents water from penetrating. Even if you are traveling in the rain for a long time, the moisture stays outside.
Expert tip: If a backpack or clothing is described as waterproof, it must keep wet to 100 % to keep away from the inside of the backpack.
When is a backpack waterproof?
There are different classes. They are divided as follows: According to the European standard EN 343, a product with a water column from 800 mm is "waterproof (class 1 & 2)". From a water column of 1300 mm, it is considered "waterproof (class 3)", from 2000 mm "waterproof (class 4)".
What does waterproof mean?
Waterproof material, compared to waterproof fabrics, allows water - but the moisture can only penetrate after a certain time!
When is a backpack waterproof?
Waterproof, more precisely, water-resistant is a backpack if it can hold wetness, but cannot be ruled out that it will penetrate at some point. However, waterproof backpacks should normally keep the water away from the inside of the backpack for a few hours.
What does water -repellent mean?
Materials that emit the water are considered water -repellent so that it cannot penetrate. These materials usually have a special coating. The membrane ensures not to leave any wet inwards. The terms "waterproof" and "water -repellent" are often used synonymously. However, water -repellent materials are less robust than waterproof materials.
When do I need a waterproof backpack?
You should use a waterproof backpack for the following outdoor activities:
Climb: Waterproof backpacks for climbing are extremely resistant because they have to withstand the rock as long as possible. They are mainly made from truck-like tarpaulins such as TPU or similarly robust fabrics.
Biken: Most backpacks and bicycle bags are now completely waterproof. Here not only wetness from above and from the side, but also dirt and mud from the floor.
fishing: The use of a so -called so -called Drybags. The waterproof pack sack is stowed in the backpack and offers perfect protection for all electronic objects.
Canoeing: A waterproof backpack is essential when canoeing. Ideally, this is combined with a drybag. So you are washed with all water.
Hike: You should not only be prepared on several days of hikes at any time. The weather can also change unexpectedly on day tours. A backpack with an integrated rain cover is therefore the ideal companion for all hiking friends.
If necessary, this can easily be put over the backpack and thus protect your equipment from moisture.
With these two aids you can make a backpack waterproof
- Waterproof or waterproof materials, if they do not consist of 100 % waterproof material, are often made waterproof by impregnation.
- Take aRain cover for the backpack if you cannot be sure regarding the weather course. Rain covers for hiking backpacks are available in different sizes. Occasionally, a rain cover is already installed in the backpack. Then this is often in the lower part - in the bottom of the backpack.
Whether you need a waterproof backpack always depends on your area of application. If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors and do not shy "bad" weather, you are with one waterproof backpack well advised.
In order to optimally protect your cell phone and the like, we recommend the additional use of a drypack if you stay out and outdoors outdoors. In size L this weighs just 25 g and guarantees you 100 percent waterproofness.
What does not mean waterproof in shoes?
If shoes are declared as a not waterproof, they do not offer you wet protection. If you run over a wet meadow with these models, your feet are guaranteed to be wet. Incidentally, this also applies to tours in rainy weather.
Is weatherproof also waterproof?
The term "weatherproof" is mainly used for garden furniture. But you probably know the saying: "There is no bad weather, just bad clothes." The vernacular refers to waterproof tissue, which is colloquially referred to as "weatherproof". However, the correct name was "waterproof."
Would you like to know more about hiking backpacks?