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December 5, 2022

Care instructions: the right way to clean your backpack

How do I "wash" my backpack?

Backpack care, backpack washing, how do I wash a backpack?

Occasionally, even a rucksack needs cleaning. Either because it is dirty or smells bad. With the right backpack care, your backpack will last longer and protect the contents as it did on the first day of use.  

Important: NEVER(!) wash the backpack in the washing machine - not even on delicate wash or hand wash programs!

If the backpack is slightly soiled:

  • Larger soiling on the outside can be removed with a brush. Treat stains with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Turn the backpack inside out so that the inner side is now on the outside.
  • Shake well so that loose dirt such as dust and grime fly off. 
  • Wipe off rough spots with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Hang the rucksack in a warm place and leave to dry completely. 

If the rucksack is very dirty: 

  • Rinse the upturned rucksack in a bath or shower. If you have a bathtub, you can also "bathe" the backpack in it. You can also use a gentle detergent. 
  • Gently clean the dirty areas with a sponge or cloth. 
  • Rinse thoroughly with water. Squeeze out the padding such as the hip belt and shoulder straps and remove the detergent.
  • Hang the rucksack in an airy, warm place out of direct sunlight and allow it to dry completely before stowing it away again. 
Backpack care, backpack drying

Hang the opened backpack in a place where it can dry thoroughly. 

Last but not least: never store your rucksack damp! It's best to leave it upside down to dry and check with your hands to see if there are any damp spots. 

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Waterproof backpacks - definition and guide to waterproof hiking backpacks

Do I need a waterproof backpack for the mountains? We will explore this question in the following blog post. We'll also shed some light on the terms waterproof, water-resistant and water-repellent and explain the differences between them. Are you ready? 

Definition of waterproof, water-resistant and water-repellent

Sometimes the specifications for clothing and outdoor equipment such as 

  • waterproof, 
  • waterproof 
  • and water-repellent can be quite confusing, right? 

When is a backpack waterproof, water-resistant or water-repellent?

Many people therefore rightly ask themselves which water column offers optimum protection and can prevent moisture from penetrating. Who wants to stand in the rain in the truest sense of the word?

What does waterproof mean?

The term waterproof is used for materials and clothing that offer optimum protection against moisture. They are often equipped with a membrane that successfully prevents water from penetrating. Even if you are out in the rain for a long time, the moisture stays outside. 

Expert tip: If a rucksack or clothing is described as waterproof, it must keep 100% of the moisture out of the inside of the rucksack.

When is a backpack waterproof? 

There are different classes. They are classified as follows: According to the European standard EN 343, a product with a water column of 800 mm or more is "waterproof (class 1&2)". From a water column of 1300 mm it is considered "waterproof (class 3)", from 2000 mm "waterproof (class 4)". 

What does waterproof mean?

In comparison to waterproof fabrics, waterproof material lets water through - BUT the moisture can only penetrate after a certain time!

When is a backpack waterproof?

A backpack is waterproof, or more precisely water-resistant, if it can keep out moisture but it cannot be ruled out that it will penetrate at some point. However, water-resistant backpacks should normally keep water out of the inside of the backpack for a few hours. 

What does water-repellent mean?

Materials that repel water so that it cannot penetrate are considered water-repellent. These materials usually have a special coating. The membrane ensures that no moisture can get inside. The terms "waterproof" and "water-repellent" are often used interchangeably. However, water-repellent materials are less robust than waterproof materials. 

When do I need a waterproof backpack?

You should use a waterproof rucksack for the following outdoor activities:

Climbing: Waterproof backpacks for climbing are extremely durable because they have to withstand the rock for as long as possible. They are mainly made from truck-like tarpaulins such as TPU or similarly robust materials. 

Biking: Most rucksacks and bike bags are now completely waterproof. There is not only the threat of moisture from above and from the side, but also dirt and mud from the ground.

Fishing: Particularly popular with most anglers is the use of a so-called drybag. The waterproof drybag is stowed in the rucksack and offers perfect protection for all electronic items.

Canoeing: A waterproof rucksack is essential for canoeing. Ideally, this should be combined with a drybag. That way, you'll be fully waterproof. 

Hiking: It's not just on hikes lasting several days that you should be prepared at all times. The weather can also change unexpectedly on day trips. A rucksack with an integrated rain cover is therefore the ideal companion for all hiking enthusiasts.

If necessary, this can simply be slipped over the backpack to protect your equipment from getting wet. 

You can make a backpack waterproof with these two tools

  1. Waterproof or water-resistant materials are often made waterproof by impregnation if they are not made of 100% waterproof material.

    Impregnate backpack
  2. Take one Rain cover for your rucksack if you are not sure about the weather. Rain covers for hiking rucksacks are available in different sizes. Sometimes a rain cover is already built into the backpack. In this case, it is often located in the lower part - the bottom of the rucksack.

    Use a rain cover for your rucksack


Whether you need a waterproof backpack always depends on your area of use. If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors and are not afraid of "bad" weather, a waterproof backpack is the right choice for you .

To provide optimum protection for your cell phone and other items, we recommend using an additional dry pack in heavy rain and when spending long periods outdoors. This weighs just 25 g in size L and guarantees 100% waterproofness.


What does not waterproof mean for shoes?

If shoes are not declared as waterproof, they do not offer you any protection against moisture. If you walk across a wet meadow in these models, your feet are guaranteed to be soaking wet afterwards. This also applies to tours in rainy weather.

Is weatherproof also waterproof?

The term "weatherproof" is mainly used for garden furniture. But you've probably heard the saying: "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing." The vernacular here refers to waterproof fabric, which is colloquially referred to as "weatherproof". However, the correct term is "waterproof".

Want to know more about hiking rucksacks?

A man looks at an outdoor backpack, suitable for outdoor activities such as hiking, in line with Alpinloacker's range.