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CUSTOMER CHAMPION 2021/22 by the ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien mbH

Best products - Outdoor Test

best outdoor products

We are very pleased that Alpin Loacker has been recognized by Marken-Monitor Austria: CUSTOMER CHAMPION 2021/22 and was very successful with fourth place. Below you can read who the ÖGVS is and how the results came about. The study has three different scores - customer satisfaction, quality and value for money.

Who is the ÖGVS?

As an independent research institute, ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien mbH has set itself the task of providing consumers with empirically based and objective industry studies to make it easier for end customers to choose products or services.

ÖGVS operates completely neutrally: it does not receive any government funding, does not work on behalf of third parties and does not sell any products or services itself, either on its own account or as a co-provider.

The methodology of the study The "Marken-Monitor Austria: KUNDEN-CHAMPION 2021/22" study is an online survey. Consumers between the ages of 18 and 79, with a gender distribution of 51.03% female and 48.97% male, were asked about their experiences with various brands. The study was conducted from July 2021 to August 2021.

The selection of the product segments surveyed and the brands included were based on research by ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien. The study was entirely self-initiated and without the involvement of the companies surveyed.

A total of 183,545 customer opinions on 842 brands from 84 product segments were included in the survey. In principle, only brands for which at least 100 ratings per survey item were submitted were taken into account. In individual product segments with a low incidence rate, the number of samples may be slightly lower, but in no case lower than 50.

Customers were asked the following questions:

Customer satisfaction: How satisfied are you as a customer/consumer with the following brand in the [xyz] segment?

Quality: How do you rate the quality of the products of the following brand in the [xyz] segment?

Price-performance ratio: How do you rate the performance of the brand in relation to the price demanded in the [xyz] segment?

Brand Monitor Austria

Alpin Loacker - Premium 100% BIO Merino long sleeve shirt 230g/m2 for men

4th place for Alpin Loacker in the outdoor clothing segment in the price-performance ratio category

With a score of 7.02, Alpin Loacker achieved an excellent 4th place in the price-performance ratio category. Alpin Loacker is therefore one of the lucky award winners and is well ahead of other major brands. In comparison: the Engelbert Strauss brand achieved first place with a score of 7.19.

Value for money is the price-performance ratio of a product, i.e. the relationship between the financial outlay and the service received in return.

Alpin Loacker OEGVS Outdoor Clothing Ladies Shirt
Merino jacket Merino wool jacket
OEGVS Outdoor clothing

Complete ALPIN LOACKER outdoor clothing

Comment (on the seal)
It is very important to us that our products are accessible to many people. This is a question of production costs, sustainability, demand and sales price. We try to find a balance where our products are affordable without compromising on quality. This is often a balancing act and we balance as best we can. We learn from our mistakes and continue to develop our products. The ÖGVS seal encourages us in what we do and we very much hope that its award will give even more people confidence in our products.

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