Alpin Loacker Outdoor Online Shop from Austria. Everything for your mountain friends

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We are very proud to have been recognized by two institutions in 2021:

1. Vorarlberg's best small and medium-sized enterprises SME 2021
2. CUSTOMER CHAMPION 2021/22 ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien mbH

Alpine Loacker Awards

Small and medium-sized enterprises 2021

1st Vorarlberg's best small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs 2021

KMU Forschung Austria is committed to scientific integrity. Objectivity, diversity of methods and orientation towards scientific standards are the cornerstones of the institute's research activities. An essential prerequisite for this is the independence of the institute from vested interests.

You can find more information on SME research here.

The most important aspects highlighted by the KMU during the award ceremony:
High willingness to innovate
Cohesion of a family business
Employee loyalty
Innovation through digitalization
Especially for very small companies: Partnerships and cooperation
Circular economy and sustainability (raw materials, transportation)

The SMEs' reason why Alpin Loacker was recognized: "Alpin Loacker is a modern company that has managed the balancing act between brick-and-mortar and online retail. The company has also developed its own product line in which sustainability plays a very important role."

2nd CUSTOMER CHAMPION 2021/22 ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien mbH

As an independent research institute, ÖGVS Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien mbH has set itself the task of providing consumers with empirically based and objective industry studies in order to make it easier for end customers to select products or services.

The ÖGVS operates completely neutrally: it does not receive any government funding, does not work on behalf of third parties and does not sell any products or services itself, either on its own account or as a co-provider.

You can find more information about the ÖGVS here.

Dhe methodology of the study
The "Marken-Monitor Austria: KUNDEN-CHAMPION 2021/22" study is an online survey. Consumers between the ages of 18 and 79, with a gender distribution of 51.03% female and 48.97% male, were asked about their experiences with various brands. The study was conducted from July 2021 to August 2021.

The selection of the product segments examined and the brands included are based on research by ÖGVS - Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien. The study was entirely self-initiated and without the involvement of the companies studied.

Consumer prize 4th place

4th place Outdoor clothing Price-performance ratio

Fourth place for Alpin Loacker in the outdoor clothing segment in the price-performance ratio category. With a score of 7.02, Alpin Loacker achieved an excellent 4th place in the price-performance ratio category. Alpin Loacker is therefore one of the lucky award winners and is well ahead of other major brands. In comparison: the Engelbert Strauss brand achieved first place with a score of 7.19.

Also read the blog article: Best Products - Outdoor Test

Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag for extreme temperatures, compact and lightweight, ideal for winter camping and trekking. High-quality insulation with DownTek™ down filling.
A man sleeps in the Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag on snow, ideal for outdoor adventures in extreme temperatures.
A man lies in the Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag in a tent, ideal for outdoor adventures in extreme temperatures.
Person holds the Alpin Loacker Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag, ideal for cold temperatures and outdoor adventures, lightweight and compact for backpacking.
Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag for extreme temperatures, compact and lightweight, ideal for winter camping and trekking. High-quality insulation with DownTek™ down filling.
A man sleeps in the Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag on snow, ideal for outdoor adventures in extreme temperatures.
A man lies in the Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag in a tent, ideal for outdoor adventures in extreme temperatures.
Person holds the Alpin Loacker Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag, ideal for cold temperatures and outdoor adventures, lightweight and compact for backpacking.

Down Pro 4 Seasons Sacco a pelo


Con il Alpin Loacker Sacco a pelo in piuma Down Pro 4 stagioni il freddo e il gelo appartengono al passato! Questo sacco a pelo di alta qualità, pronto per l'inverno, vi terrà al caldo e al riparo, anche a temperature estreme e sulle vette del trekking ad alta quota. Il taglio generoso sacco a pelo invernale offre la massima protezione termica senza sacrificare la leggerezza e le dimensioni compatte dello zaino. È versatile e ideale per il backpacking, il campeggio invernale e le spedizioni nei climi più freddi.

Grazie al moderno imbottitura in piuma d'oca DownTekcompletamentepriva di PFC, il sacco a pelo rimane asciutto fino al 50% in più in condizioni di umidità e mantiene le sue proprietà isolanti anche a basse temperature. Con una gamma di comfort fino a -10°C e limite di comfort di -15°C, questo sacco a pelo in piuma offre una protezione e un calore eccezionali per tutte le stagioni, perfetto per gli avventurieri all'aperto e gli amanti della natura.

Leggero, compatto e sostenibileIlDown Pro 4 è realizzato con materiali riciclati. nylon ripstop 20D idrorepellente e resistente. Nonostante le sue eccellenti prestazioni isolanti, può essere arrotolato e pesa solo circa 1,5 kg, a seconda della taglia, per cui può essere comodamente inserito in qualsiasi zaino ed è un must di ogni tour.

Dettagli del prodotto:

  • Temperatura di comfort: -10°C | Limite di comfort: -15°C - ideal per le notti fredde nella natura
  • Riempimento1000g di piuma DownTek™ (FP750 Fill Power, 90/10 piuma d'anatra bianca), certificata RDS per l'origine sostenibile
  • Materiale100%nylon ripstop 20D riciclato e idrorepellente
  • Dimensione della confezioneCompatto, si arrotola in soli 23 cm x 32 cm e si inserisce facilmente in qualsiasi zaino.
  • PesoLeggero- solo 1.620 g (versione da 195 cm), 1.520 g (versione da 170 cm) senza sacca di contenimento
  • Dimensioni:
    • Versione lunga215cm di lunghezza, 80 cm di area del torace, 50 cm di area dei piedi
    • Versione corta195cm di lunghezza, 80 cm di torace, 50 cm di piedi
  • Prestazioni elevate in condizioni estremeTestatoin pratica sulle Alpi austriache fino a -10°C e utilizzato comodamente in condizioni di cielo sereno.
  • Cerniera sinistra: Ideale per i destrimani per aprire e chiudere il sacco a pelo in tutta comodità

Per chi è il Alpin Loacker Down Pro 4?
Il sacco a pelo Down Pro 4 è la scelta perfetta per chi viaggia in montagna o a temperature più rigide e cerca la massima qualità e comfort. Con questo sacco a pelo invernale leggero e compatto, potrete dormire comodamente ovunque e sarete sempre ben protetti dalle intemperie.