Green Friday - Fundraiser - Nepalhilfe Kulung
Green Friday: 15 percent discount for you and 15 percent of the proceeds to the Nepalhilfe Kulgung TheBlack Friday stands at the door, a retail sales event, which focuses on discounts and is supposed to stimulate...
Isomatten Ratgeber. Which sleeping pad is recommended?
As with everything in life, there are big differences when it comes to sleeping pads. In addition to quality, other criteria also play a major role when purchasing. Because choosing the right model always depends...
Use the rescue blanket correctly " Which side for what? ✓
Hopefully, you carry it around in your backpack for years or even your entire mountain life, you always have it with you and yet you fervently hope that you will never have to use it...
Everything you need to know about hut sleeping bags and ticking!
Whether you are a passionate hiker, backpacker or pilgrim, a hut sleeping bag is part of the basic equipment for a comfortable overnight stay in huts, hostels or youth hostels. However, the lightweight and compact...
Gaiters for hiking
Would you like to enjoy the luxury of dry feet in rain and snow? But heavy and bulky shoes are out of the question for you? Then hiking gaiters are the ultimate solution. They offer...
Sleep outside" equipment, tips and tricks ✓
Sleeping outside is the epitome of freedom for most people. No wonder! After all, we feel especially close to nature here. The head becomes free. The often stressful everyday life falls away from us and...
Greenspark Project
We look forward to telling you that the ALPIN LOACKER GmbH of the organizationGreenspark connected to ensure that we have a positive impact on our planet and its people. Your orders will not only compensate...